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RDI Fixture
Karma: 22/5
513 Posts

Champions versus Undead Contagion

Alright, so what type of characters / rules are there going to be in this campaign?

First things first: All those creatures that would normally be immune to critical strikes and s*** (undead, constructs, etc.) Will now be resistant to them. What this means is that If you deal a critical hit (and you confirm it with a second roll) you will deal half of the alloted critical damage. So if you would normally deal 200% (x2) then you will do 150% (1.5) damage. Also; extra damage such as a rogues sneak attack will also be put under this rule. If you guys have not figured it out, there is probably going to be a lot of undead, so it would be unfair to have a rouge's benefit denied for a large portion of the game while essentially stacking the odds on the cleric.

XP will be rewarded loosely. I will give more to those who role play more. But I am thinking that 3-5 encounters should give the party a level up.

Character creation:
Make a level 5 character. Use any base class(es) that you can find in any of the official rules books. If you dont have any rule books, torrent them. There are some really nice 3.5 torrents out there to be found and used.

If you have not all ready known about this; I will make it clear now, we are playing D&D 3.5. Don't know/forget the rules? Torrent them. Starting gold will be 6000, and no more then 25% can be put into one single item.

Email me at [email protected], or post your character stats on the recruitment page or this page.

Thnx, and lets all have fun!!

Posted on 2009-12-08 at 03:45:34.
Edited on 2009-12-08 at 04:22:09 by Shades331

Occasional Visitor
Karma: 3/0
31 Posts

character sheet

Bogardine or just Bog
Player: Bryan Ensminger
Male Dwarf Monk 5
Lawful Neutral
-curly red beard, bold head
-sightly tanned skin
-dark brown eyes

Strength 18 (+4)
Dexterity 15 (+2)
Constitution 16 (+3)
Intelligence 13 (+1)
Wisdom 17 (+3)
Charisma 9 (-1)

Total Hit Points: 56
Armor Class: 17 = 10 +2 [dexterity] +3 [wisdom] +1 [monk level] +1 [Enchantment]
Touch AC: 17
Flat-footed: 15
Speed: 30 feet [monk]
Initiative modifier: +2= +2 [dexterity]
Fortitude save: + = 4 [base] +3 [constitution]
Reflex save: +6 = 4 [base] +2 [dexterity]
Will save: +7 = 4 [base] +3 [wisdom]
Attack (handheld): +7 = 3 [base] +4 [strength]
Attack (unarmed): +7 = 3 [base] +4 [strength]
Flurry of Blows: +6/+6 [includes strength modifier]
Attack (missile): +5 = 3 [base] +2 [dexterity]
Grapple check: +7 = 3 [base] +4 [strength]
Unarmed Damage: 1d8 +4 [strength]

Light load: 100 lb. or less
Medium load: 101-200 lb.
Heavy load: 201-300 lb.
Lift over head: 300 lb.
Lift off ground: 600 lb.
Push or drag: 1500 lb.

Combat Expertise
Combat Reflexes
Improved Unarmed Strike
Stunning Fist

Balance: 12
Escape Artist: 7
Hide: 2
Jump: 6
Listen: 11
Move Silently: 2
Search: 1
Sense Motive: 3
Spot: 8
Survival: 6
Swim: 4
Tumble: 10

Escape Artist >=5 ranks gives +2 on use rope checks for bindings.
Uncivilized trait: +1 on any wild empathy checks.
+2 constitution / -2 charisma (already included)
Can move 20 feet even if in heavy armor
Darkvision (see 60 feet in pitch-dark)
Stonecunning (+2 on searching stone, intuit depth)
+4 to avoid being bullrushed while standing on ground
+2 racial bonus on saves vs. poison
+2 racial bonus on saves vs. spells / spell-like abilities
+1 racial bonus to hit orcs and goblinoid
+4 dodge bonus on AC against giants
+4 stability bonus to avoid being tripped/bull rushed standing on ground
+2 racial bonus on appraise checks if stone/metal

AC Bonus for Wisdom
AC Bonus for level (begins level 5)
Flurry of Blows
Unarmed Strike
Fast Movement (already included)
Bonus Feats (levels 1 2 & 6)
Evasion (level 2)
Fast Movement (level 3)
Still Mind level 3)
Ki Strike (level 4)
Slow Fall (level 4)
Purity of Body (level 5)

