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Angel Reincarnated
Karma: 87/22
1159 Posts

Animal Safari

Alright, so I had this idea about an Animal Safari. The game would be set in the wilderness and you can choose to be either human, or animal. Depending on the entries, I will create an intro deciding where it is located exactly.


**Half-Elf and humans should be most common as they live in the village and would be most interested to join the cause. Other races will be able to join as the village is a common rest stop for travellers.**

Please submit your character stats so that I can include you into the adventure.

Posted on 2011-01-26 at 19:15:38.
Edited on 2011-02-01 at 00:07:42 by cdnflirt

Angel Reincarnated
Karma: 87/22
1159 Posts


Hopefully I can get some interest in the game, otherwise I will start the game, by myself and just rp by myself

Posted on 2011-01-30 at 02:00:20.

Typing Furiously
RDI Staff
Karma: 177/19
3012 Posts


I don't have time to join, but I think the reason why people haven't responded to your hook yet, is that they don't see how this is an RP game.

Can you describe a bit more of how this would be an adventure, or how the story would go? I think that might help in finding players.

Good luck!

Posted on 2011-01-30 at 11:01:04.

Occasional Visitor
Karma: 8/2
44 Posts

dvoloshin's Entry

Here's my entry:


NAME: Andrei Hounjol


DESCRIPTION: Andrei is 6 feet tall. He is tanned with brown hair and brown eyes. He wears a handlebar moustache, but he is bald. He is very muscular, barrel-chested, and extremely fit. He is 32 years old.

BACKGROUND: Andrei was born in Fudrien to a Pard father and a Pard mother. Life was tough, and he needed to work as a fisherman with his father from the age of 8 in order to support his family. His childhood would have been impossible to live through had it not been for the exhilarating hunting trips his father took him on. Eventually, while in the field he was spotted by an experienced hunter who took him under his wing and into his hunting party. He has been hunting around the world ever since.

EDIT: I edited Andrei's Background and last name in order to make him fit into the Audalis setting.

Posted on 2011-01-30 at 20:02:21.
Edited on 2011-02-03 at 01:51:51 by dvoloshin

Angel Reincarnated
Karma: 87/22
1159 Posts

Great :)

I should be able to create a post sometime through the week. Its a busy week for me, I will see what I can manage.

EDIT: Intro post has been posted.

Posted on 2011-01-31 at 02:05:49.
Edited on 2011-01-31 at 23:26:42 by cdnflirt

Karma: 138/3
1049 Posts


Can I be one of the half-elves described in your first post of Safari Zone? (I'd love to be an interested Elf, but I'm all for being one of the remaining half-elves!)
I'll get together a profile for you in any case!

By the by -- nice first post! It sets the scene nicely!

Posted on 2011-02-01 at 00:03:03.

Angel Reincarnated
Karma: 87/22
1159 Posts


Hey darling,

There are a lot of wanderers who go through the village, I will be updating my requirements to include other races as well. I am hoping that some people decide to be animals as well. That way we can have the animal companions along in the group. look forward to your post. I will add you into the list of those who can post in the game.

Posted on 2011-02-01 at 00:05:37.

Regular Visitor
Karma: 11/0
74 Posts


Do I have to be a natural animal, or can I be a dire wolf or something?

Posted on 2011-02-01 at 20:31:01.

Angel Reincarnated
Karma: 87/22
1159 Posts


If you wish to be a dire wolf you may be a dire wolf. Once your profile is posted here, I will include you in those who can post in the game.

Posted on 2011-02-01 at 20:33:33.

Regular Visitor
Karma: 11/0
74 Posts


DESCRIPTION: A larger than normal wolf with small spikes emerging out of the fur on his back. Is covered with jet black fur with blue eyes.
BACKGROUND: A dire wolf that was given the ability of intelligent thought when he saved a elvish wizard from being eaten.

Posted on 2011-02-01 at 20:38:46.

Angel Reincarnated
Karma: 87/22
1159 Posts

Welcome Warthleader

I am hoping to see the members posting to the intro post over the next couple days so that we can get the game roling. We have a human, a half elf and a dire wolf in the game so far. Still recruiting for more members but intend on getting the game started.

Posted on 2011-02-01 at 20:53:38.

Karma: 138/3
1049 Posts


Name: Nadira Kanza
Race: Human, Chindari
Description: 5'6", her hair falls just below her jaw line and looks to be of the typical Chindari coloration of sandy blonde, though it is slightly bleached by long exposure to the sun. Her skin is tanned, and her lanky frame has a loping grace. Her face has a hawk-like appearance, and dark brown eyes sparkle with a hunter's instinct.
Background: Born and raised in the Chindari Plains, Nadira has known little else then moving with tides of the weather and the hunt. She is conscious of the wheel of life spinning, and has no problems telling those not of the plains about their views on the world. Being grown to woman, Nadira has inherited her own horse to use while hunting the dalpa herds. Nadira belongs to the group of hunters of the area, though she aspires to be accepted as one of her people’s protectors. Her shakri often travel to Falhill to trade camlut for supplies.

Posted on 2011-02-01 at 21:50:35.
Edited on 2011-02-02 at 23:53:02 by Celeste

Karma: 5/0
3 Posts

true freedom, means you have nothing to lose

NAME: Alador Sevis


DESCRIPTION:5'7" medium build ,one blue eye, and one grey, blonde stubble and a thin goatee

BACKGROUND: At only 18 years old, he watched his master explode in some experiment,and without an employer, and nothing else to do, packed his gear, and headed out the door, only to find himself in a vast plains next to an old stone arch, and no idea how to go back threw. After, a day of wandering, he spotted a caravan in the distance and started following it until it came to a town on the coast. Knowing that his belly would not feed itself, he started looking for work, guarding a wizard means you don't get out much, but, it was all he knew since he was taken off the streets and sold 6 years ago. "The slippery rock", he had heard that you could get information at a bar, as good a place to start as any.

Posted on 2011-02-02 at 01:42:52.
Edited on 2011-02-03 at 03:03:20 by lexaust

Karma: 4/0
10 Posts

Drabitt's Entry

NAME: Thal mcnalie
DESCRIPTION:Male, 5'6'', medium built, wighing 160lb, with short black hair, and forest green eyes. His complecton is fair with light huges of wat could be tattoos. he is wearing leather armor a composit bow,quiver with 150 arrows, and two short swords that dangle from his belt.
BACKGROUND:Having benn born and traind in the druid way by the native elves of Audalis, he set off for the town of Falhill. In his time there in falhill, he has obtained a job with the local black smith. To wich he has obtained a room in the slippery rock free of charge.

Posted on 2011-02-02 at 21:33:46.
Edited on 2011-02-04 at 16:56:04 by Drabitt

Karma: 46/64
335 Posts


DESCRIPTION:Really young pup who lives in the woods
BACKGROUND:He was once a very loving teen wolf who was the son of the pack leader. But he got jealous of his father and killed him when no one was looking, and took oer as leader. When the other wolves found out it was him who killed his father they chased him out of the pack territory leaving him alone, unlike other wolves this pack doesn't stay together.

Posted on 2011-02-03 at 01:35:02.
Edited on 2011-02-03 at 01:40:31 by pyroboom

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