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Facelick Squeegee
Karma: 37/7
401 Posts

... forth from the Garden... Q&A

This will be the Q&A thread for the 3E D&D Game ... forth from the Garden.... I ask that only players in this game post and please do not post until I have put up all the information that is necessary for the game. This thread will be used for ALL out of character messages - from small questions to large explanations - I ask that all posts that occur in the game be "in character" (I use the expression loosely - it's most likely everyone will be using third person). Thank you for you cooperation. I look forward to playing with you. I will notify you when you can begin to post in either this thread or the game thread.


Posted on 2009-09-02 at 23:36:44.
Edited on 2009-09-02 at 23:36:57 by Dragonblood

Facelick Squeegee
Karma: 37/7
401 Posts

... forth from the Garden... Characters

Cristóbal Revera Gender: Male
Race: Human
Class: n/a
Level: 0
HP: 10
Age: 19
Height: 5’11”
Weight: 162

Str 14
Dex 12
Con 14
Int 9
Wis 10
Cha 16

Init +1
Fort +2
Ref +1
Will 0
Speed 30 ft.
AC: 11

Attack Bonus: +2
Damage: 1d3+2 (subdual)

Alcohol Tolerance: 4 (2 ranks + 2 ability mod.)
Craft (Musical Instruments): 1 (2 ranks - 1 ability mod.)
Handle Animal: 5 (2 ranks + 3 ability mod.)
Perform: 7 (2 ranks + 3 ability mod. + 2 Skill Focus)
Profession (Farmer): 2 (2 ranks + 0 ability mod.)
Ride: 3 (2 ranks + 1 ability mod.)

Skill Focus (Perform)



Sirion Alaric Baltasar Gender: Male
Race: Human
Class: n/a
Level: 0
HP: 6
Age: 20
Height: 5'11”

Str 9
Dex 15
Con 10
Int 16
Wis 14
Cha 9

Init +2
Fort +0
Ref +2
Will +2
Speed 30 ft.
AC: 12

Melee: -1
Ranged: +2

Unarmed Attack:
Attack Bonus: -1
Damage: 1d3-1 (subdual)

Alcohol Tolerance: 2 (2 ranks + 0 ability mod.)
Concentration: 3 (3 ranks + 0 ability mod.)
Gather Information: 1 (2 ranks - 1 ability mod.)
Handle Animal: 4 (3 ranks - 1 ability mod. + 2 Skill Focus Feat)
Heal: 5 (3 ranks + 2 ability mod.)
Knowledge: 6 (3 ranks + 3 ability mod.)
Profession (Bookkeeper): 5 (3 ranks + 2 ability mod.)
Ride: 5 (3 ranks + 2 ability mod.)
Strategy: 6 (3 ranks + 3 ability mod.)
Use Rope: 5 (3 ranks + 2 ability mod.)

Feats: Skill Focus (Handle Animal)



Rowena Gender: Female
Race: Human
Class: n/a
Level: 0
HP: 6
Age: 16

Str 10
Dex 14
Con 11
Int 15
Wis 11
Cha 14

Init +2
Fort +0
Ref +2
Will +0
Speed 30 ft.
AC: 12

Melee: 0
Ranged: +2

Unarmed Attack:
Attack Bonus: 0
Damage: 1d3 (subdual)

Handle Animal: 5 (3 ranks + 2 Charisma)
Hide: 5 (3 ranks + 2 Dexterity)
Intimidate: 5 (3 ranks + 2 Charisma)
Listen: 3 (3 ranks + 0 Wisdom)
Move Silently: 5 (3 ranks +2 Dexterity)
Perform (Music): 5 (3 ranks + 2 Charisma)
Ride: 5 (3 ranks + 2 Dexterity)
Tumble: 5 (3 ranks + 2 Dexterity)

Feats: Martial Weapon Proficiency (Long Sword)


Posted on 2009-09-02 at 23:39:44.
Edited on 2009-09-30 at 14:15:55 by Dragonblood

Facelick Squeegee
Karma: 37/7
401 Posts

... forth from the Garden... History

Edaphos History will be posted.

Posted on 2009-09-02 at 23:40:03.

Facelick Squeegee
Karma: 37/7
401 Posts

... forth from the Garden... Maps

Maps will be posted.

Posted on 2009-09-02 at 23:40:31.