Arms: Bracers of Armor +1
Other: Everburning Torch
Bed Roll
Trail Rations (x's 3)
4886.4 gold

Total weight: 112 lb

Posted on 2009-12-09 at 01:35:45.
Edited on 2009-12-14 at 01:41:47 by rivertothesea

Karma: 2/0
3 Posts

Character Sheet

Faragon Shieldsplitter

Male Dwarf Knight 5

Lawful Neutral

Strength 18 (+4)
Dexterity 15 (+2)
Constitution 18 (+4)
Intelligence 12 (+1)
Wisdom 13 (+1)
Charisma 12 (+1)
Size: Medium
Height: 4' 5"
Weight: 220 lb
Skin: Tan
Eyes: Green
Hair: Dark Brown; Wavy; Thick Beard

Total Hit Points: 75
Speed: 30 feet [Quick]

Armor Class: 21 = 10 +8 [full plate] +2 [heavy steel] +1 [dexterity in armor]
Touch AC: 11
Flat-footed: 20

Initiative modifier: +2= +2 [dexterity]

Fortitude save: +5= 1 [base] +4 [constitution]
Reflex save: +3= 1 [base] +2 [dexterity]
Will save: +5= 4 [base] +1 [wisdom]

Attack (handheld): +9= 5 [base] +4 [strength]
Attack (unarmed): +9= 5 [base] +4 [strength]
Attack (missile): +7= 5 [base] +2 [dexterity]
Grapple check: +9= 5 [base] +4 [strength]

Light load: 100 lb. or less
Medium load: 101-200 lb.
Heavy load: 201-300 lb.
Lift over head: 300 lb.
Lift off ground: 600 lb.
Push or drag: 1500 lb.

Languages: Common Dwarven Goblin
Heavy Mace [1d8, crit x2, 8 lb., one-handed, bludgeoning]
Dwarven Waraxe [1d10, crit x3, 8 lb., one-handed, slashing]
Full plate armor [heavy; +8 AC; max dex +1; check penalty -6; 50 lb.]
Heavy Steel Shield [+2 AC; check penalty -1; hardness 10; hp 20; 15 lb.]

Mounted Combat [free to knights at level 2]
Power Attack
Quick Draw

Skill Name
Appraise Int 1 = +1
Balance Dex* 2 = +2
Bluff Cha 1 = +1
Climb Str* 4 = +4
Concentration Con 4 = +4
Craft_1 Int 1 = +1
Craft_2 Int 1 = +1
Craft_3 Int 1 = +1
Diplomacy Cha 1 = +1
Disguise Cha 1 = +1
Escape Artist Dex* 2 = +2
Forgery Int 1 = +1
Gather Information Cha 1 = +1
Handle Animal Cha 5 = +1 +4
Heal Wis 1 = +1
Hide Dex* 2 = +2
Intimidate Cha 5 = +1 +4
Jump Str* 0 = +4 +2 -6 [speed 20]
Listen Wis 1 = +1
Move Silently Dex* 2 = +2
Perform_1 Cha 1 = +1
Perform_2 Cha 1 = +1
Perform_3 Cha 1 = +1
Perform_4 Cha 1 = +1
Perform_5 Cha 1 = +1
Ride Dex 6 = +2 +4
Search Int 1 = +1
Sense Motive Wis 1 = +1
Spot Wis 1 = +1
Survival Wis 1 = +1
Swim Str** 8 = +4 +4
Use Rope Dex 2 = +2
* = check penalty for wearing armor

• +2 constitution / -2 charisma (already included)
• Can move 20 feet even if in heavy armor
• Darkvision (see 60 feet in pitch-dark)
• Stonecunning (+2 on searching stone, intuit depth)
• +4 to avoid being bullrushed while standing on ground
• +2 racial bonus on saves vs. poison
• +2 racial bonus on saves vs. spells / spell-like abilities
• +1 racial bonus to hit orcs and goblinoids
• +4 dodge bonus on AC against giants
• +4 stability bonus to avoid being tripped/bull rushed standing on ground
• +2 racial bonus on appraise checks if stone/metal

• Many special abilities.
• See "Player's Handbook II".

