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More Mutants & Masterminds?
After seeing Watchmen I'd like to attempt to start yet another game of Mutants & Masterminds. For those not in the know, M&M is a superhero game that uses modified d20 system.
I'm planning on having this a bit more superheroy than Watchmen, so all Powers are allowed. It will, however, be a bit dark. Killing and maiming are an option, but as heroes it is not encouraged.
I'm thinking this as a Power Level 8 game, but PL 10 is not out of the question.
Here's some setting information:
Welcome to the City. The City can be any city imaginable. It has its own features, its size isn't measured and its name has no meaning for this game. Everyone calls it 'the City'.
The last century saw the dawn of the Heroes. They fought in both World Wars, on both sides, and kept law and order for decades. At the end of the World War II, a league of heroes was formed in the City. The league was called 'Righteous Guard' and it upheld the law for many years. In the end, one by one, they retired and were replaced by younger generation of the heroes. They too suffered the fate of aging, and new heroes replaced them as well.
But with heroes came villains, and the law became more and more faint. Two years ago, the Frances Act was set in motion, completely banning the heroes' activities of vigilance. The Righteous Guard was no more.
In these two years, the crime rate increased substancially in the City. To uphold the Frances Act a special team of law enforces were established, but they did not then nor do they now care much for the crimes of the minor sorts. Any hero, active or not, is arrested by these so called PALADINs and sent to Alcatraz II, a high-powered facility that is able to hold even the strongest of heroes or villains.
Where are these heroes now? The short answer is 'in hiding'. They take work where they can, trying not to be arrested just for existing by PALADIN.
The idea is that you play the former Righteous Guard. You've been retired for the past 2 years, working in society much like any other superhero/-villain. Any heroics would most likely call on the attention of the PALADIN squad so you have pretty much given it up. But one day, something happens that needs the involvement of the heroes. Will you take up your mask and your cape again?
What I need are up to 5 dedicated players. I was thinking about updating twice every week so posting for each update would be great. Like I said earlier, I'm aiming for PL 8 or 10, so you'd be average superheroes. You can be any sort of superheroes, from caped-crusader to psionic to magician to power-armor to paragon of justice. You could even be alien, either extra-terrestrial or extra-dimensional. I don't really care. I will, however, allow myself to ban certain powers or certain applications of certain powers (no 100+ superpowered duplicates, for example).
I don't think I'm forgetting anything. If you want to ask anything, either regarding the setting or the mechanics, just go ahead and ask. If you have any problem getting your hands on the core book, just PM me and I'll help you out.
Anyone more than a little interested?
Posted on 2009-03-24 at 21:08:19.