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Archipelago Q&A

Q&A for the Archipelago Free Form RPG here.


Posted on 2008-12-29 at 07:41:49.
Edited on 2009-01-30 at 03:10:45 by Grugg

RDI Fixture
Karma: 19/23
1099 Posts

Lets get into it then....

Since my first post wasnt excactly informative, I decided I'd cook up this not so short article of extreme detail on the world in which my book takes place. Lets begin shall we:


CONTINENT: Trinoria (Try-nor-e-uh)

The countries and their cities will be listed below in great detail.

Burvan legend says that the great Jala Mts.(Jah-lah) in which the heart of the country is settled were carved out of the very bedrock by the Earth God, Goranzulus (Gore-ran-zoo-lus). This legend led the Burvans to worship this God as their primary diety. The Burvans are strong users of the Earth Magics, and more advanced Earth Mages can bend the earth that they use into metals and alloys. Burvans are an extremely slow bunch to re-act. One of the causes of this is the philosphy of Earth Magic. Earth has a "resiliant" energy, but also exudes a "slow" energy. This makes the Burvans somewhat slow to re-act to world events.

Burvans are strong on tradition, and don't conform to new environments and behaviors well. A famous Burvan warrior tradition still stands to this day, and has been adopted by several other countries. When a warrior is wounded in battle, he cuts his hair, signifying truama, as most Burvans have very long hair. And blood or scratches on his armor or weapons are to left for ten days. This tradition pays tribute to the Earth God Goranzulus for sparing the warriors life.

Most Burvans are mighty weilders of the axe, but several Burvan warrior castes weild swords and lances with great efficiancy. A Burvan weilding a bow is almost unheard of, as they find the prospect of killing a foe who has no chance to fight back cowardice. This leads the majority of Burvans to a great hatred to the Elevera Kingdom (Eh-luh-veer-uh), as the primary weapons for this country are long range.

Nivor: (Nye-voor) Nivor is the Burvan capital city. It is the fourth largest city in Trinoria. It sits in the heart of the Jala Mts. and impregnible naturl barrier. As if the Mountains were not enough, the city is encircled by five walls of increasing thickness as one nears the city. The city has never been invaded, captured, or gotten anywhere near of by any army ever.

Esherilia: (Esh-er-ril-le-uh) A small city in the northern Jalas that serves as a trading route between Burva and the two countires north of it. The city has only been occupied once, but was swiftly retaken by the Burvan Army. An extensive sercret tennel system leads to Nivor from this city.

Kichika: (Ki-chee-kuh) A city much like Esherilia in the southern Jalas. It serves a trade city for the three countires below the Burva Kingdom. It has been occupied twice, and only once was it forcebly retaken.

Ruanor: (Roo-uh-nore) This city sits just outside the Jala Mts. on the western side. It dominates the pass between the Jala and Birgar (Bry-Gar) Mts. It is a stronghold much like Nivor, outfitted with two keeps and a large moat around the cities outer wall.

Orvar: (Ore-Var) Just north of Ruanor, Orvar sits on the boarder between the Ruanor Pass and the great tundra Vigrava (Vee-gra-vuh). It is home to countless Earth Mages, and houses the largest school of Earth magic in Trinoria.

ELEVERA KINGDOM (Eh-luh-veer-uh)

The Elevera Kingdom is the oldest Kingdom in Trinoria, and it houses the third and second largest cities. The Elevera Kingdom occupies the Great Wood, a massive old growth forest that covers the entire south-eastern portion of Trinoria. It is believed the Nature God Nazarath (Na-zuh-rath) planted each tree and fern with care, thus causing the Eleverans to worship Nazarath as their primary diety. Eleverans, much unlike their Burvan counterparts, are rather quick to make decisions, but not so keen on battle.

Eleverans embrace change, going with the philosphy of ever changing nature. They are always welcoming new ideas and inventions, and many of Trinorias smartest scholars hail from Eleveras wooded boarders.

