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A Time for Heroes

A world in dire peril
Under siege
By the forces of darkness
Will you rise above the darkness
As a beacon of light
As a hero

For countless centuries the world of Rhy’Din has been under the oppressive shadow of the necromancer Amarant Faust and his undead hordes. The goodly races of the world are all but hopeless with the soulless hordes closing in around them. King Usso has sent out a summons for heroes that would take on a quest to stop the evil that has corrupted the land and starved its people of happiness.

King Usso
King of the Alandra Kingdom, the largest human kingdom of Rhy’Din. He is known as the Lion of Battle and wears a white lion belt at all times (save when naked) and is always in the company of two white lions. His personal body guards are thusly named White Lions as well. He wields the sword Ratheol, an ancient elven artifact. A man of grand stature, towering over most people at a six and half foot height with broad shoulders and lively sapphire eyes, though is once midnight black hair is seasoned with gray/white streaks these days. King Usso was once married to the High Elven Princess Talalanna Nelenddal, and were on the verge of merging the budding kingdoms of man with the long-lived and every present kingdoms of the elf. It was not to happen, for the medaling of an The Seer caused Talalanna to die at the hands of Amarant Faust, during the days in which he was but a simple wizard. After the death of his most beloved, Usso turned his love to his land and people and set forth on a journey to unite every kingdom of man under one banner and to rid the world of the darkness that had cast itself over Rhy’Din.

Amarant Faust
Amarant Faust, The Devourer formally known as Talaladason Nelenddal, Prince of the High Elves and twin-brother to Talalanna Nelenddal. Corrupted by his want for power and in his mind, the betrayal of his twin-sister by marrying a human man, he turned to the dark gods and their dark powers. After being manipulated by The Seer, and after realizing he’d been manipulated, Amarant unleashed the powers granted to him by the Old Gods (Dark Gods). By doing this, he killed his sister and The Seer, and unleashed the horde of undead which is know strangling the world of Rhy’Din of the living. Fleeing from the world of man and elves, hiding himself in his Iron Tower in the farthest reaches of the Saethos Desert. There he currently rules over most of Rhy’Din through his undead horde and his various other evil allies, though the most prominent of these allies is Rezo Cromvathar, a Dark Elf assassin, who though cast out from his own people still uses his surname. Amarant carries two daggers, both of which are artifacts to the Dark Gods along with the Tome of the Stilled Tongue which is a particularly powerful artifact from his Dark Gods. These artifacts, plus Amarant’s powerful arcane and divine spells make him the most feared evil in the lands of Rhy’Din.

Posted on 2009-11-20 at 20:10:40.

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