rowan Newbie Karma: 2/0 3 Posts
Hi all. Here you'll know me as Rowan.
I've been known as Mirset the Random Rogue, and am rolling up a cleric for another table-top run of D&D 3.5.
If it works out, I'd like to get in on a web game of 3.5 to try some other classes or to learn a new set of rules completely, though I'm not yet comfortable with the idea of DMing my own yet. I'll keep watching for open slots & new campaigns (and enjoying all of the parody songs/poems).
Otherwise, let the stories flow!
Posted on 2010-06-13 at 06:01:27.
Edited on 2010-06-13 at 06:04:46 by rowan
Steelight Sage of the Realms Karma: 44/9 1024 Posts
Greetings. You can always look into the Red Wyrm School game which is always recruiting. It is intended to be a introduction to the Inn and play by post games in general (as well as the 3.5E rule set, though from what you say you are likely pretty familiar with it.) Beyond that, there are always new games in various rule sets starting up.
I hope you enjoy your stay at the Inn. Have fun!
Posted on 2010-06-13 at 15:34:55.
t_catt11 Fun is Mandatory RDI Staff Karma: 378/54 7163 Posts
Welcome to the Inn!
Posted on 2010-06-13 at 18:31:39.
Almerin Typing Furiously RDI Staff Karma: 177/19 3012 Posts
You're in the right place!
Welcome to the Inn!
You've come to the right place to try out new stuff. Check out the recruitment area, or as Steelight said, the Red Wyrm threads.
Good luck in finding a good game.
Posted on 2010-06-14 at 16:31:09.
Merideth Muse-i-licious RDI Staff Karma: 186/13 3273 Posts
Welcome indeed!
Glad to have another face around here... especially one looking to possibly try new things. Poke around and let us know if you need anything.
And yes RedWyrm is a good place to start... but *whispers* careful I've heard the DM is somewhat of a ditz...
Posted on 2010-06-14 at 20:41:31.
Hobolyra Veteran Visitor Karma: 29/0 145 Posts
Hello hello!
Welcome, and hope you enjoy your stay.
Posted on 2010-06-15 at 01:36:11.
Pit F(r)iend Welcome Waggin' Karma: 115/3 1245 Posts
Newbies Ahoy!
Oh, jeez I just saw Eol log in---
Beware the Facelick!!
Will console you with flowers and spiced mead after your, ahem, baptism by slobber.
Posted on 2010-06-15 at 15:07:14.
Eol Fefalas Lord of the Possums RDI Staff Karma: 475/29 8864 Posts
Give him the mead, now...
...I like my newbies all spicy!!!
Welcome aboard, Innmate! Always happy to see (and lick) new faces hereabouts.
If there's anything that any of us can do to help you out, point you in the wrong direction, or whatever, don't hesitate to let us know.
Posted on 2010-06-15 at 15:39:49.
Pit F(r)iend Welcome Waggin' Karma: 115/3 1245 Posts
See! You survived!
*hands towel to rowan, presents bouquet of wildflowers*
"Two spiced meads, if you please, Ion!"
Here-ya-go, rowan. Why is my stein so much bigger? Maybe 'cuz I'm twelve feet tall and 800 pounds? Lookit, I'm not even on a barstool and meetin' eye-to-eye with ya! Paying up in platinum pieces doesn't hurt, either.
In any case, let me take a more leisurely opportunity to welcome you with big scaly hands to Red Dragon Inn! Previously I was more concerned with getting out a perfunctory warning on the infamous FaceLick, especially with Eol on the prowl.
Hmmm--anything or anyone else to warn you about? If you must feed Grugg, make it lasagna, and preferably one made by Eol. The secret ingredient has to be the Feta cheese he uses that Grugg likes so much. Oh, and the Andouille sausage, I almost forgot about that. Other than that, I guess the best advice is have fun, keep it clean, vote each day for the Inn at the home page and be sure to check out the webcomic Loaded Dice.
Posted on 2010-06-17 at 12:21:04.
rowan Newbie Karma: 2/0 3 Posts
*wipes off face, sets towel on the counter, and accepts bouquet with a smile*
"Many thanks, all, for the welcome."
Red Wyrm, you say? What other play-by-post set-ups are there?
Posted on 2010-08-02 at 05:31:38.
TannTalas Trilogy Master RDI Staff Karma: 181/119 6817 Posts
A Big Welcome
Let me be the fifth of the RDINN staff to welcome you to our site. As you already have seen based on the thread here there’s a lot to do here for sure so take your time and get comfortable with our site. There are a wide variety of AD&D rules sets in use here, even at one time a game run on the very first rules edition.. Basic .. So have no fear there is always something for everyone including Free Form games.
The Inn has been around quite some time and for a great majority of us is a second home so please treat the Inn, its Staff and all it’s members with respect and we will treat you the same.
So again welcome its always nice to have new people come to us and we hope you’ll feel at home. If you have any questions about the site feel free to PM myself or any other Staff member as needed.
Posted on 2010-08-02 at 06:14:52.
Edited on 2010-08-02 at 06:15:21 by TannTalas
Dallascowboy789 Newbie Karma: 0/0 2 Posts
yes iam new at this site ive been playing dnd 3.5 for 2 yrs now and iam looking for campaign ideas and adventure i deas drop me a pm please happy gaming!!!!!!
Posted on 2010-09-28 at 06:25:58.
Tiamat5774 5 Headed Dracohydra Karma: 80/23 1117 Posts
welcome Rowan!
Ive just started a game called Throne of the Phantom King, that I welcome you to join. It uses the 3.5 dnd rule set. Check out the Q&a for Character creation and lurk in the game if you wish to get an idea what PBP is all about.
there are also freeform games for people that are looking for something that is not so rule heavy.
At any rate enjoy yourself while you are here, fellow inn-mate!
Posted on 2010-09-28 at 07:58:33.