Emeras Citello: (Eh-mer-rus) (Si-te-low) Translated to Emerald City, Emeras Citello is a megatropolis that dominates a large island to the east of the mainland. Emerald City is rightly named because of the overhwelming presence of the color green. The water is a rich a emerald green, the island is a forest itself, and even the cities building and castle are a green hue. Emerald Castle is the primary seat of power. The glorious structure glows at the top of the island, up a steep hill from the city proper. Emeras Island has a large bay where the Royal Fleet is housed.

Haycarjac: (Hey-car-jase) Haycarjac is the third largets city in Trinoria, just under Emeras Citello. It is Trinorias primary port and trading hub. Countless merchant ships are docked at the harbor at all times, bringing and taking goods. The city is laid out in a unique U shape. The bottom of the U touches the sea. In the center of the U is a large open feild used for the largest swap meet in Trinoria. Absolutley anything and everything from the magical to the mundane can be bought at the swap meet, which takes place during the Autum months. Its runs all Autum, celebrating the Eleveran holiday of Hasharune (Hash-uh-rune).

Ortel: (Ore-tell) A small fishing center just south of Haycarjac along the Eleveran coatline. This city houses the second largest temple to Nazarath in Trinoria. It is also Trinorias cheif export of Swift Fish and Thorned Crab.

Ygarv: (Garve) A small village along the banks of the Vala Rivers sounthern tributary. Ygarv is a popular tourist attarction because of its famous inn and pub. The Greenfist inn is home to worlds most intoxicating mead, garanteed to incapciate you in just one round. No-one knows the secret, but the pub is often filled with drunken morons and is prone to violent bar fights often ending in several deaths.

Debralia: (Deh-brawl-yuh) Debralia is home to the largest acdemy for the arts and learnings in Trinoria. Brilliant shcolars and artists hail from this city. Aside from the academt the town is rather unextrodinary.

HMERAL KINGDOM: (Mare-ull) The Hmeralian idea that their country was carved out by the mighty ice diety Intangu (In-ton-goo) led them to practice the ways of Ice magic. The Hmeralins are a diplomatic people, fearing conflict because of their lack of natural resources and major settlements. Three of their four cities lay in the heart of the tundra Vigrava. When are forced into battle, the Hmeralian Army is no pushover however. Due to its reletivley small size, they have mastered hit and run tactics, as well as using terrain to their advantage. This is the reason they have fared so well against hostile countries. Surprisingly they have the largest country. It spans over 3/4 of the Vigrava and encoumpases the whole of the Brigar Mts.

The Hmeralian government depends on foreign imports from its warmer cousins to sustain is populace,makingreatest weakness a blockade of any of its cities, which all but one are located on the coast. The Hmeralins know this, and using thier only unique natural resouce, Gold, they pay many mercanry warbands and pirate fleets to guard thier major settlements. Although this may be the Hmeralians main weakness, it is not easily exploited due to the icy waters and dangerous storms that frequent the Hmeralian coastline.

Cliav: (Kli-ave) The Hmeralain capital of Cliac is loacted in the Seygor (Say-gore) River Valley, a large valley that splits the Brigar Mts. into a northern and southern half. It is Trinorias fifth largest city. Its keep is tucked away in the mountainside, amking invasion very difficult. The Cliavian Royalty and local military enlist the help of Ice Dragons to defend the city, amking it a dngerous place for hostile adventueres.

Xychlon: (Zy-clon) Just north of Cliac, in the southern reaches of the Vigravan coastline is Xychlon. This city has a massive harbor, because it is the southermost port in Hmeralian territory, this being the least dangerous to reach. The Hmeralian government has enlisted the aide of the fearsome pirate band known as the Black Hand to defend the cities harbor.

Lizgra: (Liz-gruh) This city lies on an island in the northern most reaches of the Vigrava. The frigid cold, turbulent seas and biting storms have repelled any atttempt to invade Lizgra. Only the most hardy and cold tolerant people can ahil from Lizgra, making it the home of the Ice Academy, a school for the Ice Magics.

