Since the beginning of the Inn, we've had a fairly straightforward policy about the posting of links and such, but there are always questions. Here is the absolutely, by the book way that link posting is to be handled at the Red Dragon Inn.
- All links posted simply for the sake of sharing said link belong in this forum category. Period.
If you are participating in a discussion about d20 rules and want to share a link to the SRD, feel free to post said link in that topic.
If you are GMing a game and want to post a link to your character sheet, by all means, post that link there.
If you just want to show us your personal web page, or some facebook group that you enjoy, it should go here.
- If you are an established member who wants to share something, feel free. You don't have to ask a mod if it's okay to post a link to your college movie project. If you started a new basement business, feel free to tell us about it. There is no distinction between free and paid stuff, as long as you aren't making a jerk of yourself.
- If you are brand new to the site, become an active member before posting here. Otherwise, you look like a spammer, and will be treated as such. Don't join the site simply to post a link to your website, webcomic, or business. The link will be deleted, and you will be banned.
- Use common sense when posting links. Don't link to porn, hate crap, pages that are set up simply to cause flame wars, etc. If it's not something that you'd normally post at the Inn, don't post a link out to it.
Make sense?