Pit F(r)iend Welcome Waggin' Karma: 115/3 1245 Posts
Yet Another Posting Game
Greetz, All!
Okay, here goes my offering in posting games. The concept is simple enough. First player announces by post that he/she/it will attempt a Skill Check. The following player decides failure or success with humorous results, and then announces a skill check of their own. Wash Rinse Repeat. It's sort of like Corrupt a Wish or Demonic Vending Machine but with a greater focus on RP'ing.
So, here's an example:
Player 1: I make a Diplomacy Check
Player 2: Success! The rock loves you!
I make a Profession (Sailor) Check
Player 3: Fail! You drown in your own bathtub!
(Alright. I just want to cop to this in case someone catches me. I found this idea on a certain Playground that belongs to a certain Giant, and thought we could have some fun with it, too. Hope he understands.)
Edit: sorry 'bout my ill manners--I should at least start us off!
I make a Move Silently Check
Posted on 2010-03-06 at 19:03:07.
Edited on 2010-03-06 at 19:41:57 by Pit F(r)iend
Eol Fefalas Lord of the Possums RDI Staff Karma: 475/29 8865 Posts
Epic Success: You moved so silently I didn't even see this thread for 14 days after it got posted
I make an Escape Artist check...
Posted on 2010-03-20 at 13:50:35.
Loki TRSG 2.0 Karma: 113/94 1606 Posts
Fail, you are bound to posting in this game for the rest of time.
I roll a Craft (Blacksmithing) check.
Posted on 2010-03-20 at 14:40:56.
Merideth Muse-i-licious RDI Staff Karma: 186/13 3273 Posts
oohhh la la
Success! Thanks, I look great in that chain mail bikini
I roll Knowledge (The Planes) check
Posted on 2010-03-20 at 14:50:00.
Ayrn RDI Fixture Karma: 122/12 2025 Posts
You didn't say what it was for... but, I know what you're after, baby! ;)
You roll a 10 on your Knowledge [The Planes] check to see what you know about "Ayrn" ('cuz everyone knows he's out of this world ).
The DM posts the following results:
Ayrn - Native Outsider
This tall, tanned native beauty seems to be send straight from heaven. He has the following known abilities:
Gaze Attack: Do not look directly into his eyes... they're stunning!
Great Fortitude / Endurance: Like the energized bunny!
Improved Grab: Once he's got a hold of you, it's hard to resist.
Pounce: Rawr!
Scent: Usually of the Calvin Klein variety.
Tongue: It's a gift, really. Need I say more?
Vulnerability: Chainmail
Good luck!
I roll an Innuendo skill check (I love 3.0 skills).
Posted on 2010-03-20 at 15:25:34.
Loki TRSG 2.0 Karma: 113/94 1606 Posts
Success, I think.
I roll a spot check, as a GM, for everyone on the RDInn to see if they see this game.
Say what? That I'm into tall dark foreign men? The truth doesn't bother me
Posted on 2010-03-21 at 04:20:43.
Edited on 2010-03-21 at 15:37:01 by Merideth
Sibelius Eos Owm A Midsummer Knight Karma: 59/5 1376 Posts
Apparently at least a 12 you got for me.
I suppose this means your check succeeded.... I spotted it. You're going to be rolling those dice for a while, I think, there are plenty of people to make checks for.
I roll an Autohypnosis check. (There are a couple of ways this psionic skill could go, methinks).
Posted on 2010-03-21 at 07:47:33.
Brianna Not Dragon Mistress Karma: 105/32 2282 Posts
You fail and You now have hypnotised yourself and believer that Loki loves you.
I make a Riding check
Posted on 2010-03-21 at 07:56:15.
Edited on 2010-03-21 at 07:57:46 by Brianna
Sibelius Eos Owm A Midsummer Knight Karma: 59/5 1376 Posts
Brianna's entering the riding and she wants your vote today!
You succeed! You have been elected the constituent of your riding. Don't ask me if that's actually how politics work.
I make a hasty Knowledge (Architecture) check
Posted on 2010-03-22 at 05:23:10.
Kaelyn Dragon Fodder Karma: 80/19 2264 Posts
had too..
The Doghouse you built after your significant other put you in it for catching you reciting love poems to Loki whilst hypnotized collapses...
then it rains.
I roll a Profession: Chef Check.
Posted on 2010-03-22 at 06:41:08.
Sibelius Eos Owm A Midsummer Knight Karma: 59/5 1376 Posts
I'm a regular lovesick pup, I am
I suppose that's what I get for being overly excitable--I only thought Loki loved me and look how I reacted.
Anyway, you succeed, though I'll let you be the judge on whether that's a good thing or not, for your success is so great that you have managed to attract this poor waif out of the rain, and my fellow dog-housed companions Grugg and Eol (the Mother Grugger) over for supper. I hope the extent of your success implies quantity as well as quality.
I stand back and roll a Craft (Game Post) check
Posted on 2010-03-22 at 19:39:41.
Edited on 2010-03-22 at 19:40:15 by Sibelius Eos Owm
Loki TRSG 2.0 Karma: 113/94 1606 Posts
You make the check by a large margin and your game is revitalised with your posting prowess.
I attempt a Use Force check using the Jedi Mind Trick thing to convince grugg that he's a halfling cleric.
(SW Saga, good game. We all wish we could use the force)
Posted on 2010-03-22 at 20:32:57.
Edited on 2010-03-22 at 20:33:36 by Loki
gboy Wee Grugglet Karma: 57/27 1669 Posts
I'm sorry Loki, you failed the check, and have now convinced Grugg that he's a troll and you're a halfling... And as you know, hungry trolls do like a good halfling...
I make a Decipher Script check.
Posted on 2010-03-23 at 00:31:22.
Pit F(r)iend Welcome Waggin' Karma: 115/3 1245 Posts
Recalculating. . .
Fail! Tax forms still elude you with their Byzantine roundabout-ness!
I make a Reading Lips (2.0 nonweapon proficiency) Check
Posted on 2010-03-30 at 12:06:04.
Ion Kired Tapped Out Bullywog Karma: 45/4 758 Posts
You manage to read the lips of a really cute girl on t.v. as she's randomly mouthing something and somehow it reads that she has had a seven year crush on YOU!
I make a ride check
Posted on 2010-05-21 at 03:29:15.