Ivor: (Eye-voor) Ivor is just across the channel from Lizgra. It is a large walled city built to keep blizzards and chilling winds out of its heart.

SCHLECTA EMPIRE: (Skuh-lek-tuh) The Schlecan empire is a frozen wasteland shoved mercilessly onto a tiny peninsula at the very north eastern end of Trinoria. It boarders the Burvan Kingdoms northenmost reaches. The Schlectans hate everyone. Sometimes even themselves. They are embarassed of their pitiful nation and their pitiful political skills. They have a mighty army however. As followers of the dark God Norul (Nore-ool) they have mastered Shadow Magic, and are able to copy the basic spells of other nations. Every soldiers in the Schlectan army is taught Magic, Swordmanship, Archery, Horsesmanship and how to ride a Draugen. Draugens (Draw-gun) are terrifying batlike creatures that are associated with an lement. They are the primary mount of Schlectan troops.

The Schlecta Empire also emplys Orcs, Trolls, and occasional Giant in its ranks, and is the only Trinorian force to do so.

Obsidian Tower: The Obsidian Tower is the Capital building of the Schlecta Empire. There is no city around it, just a military complex. It is tucked away on the souther tip of the Larr Mts. (Lar) Eastern side.

Ozkibar: (Oz-Ki-Bar) Ozkibar is the countries only city. It somehwhat small and is a ses-pool for crime, murder andbountry hunters.

SIPHRA REPUBLIC: (Sip-ruh) The Siprha Republic is the south-western most country in Trinoria. It is home to blue skys, blue rivers, and blue seas, along with the mighty Lake Horlest (Jore-lest). The Siprhan godess of Xzylasta (zy-last-uh) caused the inhabitants of this watery land to partice none other than water magic. They have the mightiest fleet in Trinoria, a fleet that dwarfs all others. Their country is dominated by the two wettest features in Trinoria. Lake Horlest and the Flooded Plains. The Flooded Plains are centered around the Priforgra (Pre-for-gra) River, which runs right down the peninsula and through the countries captial.

Sipran Citello: (Se-pran) (Si-tel-ow) The capital of Sapphire City is disected by the azure blue of the Priforgra River. Sapphire Castle is a two sided structure that sits in the cities center on either side of the river. A central bridge connects the two. The city is filled with ponds, lakes, and fountans. It even houses an underground cave with a fantastic waterfall and crytal clear pond.

Alabast: (Aluh-bast) A center R&R, Alabast is a seaside resort deep in the Drigonia (Dry-gone-e-uh) Bay. The shining water and glorious ocean sunsets lure many to its coast, but its not a pleasent place to live permanently. Many muggers and theives roam the streets at night, some even in broad daylight. A powerful crime syndicate rules the city. Its boss witholds information on almost every villain, baddie and crooked wisecracker in Trinoria.

Ionia: (I-oh-nia) A pleasent town south of the Flooded Plains, Ionia is home to some of the most glorious meadows in Trinoria. Wildflowers abound here all year long, and it is perpetulally spring.

Jvor: (Vor) Jvor is an island city off the coast from Sipran Citello. It is a popular recreational fishing area, but its waters are not all so peaceful. Rumor has it that a dark Dragon is seen at night soaring under the turbelent waves into a secret lair, but most of the sightings have been scoffed at.

Fort Aurour: (Uh-roo-or) This fort is on the island of Aurouras in the center of Lake Horlest. It is an inpregnible fortress that guards the most secret and sacred place in Trinoria.

TLYVARY KINGDOM: (Tuh-lie-vuh-ree) Tlyvary Kingdom is currently the most powerful and influential force in Trinoria. The country spans the entire equatorial swath of Trinorias center, encompassing the Dragon Peaks, the Orvegra (Ore-va-gruh) Desert and the source of the mighty Vala (Va-luh) River. Tarsonis, God of Fire, is the primary diety of this fiesty country. Once the smallest most unrecognized nation, Tlyvary used economical monopoly, military genius and firm but just democratic leadership to become the thrid largest and most influential force on the continent. Tlyvary exports countless ores from the Dragon mountains, has the largest city on the entire planet, is home to countless tourist and other economicaly boosting attractions, and is as peaceful as can be.