Class HP rolled
Level 1: Knight 11+4
Level 2: Knight 11+4
Level 3: Knight 11+4
Level 4: Knight 11+4 +1 to intelligence
Level 5: Knight 11+4

81 lb
81 lb Weapons / Armor / Shield (from above)

Warhorse, Heavy

Large Animal
Hit Dice: 4d8+12 (42hp)

Initiative: +1
Speed: 50ft (10Squares)

Armor Class: 14(-1 size, +1 Dex, +4 natural), Touch 10, Flat-footed 13
Attack: Hoof +6 melee (1d6+4)
Full Attack: 2 hooves +6 melee (1d6+4) and bite +1 melee (1d4+2)
Space/Reach: 10ft/5ft
Special Attacks:--

Special Qualities: Low-light vision, scent

Saves: Fort +7, Ref +5, Will+2
Skills: Listen +5, Spot +4
Feats: Endurance, Run

Carrying Capacity: A light load for a heavy warhorse is up to 300 pounds; a medium load, 301-600 pounds; a heavy load, 601-900 pounds. A heavy warhorse can drag 4,500 pounds.

Posted on 2009-12-10 at 04:50:16.

Karma: 2/0
5 Posts

Character Sheet

Cyrus Val
Player: Tyler Ferguson
Male Xeph Psion (Kineticist) 5
True Neutral
-5’7” 135lbs
-Dark brown Skin
-Dark brown eyes (In dim light almost look black)
-Dark brown hair, short

Strength 12 (+1)
Dexterity 18 (+4)
Constitution 16 (+3)
Intelligence 18 (+4)
Wisdom 13 (+1)
Charisma 11 (+0)

Total Hit Points: 41
Armor Class: 14 = 10 +4 [dexterity]
Touch AC: 14
Flat-footed: 10
Speed: 30 feet
Initiative modifier: +4= +4 [dexterity]
Fortitude save: +4 = 1 [base] +3 [constitution] +2 [Psicrystal]
Reflex save: +5 = 1 [base] +4 [dexterity]
Will save: +5 = 4 [base] +1 [wisdom]
Attack (handheld): +3 = 2 [base] +1 [strength]
Attack (unarmed): +3 = 2 [base] +1 [strength]
Attack (missile): +6 = 2 [base] +4 [dexterity]
Grapple check: +3 = 2 [base] +1 [strength]

Light load: 43 lb. or less
Medium load: 43-86 lb.
Heavy load: 86-130 lb.
Lift over head: 130 lb.
Lift off ground: 260 lb.
Push or drag: 650 lb.
Languages:Common, Xeph, Draconic, Sylvan, Hafling, Elven

Psicrystal Affinity (Heroic +2 Fort)
Combat Manifestation
Rapid Reload
Psionic Body (+6)

Autohypnosis (Wis): 8+1
Concentration (Con): 8+3
Craft (Int):
Disable Device (Dex): 8+4
Intimidate (Cha):
Knowledge Religion (Int): 4+4
Knowledge Dungeoneering (Int): 6+4
Knowledge History (Int): 4+4
Knowledge Nature (Int): 4+4
Knowledge Psionics (Int): 4+4
Psicraft (Int): 2+4

+2 Dexterity / -2 Strength (already included)
Darkvision (see 60 feet in pitch-dark)
+1 Racial bonus to saves against magic and psionics
Burst: 3/day
Can increase speed by 10 +10 for four levels, maxing out at 30 at level 9. Lasts 3 rounds. (lvl 5= 20ft speed increase)
Bonus Feats (levels 1, 5, 10, 15, 20)

Power Points: 36 (+1 Race +10 [WisModxLVL/2] +25 Class)
LEVEL 1: Endure Elements, Force Screen, Inertial Armor, Energy Ray, Catfall
LEVEL 2: Concussion Blast, Energy Missile, Tongues, Psionic Lock
LEVEL 3: Dimension Twister, Telekinetic Thrust

