gboy Wee Grugglet Karma: 57/27 1669 Posts
Upset Balance Recruitment
The world is ruled by balance. To balance men, there are women. To balance smart, there is dumb. To balance riches, there is poverty. To balance peace, there is war. To balance love, there is hate. To balance the heart of good, there is the heart of evil. To balance life, there is death. But most importantly:
To balance fire, there is water.
To balance earth, there is air.
But a balance is only good when there is a focal point to balance upon, and equal amounts on each side. These four main elements form us. They have shaped the world. If they were to fall out of balance, the world would soon perish.
~Prophecy of Tyrion the Wise, Saviour of People
Character Creation
Characters begin at level 1.
Abilities are to be generated using 35 point buy.
Starting gold is ¾ max.
Races: Any 3.5*
Classes: Any 3.5*
Feats: Any 3.5* except Leadership
There are no Psionics or Maneuvers allowed.
Characters may not be Evil in alignment.
One character trait, up to one flaw.
House Rules:
Heal checks can heal hit points.
An initial check of DC 15 is required to locate a wound.
A secondary check of DC 18 will heal the victim HP equal to (HD + Con modifier)
Tumble checks vary in DC.
The DC to tumble through an opponents threatened area:
10 + Opponents Base Attack Bonus.
The DC to tumble through an opponent’s occupied space:
20 + Opponents Base Attack Bonus.
Characters will receive reputation bonuses and penalties, according to Unearthed Arcana.
*For anything that isn’t core, check with the DM first.
Posted on 2009-07-20 at 14:45:49.
Bezmir RDI Fixture Karma: 24/16 742 Posts
Is spell compendium allowed? Not sure if that's core or not.
Posted on 2009-07-20 at 15:25:59.
gboy Wee Grugglet Karma: 57/27 1669 Posts
Spell Compenium = Yes
Go for it. You're right, it's not core, but it's a good thing to have access to. Go right ahead and use it.
Posted on 2009-07-20 at 15:31:41.
Bezmir RDI Fixture Karma: 24/16 742 Posts
My current character ideas are either your typical halfling rogue, or a gnome sorceror. My last question for now is are ability modifiers the normal 10 is +0, 12 +1, so on and so forth?
Posted on 2009-07-20 at 15:34:59.
Brianna Not Dragon Mistress Karma: 105/32 2282 Posts
Me too
Okay, I am interested too. Kevek one elven scout if you will accept that class from Complete Adventurer, if not a fighter..
Posted on 2009-07-20 at 18:01:56.
gboy Wee Grugglet Karma: 57/27 1669 Posts
@ Bez: Yep, that's right. The modifier is equal to half of the score, minus 5.
@ Brianna: Sure, scout sounds great. Glad to have you in the game.
@ Everyone. I'm thinking 6 people is a good size for this game. So, that's what I'm gonna cap it at.
Posted on 2009-07-20 at 18:27:37.
Jozan1 RDI Fixture +1 Karma: 67/14 1556 Posts
Hey i'll give it a try, why not. I'm Dming one, and playing in another so I think one more game will be a good amount. I'll think of a character soon.
Posted on 2009-07-20 at 18:30:08.
Grugg Gregg RDI Staff Karma: 357/190 6192 Posts
As soon as I finish my char for Jozan I'll make one for you.
Posted on 2009-07-20 at 21:28:47.
Bezmir RDI Fixture Karma: 24/16 742 Posts
okay...this one's stupid...
The 35 point buy is just saying we have 35 points to distribute between the six abilities, correct?
Posted on 2009-07-20 at 21:51:54.
gboy Wee Grugglet Karma: 57/27 1669 Posts
No it does not.
35 point buy means the following:
All of your abilities start at 8, and you have 35 points to improve it. However, the higher you get, the more the ability points cost.
9-14 cost 1 point per 1 point.
15-16 cost 2 points per 1 point.
17-18 cost 3 points per 1 point.
This is before you apply any racial modifiers that you may have.
Posted on 2009-07-20 at 21:59:42.
Bezmir RDI Fixture Karma: 24/16 742 Posts
whew. I was about say my abilities are about to suckkkkk.
Thanks for clearing that up. Halfling rogue it is. Should have char to you by tomorrow.
Posted on 2009-07-20 at 22:01:08.
Arwen Occasional Visitor Karma: 4/6 35 Posts
thinking of a character for myself
i'm trying to think of a character for myself
and when i've thought of one.. i'll join you when i have got one sorted.. but my mind has totally gone blank.. i might need help..
Posted on 2009-07-20 at 22:43:38.
Bezmir RDI Fixture Karma: 24/16 742 Posts
I lied
computer had a small mishap, i have to start him over now.
Posted on 2009-07-21 at 04:44:35.
Grugg Gregg RDI Staff Karma: 357/190 6192 Posts
Going to have to pull out, sorry.
Posted on 2009-07-22 at 01:02:53.
gboy Wee Grugglet Karma: 57/27 1669 Posts
Well, stuff happens.
Sorry to see you go Grugg, but I understand. Hopefully it's not too bad.
Posted on 2009-07-22 at 01:35:09.