Dragonblood Facelick Squeegee Karma: 37/7 401 Posts
Get To Know Your Inn Mates!
Say what?! A new posting game!! That's right! Can I play, you ask? Please do!!
Howdy folks! I come to you, my fellow inn mates, with a hankering to know a little bit more about what makes everyone and the site itself so tick! Here's how I propose to do it: a posting game!
How does it work? Simple, with each post we get a new question and some more answers. Yes that is as cryptic as it gets, I'll elaborate shall I? I will begin by asking one very straight-forward question - such as, 'How the heck are you accessing the inn (home comp, work comp, school comp, &c...)?' - the next person to post has to answer my question and add a new question to the list, maybe something like, 'How do you take your eggs, if you take 'em at all?'. Now the next person has two questions to answer and they get to add their question to mix, which means the next person has to answer three questions and add one of their own. Make sense?
You can post here as many times as you like, even answering your own questions if its getting dull. Basically I just want to stalk each and every one of you cute little inn members I can!!
First Question:
Favourite cartoon/tv show from childhood?
Join the fun!
Posted on 2010-02-11 at 21:36:18.
Merideth Muse-i-licious RDI Staff Karma: 186/13 3273 Posts
I would have to say that my favorite childhood cartoon was Rescue Rangers those little chimpmunks were the best!
My turn for a question huh? Ummm...
What is your favorite type of shoe?
Posted on 2010-02-11 at 21:51:45.
Ebilness Newbie Karma: 4/0 13 Posts
Answeres and Questions
Favorite show as lame as this sounds, but it was the Gummi Bears, Some may know it and some may not..
Favorite shoe? Probably a hiking boot
My question!!
Favorite Book?
Posted on 2010-02-11 at 22:25:34.
Shield Wolf Alpha Beard Karma: 49/2 1066 Posts
me next!
Favorite show was Animaniacs, I miss Pinky and the Brain!!
Favorite shoe? black work boots
Favorite Book? Oh that's a tough one, I think I'll have to go with Wizard's First Rule by Terry Goodkind.
And now my question.. hmmm... Favorite candy?
Posted on 2010-02-11 at 22:41:41.
Steelight Sage of the Realms Karma: 44/9 1024 Posts
Here we go
Favorite Show growing up: Thundercats
Favorite Shoes: Sandles
Favorite Book: I'd say Wizard's First Rule, but since that one is already taken... I'll go with Sojourn by R.A. Salvatore
Favorite Candy: Heath
Now for my question... enough of this favorit stuff. What do you wish to get out of being a member of the Inn?
Posted on 2010-02-12 at 02:45:57.
Pit F(r)iend Welcome Waggin' Karma: 115/3 1245 Posts
*sound of Ewok on speeder bike*
Favorite Show Growing Up: Battle of the Planets
Favorite Shoes: Timberlands
Favorite Book: Illusions the adventures of a Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
Favorite Candy: Godiva Chocolates
What do I hope to get out of being an Innmate: Camaraderie, laughs and making other people laugh/have as much fun as myself.
And my question: What is your personal motto, your guiding thought in life?
Thanks for a kewl game!
Posted on 2010-02-13 at 18:32:09.
Ion Kired Tapped Out Bullywog Karma: 45/4 758 Posts
It's time to catch up on my posting games
Favorite Show Growing Up: Uncanny X-men or Spiderman
Favorite Shoes: Tap shoes
Favorite Book: DragonLance Dragons of Winter Night
Favorite Candy: M&M's
What do I hope to get out of being an Innmate: Shock Therapy!
What is your personal motto, your guiding thought in life? Laughter is the best therapy and if you can laugh at yourself then their laughing with you while laughing at you
EDIT: Oh yeah and my question is... What's you most common character class you play?
Posted on 2010-02-13 at 19:29:25.
Edited on 2010-02-13 at 19:30:48 by Ion Kired
Deucalion RDI Fixture Karma: 70/16 582 Posts
Getting to know all about you....
Show: Gargoyles
Shoe: my leather boots
Book: Legacy of the Drow (Cheating a bit because I own the collectors edition and don't want to narrow down to one of the four individual books)
Goal: More D&D games; exposure to more DMing styles to improve my own.
Class: Warlock. I just love the way different invocation selection makes widely different characters, even though you only get 12 of them from 1->20.
Uh-oh. Rolled a 1. Something bad is about to happen.
Would you rather: Lose the character, keep the gear (to be used by the surviving party), or keep the character, lose the gear (and have to completely rebuild your inventory)?
Posted on 2010-02-13 at 21:26:18.
Edited on 2010-02-13 at 21:42:33 by Deucalion
Merideth Muse-i-licious RDI Staff Karma: 186/13 3273 Posts
Me again!?
Show: Rescue Rangers
Shoe: Ballet Flats
Book: The Shining
Goal: To create stories and characters that are engaging for me and my fellow innmates.
Class: Sorc. Spontaneous casting baby!
Would you rather - Gear or Char: I think I would say the gear. Tis a shame to loose a character and have to redo background stories and such. Plus the challenge of trying to accomplish a goal without all those extra's is fun!
