Just to start, the Obsidian Portal section for this game will be
I'll make a couple more posts right after this for each character's front-page reference (character sheet plus background story and description).
I'll edit this post in the future for whatever basic stuff needs to be kept track of at the top of the thread.
http://www.d20srd.org/ is another useful reference, although it doesn't include page numbers or attribution for whichever book a certain rule is from.
Starting level is 2. 55-point buy from DMG's basic layout, any unspent points are lost. No starting attributes higher than 19 (after racial modification. Thus: no 20s until 4th, manipulate 17s how you wish). Open books for character traits are PHB, PHB2, Complete Divine/Arcane/Warrior/Adventurer/Mage and the marshal class from Miniatures Handbook. DMG/DMG2/MM are also in use, but if there's anything from those three that you want to use in character creation (surprise me), check first.
Wealth-by-level for lvl 2 from the DMG. Once everyone's shown up in here, collaborate on backgrounds for as much shared origin or synergy as you desire.