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Chapter 2, Page 24 - End of book 2

New page is up. This is also the end of book 2.

I like to think this book came out much better than book 1. A stronger story and I think my color improved greatly.

We plan on submitting book 2 to a comic competition site called the Book 1 came in 5th place last competition they held, maybe we can take first this time.

We'll have to touch up a couple of pages and create a cover.

I've talked to Laz about maybe changing how we update pages for book 3. Our page layout was originally designed for print. We decided to host it online as an after thought, and kept the same format.

While this is good for us if we can ever sell print versions of our comic, its not the best format for single page updates, as you have less story and panel crammed into a page.

I came across an online comic called FreakAngels that is also produced for print. The writer updates around 6 pages at a time. This allows for large panel art, and still gives the reader a large chunk of story to read.

Would you guys rather we did that? The rate of updates would be much slower, probably every 2 to 3 weeks, but with a much larger chunk of story to read.

Posted on 2010-11-22 at 22:35:43.

Pit F(r)iend
Welcome Waggin'
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Skullface has a name? Sweet!

Glad to make yer acquaintance at last, Tarek!

I don't know much about the vagaries of posting/hosting webcomics, but I feel "less more often" beats "more, but seldom" as far as timing. Just so long as you don't sacrifice quality to bust out a strip twice a week to quell the clamoring of uncouth barbarians. If I have any suggestions worth noting, it would be to get your strip up on to help boost exposure on the net. Just know the trolls are out there with their sad and tragic ways.

Wish you guys the best! Keep it coming!

Posted on 2010-11-23 at 01:13:19.

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