Tlyvary currently has a treaty of peace with every country on the continent, and openly exports to all of them, even the Schlecta Empire, who hate Tlyvary fiercley. Tlyvarys dominating location as the central country in Trinoria, and the fact that it spans the entire width of the continent, make it a military and economic dream. No travelers can avoid passing through Tlyvarian territory when moving from north to south or vice-versa.

Rhoste Citello: (Ros-tay) (Si-tel-ow) Ruby City is the largest, most magnificent city in Trinoria. It lies in the very center of the Tlyvarian Equatorial Plain, surrounded by flat ground for miles. The city is sorrounded on all sides by the mighty mile wide Vala River, a turbulent rich blue torrent of water. The city sits on the only hill for miles upon miles around. All of its buildings are a glistening white with vibrant red roofs. It gained the name "City of Hope" or "City of Angels" from its pearly appearence.
Ruby city is also home to the most impressive architectural feat in Trinoria. Ruby Castle sits at the apex of the hill upom which the city is built. On side overlooks a steep cliff into the central sqaure of the city, the other side is a gental slope down to the river. The castle is a vibrant white, much like the city around it, but seems to gleam even brighter in the sun. The red roofs and towers of the bulding all wave the Tlyvarian flag wildly above them.

Hvarle: (Var-el) A large port city on the wesern coast, Hvarle supports most of the food needs of Tlyvary. It has enxtensive farming country in the rich volcanic soil at the base of the Dragon Peaks, and a large series of fishing rigs out in sea.

Castle of Fire: A small castle just north of Hvarle at the southern end of the Jala Mountains. This place is entirley dedicated to the teaching of fire magic. It sits over a large magama chamber that is constanly relasing into the sea, creating the famous Burning Cliffs.

Drigonia: (Dry-gone-e-uh) A city much like Hvarle, Drigonia houses the Tlyvarian fleet, a surprisingly impressive selection of ships purchased from the Siprha Republic.

Drlva: (Der-live) Drlva was a massive island city devoted t the teaching of physical combat. Countries all around the world sent their bestfighters to train here. It was razed by the Scglectan empire, and the burning was covered up as a simple home fire gone rouge. The city lies empty and alone on its island, a ghost of its former self. Many criminals and pirates have taken to creating secret bases on its shores and ruined buildings.

I hope that description helps you better understand Trinoria, it took me quite a while to type. I'll put put more info later.

Posted on 2008-12-29 at 23:05:42.

RDI Fixture
Karma: 19/23
1099 Posts

Heroes & Villians

Trinoria has had a long history of Heroes from its many societies. Many of these Heroes are still spoken of today. Along with the champions of peace, Trinoria still rings with tales about champions of hatred.


Krist 'Rylnn- Krist 'Rylnn, or the "Woodsman" as his species referes to him, was the greatest Elven Ranger of all time. During his long life he led many campaigns against the evils of the Great Eleveran Wood. He vanquished a Shade that had terrorized the southern half of the continent for over 40 years. His greatest accomplishment came when he managed to reverse a cosmic disater that threatened the entire continent. He prayed to Nazarath to reverse the impending impact of an meteor that was fast approaching. Nazarath heard him, but did nothing directly. Instead he granted Krist the power of Earth Magic through an agreement with Goranzulus, and Krist was able to turn the mighty space rock around. Krist 'Rylnn is the only living being to have ever been granted dominion over two elements. He died of natural causes, with a large family and many descendants.

