Monster Hunters Collective
Hello everybody,
It’s time to try my hand once more at DMing a campaign in the world of Audalis.
Here’s the plan:
The players will be a group of monster hunters, who go through a series of short adventures or scenarios. Each scenario will involve a monstrous threat which must be annihilated. This doesn’t mean that in every adventure there will be a single monster, but the adventure is done once the main villainous monster has been defeated.
Example: a farmer is being bullied by an orc and his goblin subjects. The orc is the main villain, and must be slain.
Each scenario will be according to your level, and concluding a scenario will result in the group gaining a level. There will be no XP involved. A single adventure will mean all characters go up a single level.
We want game mechanics!!
Alright then:
Rules. We’ll be playing D&D 3.5, using mostly the PHB, DMG and MM. Focus your attention on character personality and roleplaying qualities rather than the best skills or powers. If I don’t have access to a book you’re suggesting, what you’re suggesting will not be allowed. Just to make sure: the Book of Nine Swords is not on my shelves.
Starting level will be 1. Your character will have no real experience what soever in fighting, magic or skills. Everything you know, you’ve learned from books or training. The first scenario will be your character’s first time to truly make use of anything they know.
Races. You pick your race from the PHB, or from the list of Audalis races.
Stats. Stats are 74 points divided over 6 abilities, with racial bonuses added later on.
HP. HP are the total for your first level. If you roll a d4, it’s 4. Bonuses from Constitution scores are added to that total.
Equipment. Make your character like any normal 1st level character, but for the first adventure, I reserve the right to scratch stuff from your list. Don’t worry, you’ll find the equipment you’ve chosen in that first adventure.
Alignment. Your character must be good, or have a really good reason not to be. I have had my share of CN characters. Evil can be fun, but only if it is done in the right way. In my experience, not many people know what that way is. See if you can convince me.
Background. The adventures and scenarios will take place in Cordia. You all come from the same town, and you will all know each other. In your description, state where you have learned your skills and tell us a little about how your character comes across.
In addition, the following is very important:
Posting frequency will be once a week. That means that once a week you’ll get a full update, but conversations might be held during the week.
All rolling of dice will be done by me. If you want to use a skill, tell me, and I’ll do the rolling for you. Battles will be rolled by me, and described to you in the updates. So, make sure that your intentions are clear.
I think we all require proper spelling and grammar for this to work well. Also, I need posts to consist of more then a few lines in updates, and I expect your characters to work towards keeping the game going. A post in which you state that your character is waiting and observing can be good once, but if it becomes a regular thing, you’re not helping the game-flow.
While Monster Hunting may sound like a hack and slash game, this will most likely be more than just that. Keep that in mind.
Yes, I know what I want, and I hope I haven’t scared everybody away. I just really need a group of dedicated players, who are willing to see their characters rise form ordinary peasants to heroes the bards sing of.
If you’re pressed for time: don’t sign up. If you’re easily distracted: don’t sign up.
But if you’re looking for character development, monsters and magic, and a share of fortune and fame: give me a call!
I’m looking for a group of 6 players max. Let’s see what we can get!