Dakarta Resident Karma: 16/4 218 Posts
Good day all! Sorry I am late!
*slowly pulls back hood as I step in from the rain, and look around for an empty table*
First I would like to say hello to everyone here at the Inn. I am sorry for my lateness. Even at the behest of Steelight to introduce myself, it slipped my mind.
I am not a very big gamer. I played a bit when I was younger and got out of it because of life and lack of friends to play with. I want to get back into it though. I think this is a good start. Hopefully, I'm right.
I have an open imagination and love a good story. I'm a bit shy, but open up around friends and people I feel comfortable with. There isn't much that offends me.
*finds an empty table in the corner and takes a seat*
Well, I suppose that'll do for now. Feel free to stop by my table and chat anytime.
Posted on 2009-12-24 at 21:12:36.
Merideth Muse-i-licious RDI Staff Karma: 186/13 3273 Posts
*Dashes over*
Shy? Around here? We'll fix that... and the 'I'm not a big gamer' thing too!
*sits down, perhaps too close but she is cute and smells nice so it isn't so bad*
Hi... I'm Meri, nice to met you. Let me know if you need anything. Oh! Let me get you a drink. Ion makes some really good cocktails, and he'll dance for you too, but you gotta tip him.
Oh... watch out for the crazy guy, okay your right I should specify... the guy with the nutty hat. You'll know it when you see him... or at least your face will. *nod*
Oh and don't let anyone catch you feeding the Grugg.
*settles back* Ahh... so good to take a moment and catch up with some fresh meat around here.
Posted on 2009-12-24 at 21:28:40.
Tus Lased Veteran Visitor Karma: 16/15 127 Posts
Hey Dakarta if you are looking for a good story I'm pretty sure you need to talk to Ion Kired and join a few games that he has played in (like Dying world I've tlaked with him and I'm pretty sure he's looking for a new player since Dukee quit coming to the inn and he doesn't have a person that knows our mission.)
I'm also a good story teller and as soon as I get out of my current stats and think of a game I'm stating one.
Posted on 2009-12-24 at 21:55:07.
Steelight Sage of the Realms Karma: 44/9 1024 Posts
It's About Time!
Sheesh. It only took you how long? Well, I suppose better late than never.
And watch it with him Meri. You never know when he'll do something a bit... unexpected or out of the ordinary. That being said, he should fit right in here.
Posted on 2009-12-25 at 01:42:04.
Almerin Typing Furiously RDI Staff Karma: 177/19 3012 Posts
If you're looking to get back in the game, this is the place to be. There are so many good roleplayers here, and many DMs that spin tales you won't see on the regular dinner table.
Have fun here! And don't be shy to start your own threads!
Posted on 2009-12-25 at 12:49:07.
Merideth Muse-i-licious RDI Staff Karma: 186/13 3273 Posts
I should think the warning should go the other way around. I'm a big girl and can take care of myself I promise.
I can handle Eol, I think I can handle this guy.
The question is... can he handle me?
Posted on 2009-12-25 at 14:57:20.
Eol Fefalas Lord of the Possums RDI Staff Karma: 475/29 8864 Posts
Thanks for pulling back the hood, too... Made that facelick all the easier, donchaknow?
Welcome aboard, mate!
Posted on 2009-12-25 at 15:04:29.
Ion Kired Tapped Out Bullywog Karma: 45/4 758 Posts
talk about being late I can't believe I missed this.
Hi I'm Ion. *brings over a mixture of Jack, mountain dew, and Watermelon schnapps* It's called a Jack your Melon tastes pretty good. Welcome. I note your post count says you haven't joined a game yet. If you're into 4e then you should check the uprising of Orcus thread. That looks like it'll be an interesting tale, or for 3.5 check Looking for Players Dragonblood doesn't bite hard and he's a pretty good storyteller himself, for 2e Mithril Dragon started a thread 2nd Ed.Ad&D-New Game that I'm personally excited for. Come on, there's only one way to get back into gaming!
Posted on 2009-12-30 at 22:01:16.
Dakarta Resident Karma: 16/4 218 Posts
Settling in
*tenses a bit at the closeness of this stranger. Brushes the loose strands of hair away from my face and notice how attractive she is. Inhales deeply as she introduces herself. Muscles relax, as the thought runs through my mind of how delicious she smells*
*smiles, slightly biting lower lip* Hello Meri. A pleasure to meet you. Thank you for the tip about the guy in the nutty hat. I'll be on the lookout. I apologize for being a bit tense. I'm not usually good around people. Thanks for making me feel welcome. Is that your role, well I mean umm...a hostess of sorts. Oh and you have me curious, what exactly is the Grugg?
*relaxes completely and notices someone in a rather strange hat approaching*
Posted on 2010-01-03 at 06:22:19.
TannTalas Trilogy Master RDI Staff Karma: 181/119 6817 Posts
Welcome Dakarta
I see some of my Fellow Mods have already welcomed you to the Inn but allow me to do the same.
And in answer to your question of what is a Grugg , he is also a fellow Moderator here at the Inn but he is like those creatures from the movie Gremlins, if you feed him, strange things happen .
But again welcome to the Inn and I know you'll enjoy your time with us.
Posted on 2010-01-03 at 06:42:47.
Dakarta Resident Karma: 16/4 218 Posts
*grins as I wipe my cloak sleeve across my face*
Well met Eol. You must be the one Meri warned me about. I don't taste bad do I? Your greeting reminds me of home. My family pet will not let anyone in the door 'til she has given you a proper licking. Strange that I'm the only one in the family she doesn't just stop at the face with. So... Well, have a seat and join us for a round.
Posted on 2010-01-03 at 07:54:57.
Dakarta Resident Karma: 16/4 218 Posts
Tasty Drink
*listens closely as Ion describes the drink, then smiles and drains the glass*
Oooh..now that tingles. Delicious drink. I love it. What do I owe ya? *stands reaching into my bag and pulls out a small coin pouch and hands it to Ion* I suppose this may be enough to cover it and a decent tip. If not let me know. Speaking of, the next round for everyone at this table is on me. Meri tells me you dance for tips, personally I think I'd prefer to see her dance but, would love to see what ya do.
Posted on 2010-01-03 at 08:23:25.
Steelight Sage of the Realms Karma: 44/9 1024 Posts
Well said my flirtatious friend. Meri is a fine dancer I'm sure.
*Raises his ever present glass of fine wine in her honor*
But where's the music might I ask? You can't have any manner of exceptional dance without some sort of music to accompany it. The laughter and good company of friends is well and good, particularly here, but life holds little meaning without a little melody.
Posted on 2010-01-03 at 10:32:07.
Merideth Muse-i-licious RDI Staff Karma: 186/13 3273 Posts
Well thanks...
I'm actually not a great dancer, but no one seems to complain too much when I do. But yes music would be nice, at least a beat that I can fail to keep up with.
Eol plays the drums I hear... *nod*
Posted on 2010-01-03 at 15:16:24.
Eol Fefalas Lord of the Possums RDI Staff Karma: 475/29 8864 Posts
Nah... ya taste like Innmate fare to me, Dakarta... not bad at all.
And, yep... drums! Bangin' on stuff! Let's all do a mean rendition of Paradise City and then tap dance in the lot, shall we?
And what's this about Meri warning people about me? I'm supposed to warn people about her... *ponders*... Strange things are afoot at the Circle K, dudes...
Posted on 2010-01-03 at 17:24:23.