Quorain Talai- Quorain was born to a simple Eleven family in the northern reaches of the forest. At the time, the Northern Elves were considered a lower caste of Elven society, because of their choice to live in the sparsley wooded regions boardering the Great Tlyvarian Plain. Quorain, also known as "Rain" was an excitable child, always looking for adventure and trouble, much unlike most Elves at the time. Her greatest acheivment was her very attitude. She convinced her race that formalities and tradition were overated. She had many opponents, and her disposition and outlook on life nearly sparked a civil war. Her actions led to the more outgoing and adventerous attitudes of her race, and many Elves pray to her at night for continued health and youth.


Hustain Jklar- Hustain, known as the "Shadow Monger", was a business tychoon in the Elven world. He soon gained ridicualous power through his secretive monopoly of Elven wares. The Royal Cabinet were so blind to his power, they went so far as the begin to accept members of his merchant guild into their ranks. Jklar became obsessed with secrecy, and soon paranoid that assassins were trying to murder him in his sleep. He formed a ring of shadowy protecters around him. These men were masters att guile and secrecy. They could blend into a crowd with seamless precision, and strike unheard and unseen. Aside from their excellence at assassinations and protecting Jklar, they were skilled Merchants and seafarers. Jklar came to refer to them as the "Hand", a reference to their ability to seize power and control. Soon they became larger and more powerful, and bloomed into a full sized organization known as the "Black Hand". Their organization was well known, but their secrets were not. They murdered Jklar and have been a mercanry merchant force ever since.

Posted on 2009-01-05 at 01:32:31.

RDI Fixture
Karma: 19/23
1099 Posts



Ringfist Staltrock- Ringfist Staltrock was the only known Dwarven Dragon Hunter. Huntng Dragons was a practice only observed by the most stalwart of Elves. In the early days of Trinoria, Dragons were not intelligent. They were mindless consuming creatures that simply needed to survive. Dwarves particualrly hated the Terreras Dracnois, or Earth Dragons. These stubborn creatures often tunneled through Dwarven mine structures, and if they came across a city that occupied a suitble breeding ground and lairing area, they would run its residents out or level it. Ringfist was born to a family of Dwarven warriors. A Dwarven caste knows as the Tergast 'Jurmain. They were mighty Lancemen, an uncommon trait for Dwarves. Ringfist witnessed the city of Korduhl leveled by an Earth Dragon, and swore vengence against its kind. He killed the Dragon, and was hailed a hero. Ringfist was often placed in compititions against the Elves that were left on Trinoria. The Elves believed a Dwarf had no business slaying such a worthy opponant as a Dragon. The Elves often made wagers against Ringfist, using their best Slayers against him. Ringfist won every time. He was always first the return with the head of the Dragon, and always first to gloat and brag about his talents. Ringfist was killed when he decided to do battle against a Flamentias Draconis, or Fire Dragon. He was underprepared and over-confident. Fire Dragons are much larger and fiercer, and despite the warnings from his friends and family, he boldly marched to his demise anyway. He had many children, and his lineage lives on today.

Coalbeard Kurtmain- "Coal Mountain", as he was called, was the bravest Dwarven fighter in all history. He braved the wilds of the north, south, east and west, expanding the mighty Burvan Kingdom to immense sizes. The Dwarven City of Kurtmain stands to this day, and is the largest sole population center of Dwarves in Trinoria. Kurtmain led the men who followed him through dank caverns and tunnels, clearing the way of beasts for the mining crews. Coalbeard had few children, as few women would stay with his dangerous life-style. Hisd lineage lives today as the royal ambassadors of the Dwarven Estate in Kurtmain.

Ironheart Histerin- "Old Ironheart" is a special dwarf. To this day he symbolizes the heart of the Dwarven people. He is the oldest living humanoid in Trinoria. He has seen the ages of Ringfist and Coalbeard and many more. His age has not slowed him, and he lived atop a mighty rock formation in Kurtmain. Ironheart is visited by not only Dwarves by Elves and Humans as well for his wise and all knowing intell. Really Ironheart jsut tells most people to follow their own "Iron Hearts" and sends them away, but this advice is what makes him so important to the people of Trinoria. Many people walk away in tears when they recieve his audience, they are so overjoyed to be in his presence that they cannot contain their emotions. Ironheart has has countless children, but no one can easily trace lineage to him.


