greenleaf Resident Karma: 8/9 379 Posts
How dow we roll up characters aor are the pregened?
Posted on 2007-02-02 at 08:27:23.
Brianna Not Dragon Mistress Karma: 105/32 2282 Posts
New characters
Joanne and I sent you characters, Raiel and Asurii. I got your regular email but there has been no change in your previous post as to their status. Is there anything else we have to do for finish up the charaters?
Posted on 2007-06-08 at 15:54:11.
Vorrioch Chaotic Hungry Karma: 38/6 406 Posts
On the road again...
Yes, I'm still up for that.
I'll be in an open exam for the whole of next week, though, so don't be too surprised if I'm not able to post before next weekend.
Posted on 2007-06-09 at 23:44:28.
Brianna Not Dragon Mistress Karma: 105/32 2282 Posts
Excited too!!
I am excited too. I will be on Sunday night without fail.
Posted on 2007-06-10 at 01:17:39.
TannTalas Trilogy Master RDI Staff Karma: 181/119 6817 Posts
Ok Helping an old friend
Death, one of my old friends Carey is playing in your game but is somewhat unsure as to how to post as she has not seen a character sheet.
Other then when we were both in Yellowstone, and she sat in my room as some of us played AD&D, she has no real RP experance so please help her out by sending said sheet to her and by helping her post as needed as I too will try.
Thank you sir and don't kill her off right away (wait a month or two )
Posted on 2007-06-14 at 03:56:02.
Edited on 2007-06-14 at 03:57:46 by TannTalas
Dragon Mistress Not Brianna Karma: 68/55 1764 Posts
Rolls and posting
Dear DM
Since we do not have an Initive bonus what were the numbers added to the rolls you showed in you post. And how do you want our rolls poster. In the post itself, of by PM
Posted on 2007-06-16 at 04:34:10.
Vorrioch Chaotic Hungry Karma: 38/6 406 Posts
Okay, I'm confused now...
As far as Adahn is aware nothing actually happened on screen in your last post, right?
Posted on 2007-06-16 at 14:17:21.
Vorrioch Chaotic Hungry Karma: 38/6 406 Posts
Hopefully this should get things going.
Posted on 2007-06-21 at 11:52:37.
Brianna Not Dragon Mistress Karma: 105/32 2282 Posts
How do we figure out our to-be-hit points. Also I see I cannot use a shield unles I take shield proficiency. Please take one point from Blind fighting and add one point of shield proficiency. Do this for both Raiel and Asurii.
Blind fighting 1
Shield 1
Posted on 2007-06-27 at 23:18:07.
Dragon Mistress Not Brianna Karma: 68/55 1764 Posts
Ok, usually when a DM calls for an attack round, we post our actions and rolls and the DM writes a post describing the results of the actions.
As of your last game post you stated the Trolloc shook off the damage and then gave an init list.
As you stated before we acted that Adahn was the only one through the door I assumed our actions would come during the next round, but now I am not sure.
What round are we going into and do Raiel and Asurii have to roll again?
And are you going to by writing a culminating action post?
Posted on 2007-06-28 at 02:06:10.
Dragon Mistress Not Brianna Karma: 68/55 1764 Posts
Do I have this correct, dex gives us no bonus to AC and strength gives us no bonus to damage?
Posted on 2007-06-28 at 05:16:46.
Vorrioch Chaotic Hungry Karma: 38/6 406 Posts
Combat rules
If I've understood what you've said correctly then this battle's going to drag on for a long time.
Even the most skilled character's going to miss fully three-quarters of the time and as you're asking for posts to be done in initiative order each round of combat will probably take a week or more. Even if we killed a Trolloc each round the fight's still going to last for months.
Unless of course I've missed the point and this combat was never meant to last all the way through.
Posted on 2007-06-28 at 11:16:22.
Edited on 2007-06-28 at 11:17:38 by Vorrioch
Dragon Mistress Not Brianna Karma: 68/55 1764 Posts
Options for fighting sequence
In several games I have played we post our main action, a contingency in case first option is not available or we go down. and a next round post espescially in the heat of battle where it is going to be hit hit hit. Unless we can close the door--which probably will be broken down soon enough, we have little other choice in the curent situation.
Hope youe law school lets get your breath.
Posted on 2007-06-29 at 22:17:18.
Edited on 2007-06-30 at 04:59:39 by Dragon Mistress
Carey RDI Fixture Karma: 7/1 570 Posts
I still need help
I know you have been busy, but last I checked I need to post next. When will you be on next? I never seem to be onlinr when you are.
To every one else: Sorry, I am new to this and I know you are waiting on me.
Posted on 2007-07-02 at 02:58:24.
Dragon Mistress Not Brianna Karma: 68/55 1764 Posts
Online Why?
Carey why do you have to be online at the same time as the DM??? Why does this effect you posting?
Posted on 2007-07-02 at 04:02:07.