New Question:
Your favorite/best time of the day to post?
Posted on 2010-02-14 at 23:11:58.
Pit F(r)iend Welcome Waggin' Karma: 115/3 1245 Posts
Can you find the Brian Regan Reference?
Favorite Show Growing Up: Battle of the Planets
Favorite Shoes: Timberlands
Favorite Book: Illusions the adventures of a Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
Favorite Candy: Godiva Chocolates
What do I hope to get out of being an Innmate: Camaraderie, laughs and making other people laugh/have as much fun as myself.
Personal Motto/Guiding Thought In Life: aut inveniam viam aut faciam (Latin, "I shall either find a way or make one."
Most commonly played PC Class: Cleric (wrath of God on tha foolz!)
Lose PC & Keep Gear or Keep PC & Lose Gear: Keep PC! Stuff is replaceable.
Favorite ToD to Post: On Weekends and Holidays and All Throughout May
Next question: Favorite Dragon (can be general or specific)
Posted on 2010-02-15 at 13:14:28.
Grugg Gregg RDI Staff Karma: 357/190 6192 Posts
Favorite Show Growing Up: Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers MuthaF***as!
Favorite Shoes: Anything that can fit me, which usually means basketball shoes.
Favorite Book: I'm a Manatee by John Lithgow
Favorite Candy: I don't really eat candy but...Kit Kat bars?
What do I hope to get out of being an Innmate: Fed. Someday. Barring that, I'll settle for a good game with people I'd enjoy hanging out with.
Personal Motto/Guiding Thought In Life: I'm a Man, I can Change, If I have to. I Guess.
Most commonly played PC Class: Cleric or Barbarian. Raarghl!
Lose PC & Keep Gear or Keep PC & Lose Gear: Eh, I guess keep PC, because it would just seem weird to have a pile of gear.
Favorite ToD to Post: Evening, because I'm home.
Favorite Dragon: Uh...Red?
My Question: If you could be a tree, what kind of tree would you be?
Posted on 2010-02-15 at 13:56:24.
Edited on 2010-02-15 at 13:57:08 by Grugg
Merideth Muse-i-licious RDI Staff Karma: 186/13 3273 Posts
I forgot the candy question! Ummm... that would almost have to be a tie between Mounds and Yorks.
My favorite time to post: At work...
My favorite dragon: Any oriental dragon, I've always found them more entertaining than Western dragons. They don't even need wings to fly, how kick*** is that!?
Tree: Hmmm... I think I'd have to go with a willow, they are just cool trees.
Posted on 2010-02-15 at 15:43:57.
Mr.Conquest Veteran Visitor Karma: 11/3 112 Posts
Favorite show - Pokemon (only the original mind)
Favorite shoes - Cosy trainers
Favorite book - Fool
Favorite Sweet - Snickers
What do i hope of becoming an innmate - Friends and a good laugh
Motto - S*** happens, deal with it
Most common class - Of all time - Rogue trader
For D&D - A paladin or warrior
PC or gear - I would lose the gear
Favorite ToD - Anytime after 4 o'clock
Favorite dragon - Blue elder dragon
Tree - Oak
What is the THIRD thing you do in the morning?
Posted on 2010-02-16 at 01:21:57.
Tus Lased Veteran Visitor Karma: 16/15 127 Posts
boy this is getting hard
Favorite show - 21 Jump street (Sorry I'm old)
Favorite shoes - skater (make long walks and hold up)
Favorite book - Breaking Dawn (through the majesties dragon is close)
Favorite Sweet - Twix
What do i hope of becoming as an innmate - I hope to show people and friends how creative I can be
Motto -Life is like a dream but we never wake up.
Most common class - Druid or Ranger
PC or gear - PC
Favorite ToD - 1 I get to talk to my wife after I wake up from working over night
Favorite dragon - Chinese celestral
Tree - BLack walnut
THIRD thing you do in the morning- Give my wife her third kiss
Hmmm my question... Are you married or Single?
Posted on 2010-02-16 at 02:02:55.
Edited on 2010-02-16 at 02:08:44 by Tus Lased
Eol Fefalas Lord of the Possums RDI Staff Karma: 475/29 8865 Posts
Ooooh! I don't know the answers!
Favorite show - Not sure I had a "favorite"... The Six Million Dollar Man, I suppose?
Favorite shoes - gimme my boots!
Favorite book - Swan Song
Favorite Sweet - Meri
What do I hope of becoming as an innmate - Today the Inn, tomorrow THE WORLD *facelick*
Motto -Each footstep is a beginning and an end; there is no journey, only the journeying...
Most common class - Sneaky-ones (Rogues, Assassins, shifty f-ers)
PC or gear - PC
Favorite Time of Day to post - Any chance I get.
Favorite dragon - This one
Tree - Silver maple... it's my life tree, after all.
THIRD thing you do in the morning- COFFEE!!!
Married or Single - Married
And... a question luv? M.
Oh yeah! Ummm... favorite vacation destination?
YAY Random Mod Pileup - Grugg
Posted on 2010-02-16 at 15:50:04.
Edited on 2010-02-16 at 21:40:55 by Grugg