Steelbody Jurstinal- Jurstinal, or the "Banished One" is a Dwarf who has been shunned from Dwarven society. Even saying his name in Kurtmain could easily land you in prison. Steelbody was a Draconic sympathizer. He befriended the Earth Dragon Klaierk and together they ravaged the Burvan people. Jurstinal often took younf women and children and fed them to his Draconis ally, and he frequently mounted Klaierk and attacked Kurtmain and other Dwarven settlements. He was killed by a Human Hero we will cover later. He has many children, but his wives were not willing participants. If Dwarves know that Jurstinal was their father, which they oftentimes do not, they sometimes cmmit suicide or seclude themselves from society.

Posted on 2009-01-05 at 05:17:52.

RDI Fixture
Karma: 19/23
1099 Posts



Swishtar Bloodfist- Bloodfist, like most Orcs, grew fame through battles. Bloodfist was a "runt", or a particualrly small and weak Orc. He was picked on in his village until he learned that direct combat was not for him. He took up the crossbow as his weapon. Many historians of the other races point out that "Bloodfist" was a misnomer. Since the Orc almost never engaged in direct combat. This is why, according to Bloodfist himself, he chose that title. He meant it as a way to keep foes away from him, where he can easily pick them off. His philosphy was that if he had a scary name that hinted at talents in close range combat, his foe would stay as far away from him as possible. He was right, and that was Bloodfist's saving grace. He soon rose through the ranks in the Orcish military and became a "Bull", or the Orcish equivilant of a General. He was an effective military leader. Bloodfist died in valiant combat against a warring Orcish tribe, but not before he had many children. Legend has it that the enemy tribes king was taken down before Bloodfist was captured, and that the enemy severed the Orc Generals head and paraded it on a pike throughout Bloofists village.

Guranar Swiftblade- The great Guranar Swiftblade, considered the greatest and most powerful Orc in the history of his species, is still alive today. He goes by the name "Orvac" (Ore-vaac). This title simply means "Old One" in Orcish. He is a grizzled Hero, but no less wise and stalwart then he once was. Swiftblade quelled the "Great Tribal Bath" or "Bloodbath" single handedly. He assassinated each leader of the warring tribes, and united his race under a single Orcish banner. When the Humans came to their lands, fleeing from a battle they had lost with other Humans, Swiftblade took them in. He ordered his kingdom and their kingdom to be melded into one, and they took the name of the Human king as their country. The Schlecta Empire has since been a united front of Orcs, Human, Trolls, Giants and all of the other odd creatures that inhabit the northern swamps and tundras. He lives to this day as the "Bull" or "General" of the Schlectan military. He has had no recorded children, but it is though he fathered three.


Considering the nature of Orcs in relation to the heroes, all Orcs might be considered evil. If and Orc is in the party, he might trace lineage back to one of these titans, but he himself is not an enemy.

Posted on 2009-01-06 at 00:44:22.

Wee Grugglet
Karma: 57/27
1669 Posts


I noticed a guideline to Dwarf and Orc names on the recruit thread... but waht about the elves?

Posted on 2009-01-07 at 04:45:12.

RDI Fixture
Karma: 64/11
1427 Posts

been wondering that myself...

yes, what about the elves?
I'm assuming that elves, dwarves, orcs, and mages are all inherited from their archetypes - correct me if I'm wrong. How much creative license are you giving us for character creation? ie any limitations?

Posted on 2009-01-07 at 04:49:36.

RDI Fixture
Karma: 19/23
1099 Posts

Not to many limitations in particular

Elves huh...

Well, there isnt really a uidline on that. They pretty much run like human. Last name is their family name and their first name is their birthname, be as creative as you want to.

Posted on 2009-01-07 at 06:08:51.

