Bezmir RDI Fixture Karma: 24/16 742 Posts
I like horror freeforms.
Okay, so as some of you may know, I have a very unhealthy obsession with zombies. So, I'm bringing them back with a vengeance. This is how I would like the game to start.
On the five o clock live news, everyone is watching the same story. As the reporter drags on and on, people tune in to hear what she is saying. Today, everything changes, though.
"As you see, a head researcher for Lyfe Kinetics is standing behind the gate, yelling things at everyone who passes by. He seems to apologizing for something." As the camera pans to the researcher, you see a haggard, worry lined face, sweating with nervousness. "I'm sorry. My part in the events to come is pivotal." His hand moves out of his jacket pocket, and you hear someone yell "GUN!" In an instant, the researcher puts the weapon in his mouth, and pulls the trigger on live television.
Whoever decides to play, I want the first post you make to be a response to the broadcast. No character sheet is necessary, as I want to leave it open to development. post here to show interest, and when I have enough, say maybe three other people, I'll open a thread.
Ps, I don't plan on keeping the limit to three. If people wwanna join in, there's always more safety in numbers with zombies.
Posted on 2009-10-29 at 01:44:30.