Light Crossbow (Crystal, Deep) 4 lbs
100 Bolts 10 lbs
Thief’s Tools, Masterwork
Small Metal Mirror ½ lbs
Backpack 2 lbs
Belt Pouch ½ lbs
Bed Roll 5 lbs
Flint and Steel - lbs
Silk Rope (50 ft) 5 lbs
Trail Rations (x's 3) 1 lbs Each
Waterskin 4 lbs
Cold Weather Outfit 7 lbs
Hide from Undead (Potion) (x 4)
Cure Light Wounds (Potion) (x 4)
Cure Moderate Wounds (Potion) (x 4)
3225 gp

Total weight: 37 lbs
(Not including gold)

Psicrystal [Construct]

Alertness, Improved evasion, Personality (Heroic + Fort), Self-Propulsion,
Share Powers, Sighted, Telepathic link, Deliver Touch Powers,
Telepathic Speech,

Hit Points: 20
Speed 30, Climb 20
AC: 18 =10 +4 [size] +2 [Dex] +2 [level]

STR: 1 [-5]
DEX: 15 [+2]
CON: -
INT: 8 [-1]
WIS: 10 [+0]
CHA: 10 [+0]

[Same as Master Except]
Spot (Wis): 4
Listen (Wis): 4
Move Silently (Dex): 4+2
Search (Wis): 4

Posted on 2009-12-12 at 04:42:45.
Edited on 2009-12-18 at 05:05:33 by ColbrynMatthew13

Karma: 3/1
2 Posts

My Character

Isilwren Galanodel
Female Half-Elf Dragon Shaman
Lawful Good

Size: Medium Height: 5’3’’ Weight: 120 lb. Skin: Light Eyes: Blue Hair: Light Brown/Wavy Languages: Common, Elven, Goblin, Draconic Traits: Farsighted

Strength: 18(+4)
Dexterity: 15(+2)
Constitution: 16(+3)
Intelligence: 12(+1)
Wisdom: 13(+1)
Charisma: 14(+2)

Total HP: 65 Speed: 30 feet Initiative: +2
Armor Class: 17 = 10 +5 [breastplate] +2 [dexterity] Touch AC: 12 Flat-footed: 15

Fortitude save: +7= 4 [base] +3 [constitution]
Reflex save: +3= 1 [base] +2 [dexterity]
Will save: +5= 1 [base] +2 [dexterity]

Attack (handheld): +7= 3 [base] +4 [strength]
Attack (unarmed): +7= 3 [base] +4 [strength]
Attack (missile): +5= 3 [base] +2 [dexterity]
Grapple check: +7= 3 [base] +4 [strength]

Light load: 100 lb. or less
Medium load: 101-200 lb.
Heavy load: 201-300 lb.
Lift over head: 300 lb.
Lift off ground: 600 lb.
Push or drag: 1500 lb.

Feats: Quick Draw, Dodge

Bluff: +5 = 2(Cha) + 3(Dragon Shaman)
Climb: +8 = 4(Str) + 4(Ranks)
Diplomacy: +4 = 2(Cha) + 2(Racial)
Gather Information: +4 = 2(Cha) + 2(Racial)
Intimidate: +6 = 2(Cha) + 4(Ranks)
Knowledge(Nature): +5 = 1(Int) + 4(Ranks)
Listen: +2 = 1(Wis) + 1(Racial)
Search: +6 = 1(Int) + 6(Ranks) – 2(Farsighted) +1(Racial)
Spot: +3 = 1(Wis) + 1(Farsighted) + 1(Racial)
Search >=5 ranks gives +2 on survival checks while tracking.

Half-Elf: Immune to magical sleep, +2 racial bonus on saves vs. enchantments, Low-light vision, +1 racial bonus on listen, search, and spot checks(already included), +2 racial bonus on diplomacy and gather information checks(already included)

Dragon Shaman: Totem Dragon is Silver

Aura: 30’ radius, level 5 makes each aura +2
Energy Shield: Any creature striking you or your ally with a natural attack or non-reach melee weapon is dealt 4 points cold damage.
Power: +2 to damage rolls
Toughness: Damage Reduction 2/magic
Presence: +2 on Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate checks.
Resistance: +10 resistance to Cold.

