My new character in aforementioned epic game. The Admiral is the leader of the Royal Navy crime syndicate. The details of said organization are strictly between myself and the DM, but it aint pretty.
Let's just say that Admiral is
very persuasive...
The Admiral
Aristocrat 30
Lawful Neutral
Age: 70
Height: 6’0
Weight:180 lbs
Size: Medium
Hair: White
Eyes: Grey
Str: 9 (-1)
-6 aging
+6 enhancement
Dex: 4 (-3)
-6 aging
+6 enhancement
Con: 10 (0)
-6 aging
+6 enhancement
Int: 22 (+6)
15 base
+4 inherent
+3 aging
Wis: 16 (+3)
13 base
+3 aging
Cha: 42 (+16)
15 base
+3 aging
+7 attribute
+5 inherent
+12 enhancement
1440000 cha cloak
36x3 physical +6
137500 tome cha
110000 tome int
92000 mirror of opposition
5200 helm of comprehend/read magic
7400 bag of holding
Saves 11/8/20
BAB 15 (5 epic)
1159300 gp – in platinum, ready for bribes
+55 Bluff 33R +16 C +2P +4E
+55 Diplomacy 33R +16 C +2N +4E
+22 Gather Info 2R +16C +4E
+68 Intimidate 33 R +16 C +2P +3F +10E +4E
+36 Listen 33R +3W
+36 Spot 33R +3W
+38 Sense Motive 33R +3W +2N
+35 Perform (Comedy) 15R +16C +4E
+19 Knowledge: All 13R +6I
Knowledge: Local 13R
Knowledge: Planar 13R
Knowledge: Royal 13R
Knowledge: History 13R
Knowledge: Religion 13R
Knowledge: Arcana 13R
Knowledge: Nature 13R
Knowledge: Geography 13R
Knowledge: Architecture 13R
Knowledge: Dungeoneering 13R
H Wanderer’s Diplomacy
1 Negotiator
3 Persuasive
6 Business Savvy
9 Master Manipulator
12 Combat Panache
15 Skill Focus Intimidate
18 Leadership
21 Epic Leadership
24 Epic Reputation
27 Epic Skill Focus: Intimidate
30 Legendary Commander
The Royal Navy:
“Comedy Troup”
1148000 gp
Seven "Lucky" Chapters scattered about the world
(pulls in roughly 231000 gp/year)
level: number of members
1- 21000
2- 2100
3- 1050
4- 525
5- 263
6- 132
7- 66
8- 33
9- 17
10- 9
lvl 29 cohort – Top enforcer and our good friend,
Grugg the Splatterer