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Icelanders! Roll Out
Karma: 102/11
1514 Posts

Mutants & Masterminds 2nd Ed.

You spider-sense is tingling! It's time to get to the Batcave and wear your brieves over your pants! It's time to be a superhero!

I may be crazy, trying to recruit for two games at the same time, not to mention with exams and essay-turn-in dates soon to be coming up, but I believe myself to be a mentally healthy young man.

Anyone heard of Mutants & Masterminds? It's a game about heroes and villains. The second edition, which this particular game that I'm currently recruiting for uses, is published by Green Ronin (I'm not sure about the 1st edition so I won't say anything). It uses d20 rules, but with some minor (you buy Attack and Defense bonuses) and major changes (no classes and no hit points). For me at least, this is a lot of fun.

I haven't decided anything except for the game's starting power-level. I did this because I want to know what kind of game you like to play. The setting is the most important one and there are some things about the setting that needs to be decided, such as how common a superhero is in the setting, where the powers come from, are there any special "hero" orginizations, and so on.

Here are some options:
Lethality: Do you want the game to be possibly lethal to you or completely without the possibility of anyone dying?
-Golden Age (1930): with Pulp Heroes, Mystery Men, the World War II and the Super-Gap.
-Silver Age (1960): with Lightheartedness, the Cold War, the Atomic Age, Second-Gen Supers, Fantastic Frontiers and lots of Villainous Gloating.
-Bronze Age (1970): with Human Heroes, Social Issues and supers based on Fads & Fashion (Disco-Man).
-Iron Age (1990): with Shades of Gray, Black Ops, lotsa Guns, Leather & Latex, Ninjas, Lone Wolves and more Realistic Powers.
-Modern Age (2000): with Sense of History, Sense of Wonder and Sense of Purpose.
Origins: where do the powers come from? Are they
-from the Gods
-or all of the above?
Cosmology: how big is the world?
-only Earth
-Alternate Earth
-Space and Galaxy
-Multiple Earths
-A Multiverse
-All of the above
Numbers: how common are the supers?
-Only you
-Handful (50-100)
-Many (500-1000)
-Great number (1% of human population)
-Half of human population
-Everyone has a power
Organization: what kind of organization would you like to belong to? What organization exists?
-None. It's only the group
-Military project
-School for supers
-(Experimental) community for supers

The list is nowhere near exhausting, but I think this is all that needs to be decided. I made this list because I want the players involved. If there's anything you're interested in but is not on the list, feel free to add it into the mix. If no one cares one way or the other, I guess I will make all the choices at the end of the week. I may do it randomly, I may not, but I will do it either way.

Interest? Questions? Pointless ramble about today's economy?

EDIT: Totally forgot to mention that I'm planning on making this a Powerlevel 10 game.

Posted on 2008-12-03 at 13:37:32.
Edited on 2008-12-03 at 15:40:55 by Skari-dono

The Tired
RDI Staff
Karma: 291/33
6348 Posts


Superhero RPG. Ooooooo. Must resist the call of the tights....

I played a superhero RPG called Champions (I think) back in the early ...well a long time ago. I'm a sucker for Iron age leather and lingerie style. We were playing a sorta "Watchman/X-men" crossover style.

Anyway, I will look forward to lurking on this, but I don't think the tights will fit me anymore.

Posted on 2008-12-03 at 13:49:54.

Icelanders! Roll Out
Karma: 102/11
1514 Posts


The tights always fit, my friend. The tights always fit

Posted on 2008-12-03 at 13:56:38.

Fun is Mandatory
RDI Staff
Karma: 378/54
7163 Posts

talk about fun

This will be a blast to lurk in. If I wasn't so darned behind in every game I'm a part of, I'd be sorely tempted!

Posted on 2008-12-03 at 14:31:49.

Icelanders! Roll Out
Karma: 102/11
1514 Posts


Good to know there's lurking-interest

Posted on 2008-12-03 at 15:38:55.

RDI Staff
Karma: 357/190
6192 Posts


You seriously start the best games. That said I'm too far behind to join them. But I too will be watching. And hopefully in January I'll have time and you'll have room to admit me.

