Riaucard Resident Karma: 11/54 303 Posts
Welcome to Audalis reccy
mumbleing to himself as he enters the inn "my brothers such a baby, even sis didnt whine when she got clotheslined by the dogs lead, and shes the youngest and a miss priss too, yet he cries a river when he trips."
"Oh, sorry. I didnt see you there!"
"y'know I think I found a way to a world exactly like Audalis, heck it may even be Audalis"
"I was wondering if you wanted to come with me, i mean wouldnt it be great to actually go to Audalis?"
ok emersion aside i just thought up a great freeform game thanks to pyrobooms persona comment on storytellers intro page and if you havent already figured it out heres what its about. the players and I (or rather what we are here at the inn) are gonna take a trip to Audalis, maybe to save some people, maybe ravage a town for gold and valubles, but most likely we will just run amuk being silly and playing tricks on the occasional adventurer, its a free form so i have no idea what will happen. if you dont have a "rdinn persona" you should probably make one before asking to play. And NO crazy dimension time crisises!
character sheet example
weapons(if any): Athane
armor and or clothing(if any): none
spells or racial ability(if any):small shapeshift (can shapeshift into small humanoids and other creatures of same size and smaller, natural form is a small lizardlike blob of shadowy goo), absorb (turns food into HP and has a small chance to increase size allowing to shapeshift into larger creatures)
non magical skills(if any): scavenge (maximum item finding ability!)
inventory(if any): none
EDIT: Please note that I AM serious about doing this and will NOT freak out and erase everything in confused panic like all those other times.
Posted on 2012-02-23 at 00:51:44.
Edited on 2012-02-23 at 01:46:19 by Riaucard