Facelick Squeegee
Karma: 37/7
401 Posts

... forth from the Garden... Rules

Skills: Alcohol Tolerance: This is a skill I've invented. It is effected by Constitution. A roll must be made every time a new drink is taken or an hour after the first drink was taken. For every drink the DC increases by one so if it someone's first drink the chart would look like this:
1 (critical fail): The character becomes an NPC (the DM controls him until he "sobers up) and must make a fortitude check against throwing up and/or passing out.
1-5: The character is drunk. The DM may challenge any action that doesn't seem accurate to being drunk. The character gets a -1 on all skill, combat, etc... checks (this stacks if the character has failed the skill check multiple times but decides to keep drinking). If the character has been in this section five times then they must make a fortitude check against throwing up and/or passing out.
6-10: The character is tipsy/buzzed but can both control and conceal it. However the DM may make suggestions, such as "you are feeling more open about your hatred for the gang across the room".
11 and over: The character doesn't feel anything.
20 (critical success): The character may take another drink without feeling anything.
However if it had been their fourth drink instead of their first, the chart would look like this:
1 (critical fail): The character becomes an NPC (the DM controls him until he "sobers up) and must make a fortitude check against throwing up and/or passing out.
1-9: The character is drunk. The DM may challenge any action that doesn't seem accurate to being drunk. The character gets a -1 on all skill, combat, etc... checks (this stacks if the character has failed the skill check multiple times but decides to keep drinking). If the character has been in this section five times then they must make a fortitude check against throwing up and/or passing out.
10-18: The character is tipsy/buzzed but can both control and conceal it. However the DM may make suggestions, such as "you are feeling more open about your hatred for the gang across the room".
19 and over: The character doesn't feel anything.
20 (critical success): The character may take another drink without feeling anything.
And if it was their ninth drink it would look like this:
1 (critical fail): The character becomes an NPC (the DM controls him until he "sobers up) and must make a fortitude check against throwing up and/or passing out.
1-14: The character is drunk. The DM may challenge any action that doesn't seem accurate to being drunk. The character gets a -1 on all skill, combat, etc... checks (this stacks if the character has failed the skill check multiple times but decides to keep drinking). If the character has been in this section five times then they must make a fortitude check against throwing up and/or passing out.
15-27: The character is tipsy/buzzed but can both control and conceal it. However the DM may make suggestions, such as "you are feeling more open about your hatred for the gang across the room".
27 and over: The character doesn't feel anything.
20 (critical success): The character may take another drink without feeling anything.
Consider these stages of being drunk. So, the character is already drunk or buzzed but roll a success (they don't feel anything) then they will go up one stage of sobriety. However, the penalty on skills applies to this skill as well so if one is already very drunk it is only inevitable that they get more drunk.

Perform: 1 (critical fail): The audience/listeners are repulsed and have a lasting dislike for the character. If they are volatile and the relationship is already hostile they may consider combat.
under 5: The audience doesn't like the performer and is likely to leave or get away from them and tell others about how bad the performance was.
6-10: The audience becomes discontent because of the performance and is silently unhappy about the performer.
11-15: It is tolerable background entertainment. Nobody's paying much attention however.
16-20: The audience is happy to listen, its nothing special but it leaves them in a good mood.
21-25: The performer is memorable and the audience might tell others about how much they enjoyed the performance.
26-30:The performance is outstanding and it is likely that the people will leave exuberant and love the performer.
20 (critical success): The performance eclipses all previous performances and the audience feels a desire to be near the performer and give them everything they can as a recompense for the beautiful performance they were lucky enough to witness.

Taking Ten: I've altered the idea of taking ten for this system. Often this option is used as a crutch (ie. if you know the DC won't be more than 20 and you have a bonus of 12, you will take ten). For my system, until a player has become exceptionally adept at their skill it isn't a good option, because when one is just learning something they often don't do incredibly, even when they play it safe. So, this way taking ten means that you roll a 10 sided die then add your ranks, then add your full bonus (including your ranks). It works like this.
A first level character with 4 ranks on the Search skill and 12 intelligence takes ten on a Search check. They roll a six so their total is fifteen. This will mean that at first taking ten isn't that beneficial but it will become quite beneficial when a character develops a skill stronger. However, when taking ten a player cannot roll a critical success, clearly. Once a player has more than ten ranks it remains at a bonus of ten.

Posted on 2009-09-03 at 03:48:55.
Edited on 2009-09-08 at 22:03:54 by Dragonblood

Facelick Squeegee
Karma: 37/7
401 Posts

and so... we begin!