Breath Weapon: Once every 1d4 rounds, 15’ Cone of Cold (2d6); Reflex save (DC: 15) halves damage dealt.
Draconic Resolve: Immunity to Paralysis and Sleep effects, also immune to the frightful presence of Dragons.

30 lb. Breast plate (medium; +5 AC; max dex +3; check penalty -4)
4 lb Light Crossbow (1d8, crit 19-20/x2, range inc 80 ft., piercing)
6 lb Morningstar (1d8, crit x2, one-handed, bludgeoning)
9 lb Long Spear (1d8, crit x3, two-handed, piercing)
3 lb Crossbow bolts (quiver of 10) x3
2 lb Backpack
5 lb Bedroll
6 lb Blanket, winter x2
3 lb Candle Flint and steel Lantern (bullseye) Sewing needle
8 lb Waterskins x2
1 lb Whetstone
77 lb Total

Posted on 2009-12-12 at 08:10:25.

RDI Fixture
Karma: 22/5
513 Posts


Lady an dGentlmen; lend me your ears. I wish to tell you an impotant figure on the rules of rolling HP. Instead of rolling, take your max HP value for each hit die.

Faragon and Cyrus are the only to to have posted on this adventure, so before we continue, I would like some the others to make their posts.

jbfedaykin may take a while with his posts, as he does not have the books yet. I too might take some time, because my computer is dead again: the motherboard is (probably) fried. I do not have a back up at the moment, but in a few days time rivertothesea should be able to help me out with this... Bring me your eternal hard drive river2sea!

I would like it if you expanded a bit more on these first posts: these are the epic introductions to your amazing characters. Give me insight as to what they are thinking, feeling, and wanting. What has been done so far is not bad though... This is a request, not a demand. If you have no interest in stating more, then don't bother.

Anyways, if jbfedaykin does not get a post up in a bit, we might continue on without him until he gets his character together.

Posted on 2009-12-12 at 22:19:13.
Edited on 2009-12-12 at 22:34:12 by Shades331

RDI Fixture
Karma: 22/5
513 Posts

First posts

excellent first posts my party! lets keep this up!

Since this is your first time on a blog, and it is essentially my first campaign, we will have to figure somethings along the way. I am wanting a post every week or so. It should not take that long, but I am hoping that this will be enjoyable, not a chore xD.

So I will give a post, then I want your characters to respond to it. interation with each other is desired, so if one person makes a post, and then another wishes to interact with that persona, please do so. YEs, there will not be as much action in this campaign like we are used to when we were together, but that is sort of expected. Its about the role playing, action comes second.

Posted on 2009-12-16 at 18:43:55.

Karma: 2/0
3 Posts

Rodny Harfoot Character Sheet

Male Halfling Rogue 5
Chaotic Neutral
Representing Josh Bollin

Strength 12 (+1)
Dexterity 20 (+5)
Constitution 13 (+1)
Intelligence 16 (+3)
Wisdom 16 (+3)
Charisma 11 (+0)
Size: Small
Height: 2' 11"
Weight: 32 lb
Skin: Tan
Eyes: Dark Brown
Hair: Dark Brown; Straight; Light Beard

Total HP: 43

Speed: 20 feet
Armor Class: 16 = 10 +5 [dexterity] +1 [small]
Touch AC: 16
Flat-footed: 16 [uncanny dodge]

Initiative modifier:+5 = +5 [dexterity]
Fortitude save: +3= 1 [base] +1 [constitution] +1 [halfling]
Reflex save:+10 = 4 [base] +5 [dexterity] +1 [halfling]
Will save:+5= 1 [base] +3 [wisdom] +1 [halfling]
Attack (handheld):+5 = 3 [base] +1 [strength] +1 [small]
Attack (unarmed):+5 = 3 [base] +1 [strength] +1 [small]
Attack (missile):+9 = 3 [base] +5 [dexterity] +1 [small]
Grapple check: +0 = 3 [base] +1 [strength] -4 [small]

Light load: 32 lb. or less
Medium load: 33-65 lb.
Heavy load: 65-98 lb.
Lift over head: 98 lb.
Lift off ground: 195 lb.
Push or drag: 488 lb.

