I've sorta given up on the PHB idea.
But a quick description of system:
Everything is based on 8 attributes, with d20.
Strength, Toughness, Agility, Finesse, Force, Will, Perception and Charisma.
They all do exactly what you think they do (well, Force refers to magical and mental offense and power, and Will refers to mental and magical defence and strength. Compare Force and Will to petrol and diesel: petrol allows a lot of speed and acceleration. But there's a reason that machinery-pulling vehicles use diesel, namely for the actual pulling-power.)
Characters also have Skillsets, which add bonuses to the Attributes. (for example, someone skilled at lying will get a bonus to Charisma-based lying rolls, and a bonus to Perception-based lie detection rolls. Takes one to know one
. In the same way, a fighter would have bonuses to damage-related Strength rolls, to-hit Agility rolls, etc...)
The rolls are worked out on a table I've made: the task is given a difficulty rating on the y axis, and the Attribute numbers are on the x axis. The xy result is the number needed on the d20.
This system is used for everything from hitting someone with a sword to falling off a building and diving into a roll to remove the force of the impact. The idea is to simplify as much as possible whilst keeping complexity.