Wee Grugglet
Karma: 57/27
1669 Posts

Fun fun.

I will get to that soon.

Posted on 2009-01-07 at 06:15:59.

RDI Fixture
Karma: 19/23
1099 Posts



Denelth Harringer- Denelth was most likley the first great Human Hero. He was renowed throughout all the races, and even the Gods themselves knew his name. His first quest was given to him in the form of a Holy invitation. The mighty God of Fire, Tarsonis, had told Denelth to meet the King of the Hmeralian Empire on the day of No Sun. When he arrived, he did so with thousands of other adventerers who had heard the Gods calling. The King gave them their quest. A vicious sea monster was destroying the Hmeralian ports and shipping convoys. It had become so dangerous to go out to sea, that the Hmeralians had been forced to sever all trade. Many adventurers simply raced after the sea monster, but failed to realize they could not swim and fight at the same time. Denelth found a water mage who had a spell that would allow Denelth to breath underwater, and swim as swiftly as a water dragon in the heaviest of equipment. After that, he used a spell of neutral magic that caused the pressure and friction of water to have no affect on his movements, therefore he could swing his mighty flail jst as quickly as he might on land. To make a long story short, he slew the beast, and Tarsonis rewarded him with the first of its kind. He had had his smiths up for centuries working on the most perfect specimin, and was set on rewarding it to a clever and good hearted hero. The Hand-and-a-half sword, Dragonfire, was the first sword ever created. It is, still tot his day, the most perfect example of crafstmenship and elegence in Trinoria. Tarsonis also sent with it a magic. This magic was stored within the sword, and it did something special and different for each user to come. For Denelth, is made him fast as lightning. Denelth had one son, who he named Brenen. When Denelth passed of old age, he presented Brenen with Dragonfire.

Brenen Harringer- Son of Denelth, Brenen grew to be twice the hero his father had been. In just 30 years he slew over 4,000 beasts, prevented 12 natural disasters, and saved three countries from outright war. He never had children. His death is not recorded.

HUMAN EVILS: Humans may have valient Heros, but they have always been cursed with the worst villians.

Lord Nydus Hirellus- Nydus Hirellus was the second king of the prosperous Schlectan Empire. He refused to take his father last name of Schlecta, and took his mothers maiden name. Nydus was a just and fair ruler. The people of his kingdom adored him. Economy was rising, citites were being built, and many a sunny day shone upon the Empire.
When the dark God Norul saw that his brother had crafted the most beautiful blade in existance and had simpy given it away, he decided to play a dark trick of his own. Norul, using his demon smiths and his own insidious magic, created an evil even he could not control. He threw it to the earth, and it fell into the hands of Nydus.
At once, the foul greatsword corrupted him, he became sick and twisted. Heroes from all of the nations set to destroy them. They succeded, and he ascended to the dark island of Norul. When Norul found the blade had returned, he sent Nydus and the sword back to the mortal earth. Nydus has died many times since, but he is so evil that even the darkest reaches of the cosmos refuse to house him.

????-I will leave the rest of the Human Evils blank, we may just encounter a few while we play.

Posted on 2009-01-07 at 20:50:35.

Wee Grugglet
Karma: 57/27
1669 Posts


I can finish my character now, I'm on a long break now. It shall be given to you before monday. Just gotta type everything up and send you the message.

Posted on 2009-01-15 at 00:26:52.

RDI Fixture
Karma: 19/23
1099 Posts



Posted on 2009-01-15 at 00:28:00.

Wee Grugglet
Karma: 57/27
1669 Posts


Lot's of exclamation marks in that last post...

Posted on 2009-01-15 at 00:30:37.

RDI Fixture
Karma: 19/23
1099 Posts


I'm just a bit excited is all...

Posted on 2009-01-15 at 00:36:45.

Wee Grugglet
Karma: 57/27
1669 Posts

I can tell.

That's what they're for I guess...

Posted on 2009-01-15 at 02:23:09.

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