pyroboom Resident Karma: 46/64 335 Posts
My first game
O.K.,I've learned about the site,found out what I needed too,and now I'm putting up my recruitment thread!
O.K.,now I've tried making this game but I had to delete it.If it doesn't makes sense then tell me.
Storyline:It's 2012,and you're in the military.The aliens are of a race called Radian,from a planet called Radia.Your planet is obviously Earth.Their world is rocky,with lots of Glaciers and Volcanoes,(the volcanoes and glaciers are on different sides of their world.)and the buildings look like tipis from the indian tribes.Your in the middle of the Sahara desert with a military base.Project D.A.R.K.M.A.T.T.E.R. is a laser that can cause holes in space to travel time,but it got too close to the planet Radia and changed it's weather patterns really rapidly and the radians took it as an act of war,
you and you're team have to avoid getting killed.Negotiate,fight,or die trying.
Recruitment rules:1.You have to set your age,weapon,race,and sex.It's got to be(abviously)militry weapons only and has to be real.You can't say something like you have a computer hacked into all the nuclear sitings,and you can't have a long mythical sword.
2.There can only be at most 7 players.
Posted on 2010-08-15 at 01:08:21.
Edited on 2011-01-30 at 17:50:31 by pyroboom
sunow4 Veteran Visitor Karma: 7/1 150 Posts
I noticed you really want people to join your game. What you should do is post a character sheet.
From what I can tell you want this kind of layout:
This is the kind of layout I think you are asking for. Also, what do you mean by race? Do you mean asian, caucasian, hispanic, etc., or do you mean elf, dwarf, human etc. From what you've said I think you mean human races. Tell me if this is what you're looking for and I'll consider it.
Posted on 2010-08-18 at 22:22:53.
pyroboom Resident Karma: 46/64 335 Posts
Yes,the races I.m talking about is asian, caucasian, hispanic,or anything like that,human races.And your'e right Sunow,I should have have a character-sheet,heres how you should post your character sheet in my game:
Posted on 2010-08-22 at 00:40:40.
Edited on 2010-08-24 at 01:20:08 by pyroboom
malek04 Resident Karma: 11/8 303 Posts
Character concept
Name: Mandell rome (Nickname: Mooney)
Sex: Male
Age: 32
Race: Cuban
Personality: He only joined the military to avoid getting deported. He is quite synical and enjoys in making people who cross him pay dearly
Occupation: Army Air borne ranger an expert in sniper abilities.
Equipment: Al-Qadissiya Tabuk- a semi automatic sniper rifle great for deffensive and offensive capabilities (also acts as an assault rifle.)
Posted on 2010-08-22 at 15:21:34.
pyroboom Resident Karma: 46/64 335 Posts
Game start
I started the game already!I just coudn't take the wait and next time I create a game I'll play one first,here's where my game is:
Posted on 2010-09-05 at 23:17:44.
Tiamat5774 5 Headed Dracohydra Karma: 80/23 1117 Posts
you also need to create a Q&A thread for your players so they can discuss actions and coordinate before posting in the game thread. BTW, have the aliens attacked. If not how can one "fight back" or "negotiate"? Your players can not see into your mind so you have to be very forthcoming with ALL details.
Posted on 2010-09-05 at 23:50:17.
pyroboom Resident Karma: 46/64 335 Posts
2012 revision(edit)
I revised 2012 now, and hopefully it's good this time! (more suprises and fighting probably)
Storyline:It's 2012,and you're in the military. The aliens are of a race called Radian, from a planet called Radia. Your planet is obviously Earth. Their world, Radia, is rocky with lots of Glaciers and Volcanoes,(the volcanoes and glaciers are on different sides of their world.)and the buildings look like tipis from the indian tribes. Your in the middle of the Sahara desert with a military base.Project D.A.R.K.M.A.T.T.E.R. is a laser that can cause holes in space to travel time, but it got too close to the planet Radia and changed it's weather patterns really rapidly and the radians took it as an act of war,
you and you're team have to avoid getting killed.Negotiate,fight,or die trying.
EDIT STORYLINE:Now there's another planet, Nebiru, joining forces with the Radians because of the fact that they hate all humans anyway, but needed a way to their planet anyway because they aren't as advanced as the Radians. Now you have to face these devil like giant demons as the same thing you have to face against aliens that can switch bodies.
Recruitment rules:1.You have to set your age,weapon,race,and sex.It's got to be(abviously)militry weapons only and has to be real.You can't say something like you have a computer hacked into all the nuclear sitings,and you can't have a long mythical sword.
2.There can only be at least 3 players (hopefully more)
And this time I'll make sure I get at least 3 or more players.
Posted on 2010-09-07 at 22:20:33.
Edited on 2011-01-30 at 18:22:31 by pyroboom
Admiral I'm doing SCIENCE! RDI Staff Karma: 164/50 1836 Posts
This sounds a lot like a freeform game. You might want to go ahead and make an opening post in whatever forum you're going to host the game in.
That way people can just jump right and play. It will probably get you some more players and faster.
- Put a lot of effort into your intro post. Spellcheck it, proofread it, revise it, just like an essay. I typically re-write my opening posts to a new game at least three times before I'm happy with it.
- Spell out exactly what you want from the players, what they will be doing, and how they met.
- Decide if you want to be a player or strictly a GM. I find that in freeform it's better if you play as well. Perhaps as a General or squad leader, so you can still direct the game. Make clear how the game will work. Thus far I haven't been able to gather this info from your posts.
- Remember, you can always play with just two people or even just you. Start writing a story post by post and if people are interested they will join. If not at least you get some practice with creative writing!
Good luck!
Posted on 2011-02-10 at 03:01:54.
pyroboom Resident Karma: 46/64 335 Posts
Everyone can just jump into my game!
please play...
Posted on 2011-03-03 at 20:50:17.
Edited on 2011-03-03 at 20:51:40 by pyroboom
Vilyamar Glorious Emperor Karma: 28/16 428 Posts
Do 6.28 aliens make a circle?
Posted on 2011-03-03 at 21:56:11.
Mysterion Veteran Visitor Karma: 12/0 168 Posts
Pyro I have to say I dont understand your post about your game. It seems a bit disjointed. You might want to take your post and expand on it a bit. It seems to jump around and not contain enough information on the adventure itself. Maybe if you filled in some info and gave more details you might get some people to commit to playing.
Just my 2ยข.
Posted on 2011-03-04 at 01:48:13.
pyroboom Resident Karma: 46/64 335 Posts
but just think of the amount of creatures; from humans to animals, all the way to plants; and divide it by 2, that would mmake a circle, and O.k., I will edit my post some more.
Posted on 2011-03-04 at 02:06:47.