Welcome to ... forth from the Garden... Fears, Nomad D2 and Dragon Mistress! I look forward to RPing with all three of you. The first post is now up however I ask you to restrain yourself from posting on the game thread just yet as I have a second post to put up which will begin the game itself, this first was more of a background and a setting of the stage. There are comments about all three of your characters in the post though, so I ask you to read it over and make any complaints or comments you have. I hope you like what I've written up, I got a little tired towards the end but I wanted everyone to have a good sense of what the town was like and who the people that lived there were. This thread is now open to post in. I'm going to proclaim the recruitment thread dead now. Thank you everybody for your cooperation and thank you for joining me on this game!


Posted on 2009-09-05 at 05:05:14.

Karma: 1/0
8 Posts


Glad to see we are getting the ball rolling! Really enjoyed reading your first post! Everything is good on my end so far.


Posted on 2009-09-05 at 05:47:25.

Facelick Squeegee
Karma: 37/7
401 Posts

startin it off

Glad to hear it! If everyone's happy with the way I've described their characters then I will move on to begin the first set of posts. Dragon Mistress you will not be allowed to post until we talk further about your character but I'd really like to put a hustle on that because I want to get the action of the adventure moving and I can't do that without you and your character. Thanks everybody, can't wait to see we are taken!


Posted on 2009-09-05 at 21:41:15.

Facelick Squeegee
Karma: 37/7
401 Posts

and finally we may start!

Alright the first post is up! You may all now post. These first posts are another day in the life, this now is more for the purpose of showing to the other players who you are. Really enjoy this opportunity to create the life of your character and the simple details of their daily existence! I can't wait to read them. Feel free to interact but please don't forget to put both concentration and energy into your posts, they will require time and work - even dialogue (and combat when we get to that) is not a throw away post. Write about why your character is saying what they're saying, what they think of the other person and the way the world is interacting with them. Remember this game is an opportunity to exercise our writing ability as much as it is to exercise our role-playing ability. I can't wait to read!


ps. Samstag and Sonntag are Saturday and Sunday respectively. I will explain this more thoroughly soon!

Posted on 2009-09-05 at 23:45:11.
Edited on 2009-09-05 at 23:47:06 by Dragonblood

Karma: 1/0
8 Posts

First post from myself

I threw my first post up, I had to cut it a little short as I'm off to work but I think its sufficient enough for right now. I may add another post with the evening and bar scene tonight but I'll see how I'm feeling!

Looking forward to reading everyone else's Day in the Life! I would like to be able to come back and read the previous posts like I would a good book!


Posted on 2009-09-06 at 16:33:29.

Facelick Squeegee
Karma: 37/7
401 Posts

first up!

Fantastic first post Fears! I love it, I can't wait until everybody else's! As far as rules go, do you want to take ten on the perform check or have me roll it? Thanks again, looking forward to it everybody!


Posted on 2009-09-06 at 16:59:47.

Facelick Squeegee
Karma: 37/7
401 Posts


I've put up an explanation for the Alcohol Tolerance skill. Its quite complicated but don't worry you won't really have to deal with it just choose whether you want a drink and I'll tell you how drunk you're feeling .

Hope that's all alright. I will be putting up an explanation for the strategy skill and unconventional aspects of combat. Thanks guys, look forward to moving forward!


Posted on 2009-09-07 at 22:33:50.

Facelick Squeegee
Karma: 37/7
401 Posts

great post Nomad!

Awesome, so we have updates from both Nomad and Fears! We're only waiting on Dragon Mistress right now. We still have to finish her character so hopefully if that is done by wednesday we'll get her into the game. If not, I'll start trying to move on with the game! Thanks everybody!


Posted on 2009-09-08 at 19:14:48.

Facelick Squeegee
Karma: 37/7
401 Posts

takin' 10

For everyone's info, there is now I write-up on my alternate method for taking ten. I think a lot of people, once they get to a high enough level, will be tempted to do it all the time so what I'm going to say now is that if and when I roll a 20 for someone, the critical truly will be quite beneficial and will often result in a lot of secondary gains as opposed to the simple success of the skill. Hope this has wet some appetites!


Posted on 2009-09-08 at 22:05:40.

Facelick Squeegee
Karma: 37/7
401 Posts

Welcome Dragon Mistress!

Okay, Dragon Mistress, your character is up! Once you post we will continue, hopefully if we can do it by friday that'd be great! Don't mean to rush you though. Thanks everyone!


Posted on 2009-09-09 at 14:46:16.

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