Posted on 2008-12-03 at 16:32:21.

Facelick Squeegee
Karma: 37/7
401 Posts

Very Solid and Very Interesting

God this is intriguing! Will definitely read it over more carefully and think about it!!! Thanks for putting a kicking game up though

Posted on 2008-12-03 at 18:06:25.

The Tired
RDI Staff
Karma: 291/33
6348 Posts

Evil villian here

Aren't we all being a bit evil here? I mean, Skari-dono posts for recruitment for a superhero game and we all post with "That's cool. I'm not going to play but it is cool."

I feel guilty because I started it.

Posted on 2008-12-03 at 19:49:41.

Icelanders! Roll Out
Karma: 102/11
1514 Posts

No worries

I have one interested player who PMed me but he/she doesn't know the system yet.

But yeah... hate you

EDIT: By the way, still waiting for someone to say what kind of game he/she would like. That is still open for discussion.

Posted on 2008-12-03 at 19:56:03.
Edited on 2008-12-03 at 20:09:36 by Skari-dono

Not Dragon Mistress
Karma: 105/32
2282 Posts

Some thoughts

Hmmm I don't know? Could you give me just a few more possible choices.


Perhaps you might indicate what age you would like best to DM. I played Champions before, a little bit, years ago. We played street level superheros it was kinda of neat. I made another superhero called her aurora she got her "super powers from he sun, stars, lights wherever. Darkness was the pits for her though.

One things I am not sure about is that when things get to super powered, reality is kind of lost and everyone tries to out do everyone else and role playing gets kinds of lost. I would thinks if characters were more like the Heroes series, they are mutants or gifted by gods, or aliens, or half aliens and or technology based and they each have a power or tow and by working together they can get things done.

Posted on 2008-12-03 at 23:14:48.

Icelanders! Roll Out
Karma: 102/11
1514 Posts


Hey, if you want more options then go ahead and add them. I don't mind

We could do a "School for the Gifted" scenario where the characters are all students. We could do the standard and have all the characters be between 20 and 40 (or 50). We could even do an "Aged Superhero" scenarion where the characters are very old supers living in a retirement home.

If you have an idea, share it. Let us judge it afterwards

Want an idea? Here's what I've been thinking about doing if nobody minds one way or the other:

Modern Age but rather lighthearted. Sorta like a mix between Modern and Silver Age if you will.
Multiversed, multi-dimensional, parallel Earths, endless space. Enough room for ANYTHING!
Any kind of origin. You could be an alien, mutant, genius, elven archer from Waterdeep, it won't matter.
Supers would count in hundreds of thousands, enough to cause serious changes to society as we know it. Yet, only few have the training and the skill to make actual use of their powers.
Like I said, society would have suffered some serious changes. This would include things like special schools, special prisons, even experimental towns that will only house supers.
Characters can get seriously hurt and even die, but death won't necessarily be the end. With multiverses, parallel Earths, and every kind of powers there is, there is always the chance that a dead character returns.
This is all subject to changes, of course.

Posted on 2008-12-04 at 00:22:14.
Edited on 2008-12-04 at 00:35:04 by Skari-dono

RDI Staff
Karma: 357/190
6192 Posts

Screw it

You find me a ruleset and I'm in. Lack of time be damned.

It just looks too damn fun.

Posted on 2008-12-04 at 00:56:23.

Not Dragon Mistress
Karma: 105/32
2282 Posts

And so on

I was being facetious about needing more options

Posted on 2008-12-04 at 01:10:49.

RDI Staff
Karma: 357/190
6192 Posts

Done and done

I now have the book. I am so in.


Posted on 2008-12-04 at 02:22:59.

Facelick Squeegee
Karma: 37/7
401 Posts

Okay Then

I will join, I just dropped a PM for you Skari and should have a character in the next couple weeks, if that's too long to wait then possibly I would be able to jump in mid stride? I just REALLY want to do this!

Posted on 2008-12-04 at 04:17:16.

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