Languages: Common Elven Gnome Halfling Orc

Arumin [1d3, 19-20/x2, 1 lb., light, slashing]
Tear Knife [1d2, x2, light, piercing]
Sap [1d4 nonlethal, crit x2., 1 lb., light, bludgeoning]
Nohar [1d4, 19-20/x2, 2 lb., light, slashing & piercing]
Hand Crossbow [1d3, 19-20/x2, range incr 30 ft., 1 lb., piercing]

Deft Hands


Appraise Int 6 = +3 +3
Balance Dex* 7 = +5 +2
Bluff Cha 3 = +0 +3
Climb Str* 6 = +1 +3 +2 [halfling]
Concentration Con 4 = +1 +3
Diplomacy Cha 5 = +0 +3 +2 [sense motive]
Disable Device Int 5 = +3 +2
Escape Artist Dex* 10 = +5 +4 +1 [skinny]
Forgery Int 3 = +3
Gather Information Cha 6 = +0 +3 +2 [investigator] +1 [easygoing]
Heal Wis 3 = +3
Hide Dex* 12 = +5 +3 +4 [small]
Intimidate Cha -1 = +0 -1 [easygoing]
Jump Str* 3 = +1 +6 +2 [halfling] -6 [speed 20]
Knowledge (architecture)Int 4 = +3 +1
Knowledge (local) Int 5 = +3 +2
Listen Wis 8 = +3 +3 +2 [halfling]
Move Silently Dex* 10 = +5 +3 +2 [halfling]
Open Lock Dex 9 = +5 +4
Ride Dex 5 = +5
Search Int 8 = +3 +3 +2 [investigator]
Sense Motive Wis 7 = +3 +5 -1 [easygoing]
Sleight of Hand Dex* 12 = +5 +5 +2 [deft hands]
Spot Wis 7 = +3 +4
Survival Wis 3 = +3
Swim Str** 1 = +1
Tumble Dex* 11 = +5 +4 +2 [jump]
Use Magic Device Cha 4 = +0 +4
Use Rope Dex 12 = +5 +5 +2 [deft hands]

2.5 lb Soft leather armor [light; +1 AC; +9 max Dex; 0 check penalty]
Gauntlets, soft leather
2 lb 100-pocket cloak [allows wearer to carry up to 100 lbs of items w/o adding to encumbrance]
1 lb Arumin [1d3; 19-20/x2; light; slashing]
Tear knife [1d2; x2; light; piercing] x6
1 lb Sap [1d4 nonlethal, crit x2, light, bludgeoning]
2 lb Nohar [1d4; 19-20/x2; light; slashing & piercing]
1 lb Hand Crossbow [1d3, 19-20/x2, range incr. 30 ft., piercing]
4 lb Crossbow bolts (quiver of 10) x4
0.5 lb Backpack
1 lb Bedroll
1 lb Blanket, winter x1
Flint and steel
2 lb Grappling hook, collapsible {kept in cloak}
2 lb Lantern (hooded)
3 lb Oil flasks x3
1 lb Pouch x2
1 lb Sacks x1
4 lb Waterskins x4 {2 kept in cloak}
1 lb Climber's kit {kept in cloak}
1 lb Thieves' tools {kept in cloak}
0.5 lb Itching powder, jar x5 {kept in cloak}
1 lb Lock gum, jar x4 {kept in cloak}
.5 lb Automated footpad {kept in cloak}
10 lb Spool of Endless Rope
1 lb Torch bug tube {kept in cloak}
5 lb Bolt cutters {kept in cloak}
7 lb Outfitting bundle, basic
0.5 lb Tinderbox
10 lb Tent, small (2-man) canvas
Cards, expertly marked
Dice, clear
Map, regional
1919 gp
1 sp
5 cp

59.5 lb Total
45.5 Encumbrance (Medium load)

Dog, riding (Capacity: light: 100 lb; medium: 101-200 lb; heavy: 201-300 lb)
25 lb Saddle, riding
1 lb Bit & bridle
Reins (unarmored)
10 lb Feed x3 (per day)
8 lb Saddle bags, medium x2 (holds 5 cu. ft.)

Posted on 2010-01-11 at 01:24:04.
Edited on 2010-01-12 at 17:10:58 by jbfedaykin

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