Admiral I'm doing SCIENCE! RDI Staff Karma: 164/50 1836 Posts
RDINN is moving to facebook!
Edit from Olan: I hate to spoil a good joke, but I am seeing too many peple taking this very seriously.
April fools folks.
Edit from Ad: Yes it's a joke, but the facebook group is completely real and you should still join it!
April 15th, 2012 will mark the beginning of the new Red Dragon Inn.
It's been a few months in the working, but we are finally ready to announce the next step that is going to take our beloved Inn to the masses.
The Red Dragon Inn is pleased to announce our integration with Facebook!
What does this mean for you, the established member? A couple things.
1. You must join the "Friends of the Red Dragon Inn" facebook group.
2. We will be working in the next few days to set up a series of interlocking groups to represent the different forum areas so that all your freeform and rules based fun will carry over to our new format.
3. The groups will be set up to be open access, open viewing, and open recruitment. That means that all your friends will be able to follow your games that you GM or play in, as well as our other great features like the posting games and survey forums! This will increase our exposure almost 100-fold and get all those closet geeks on your friends lists to join up.
4. NO MORE CHAT BUGS!!! With the use of facebook instant messaging we will finally be able to move past the problems of our current chat room.
5. Now for the bad news. The price of bandwidth is unbelievable. The staff has agonised and debated for several weeks, however we finally made the executive decision to shut down the www.rdinn.net domain and move the entire operation to the free facebook format. The domain will remain active throughout the switch, however we expect this site to be offline by the end of next week - our goal is April 15th. A HUGE thanks here to Eol and Almerin, who have been working tirelessly to create an archive of all the current and defunct games so we can transfer all that info to the new facebook location. We are still looking for volunteers to help replace RDI screen names with real life names so we can attach a profile to all the old game posts.
This move will save an enormous amount of time and money - with the added benefit of free advertising through the facebook news feed. Plus with timeline going live we will be able to publish a record of not only our old games, but facebook will automatically keep a public record of all our posts right there on our walls!
Now some of you might be concerned about privacy issues with using your real name or might be worried about broadcasting to your friends and coworkers every post that might be taken out of context. I suggest prefacing all of your game posts with the tagline "IN CHARACTER" or even with your former RDI handle. It's a change we'll all have to get used to, but again I must stress that the benefits to the community far outweigh the negatives.
Even Grugg, a longtime enemy of facebook, is going to get in on the action. If he can do it, anyone can.
So please take a moment to join the facebook group: Friends of the Red Dragon Inn and introduce yourself if you aren't one of the 49 Innmates that already have. YOU could be number 50!
Go on, what are you waiting for?!
Edit: Stickied.
Edit 2: jozan has just joined the group and claimed the coveted number 50 spot. Please don't let that deter you from joining!
Posted on 2012-04-01 at 06:38:49.
Edited on 2012-04-12 at 14:39:52 by Admiral
Aleric Stevanson Regular Visitor Karma: 10/0 68 Posts
0.o Whoa, sweet.
Posted on 2012-04-01 at 06:51:20.
Jozan1 RDI Fixture +1 Karma: 67/14 1556 Posts
I have my theories. But let's see how it goes
Posted on 2012-04-01 at 06:51:42.
Edited on 2012-04-01 at 07:00:47 by Jozan1
Reralae Dreamer of Bladesong Karma: 142/12 2506 Posts
No facebook for me
I've always been paranoid about the thing, so I'm going to have to say it's been fun, but this butterfly is not going to be on there
What'd you expect? I'm a butterfly, not a Grugg
This butterfly also has theories that may or may not be congruent with theories that may or may not be expressed or thought of by additional people who may or may not be members of the website
Posted on 2012-04-01 at 06:56:26.
Sibelius Eos Owm A Midsummer Knight Karma: 59/5 1376 Posts
The perfect timing for it, really
I suspect we share some of those theories, Jozan
Edit: Guah, Rera posted first. Sentiment carries though XD
Edit the Second: Bah, you only don't like Facebook because mythical creatures are photo-resistant and always get accused of heavy photoshopping when it does work
Posted on 2012-04-01 at 06:57:00.
Edited on 2012-04-01 at 07:01:16 by Sibelius Eos Owm
Raven Resident Finn RDI Staff Karma: 77/3 1131 Posts
Posted on 2012-04-01 at 07:17:19.
Ginafae Kool Killer Kitty Karma: 64/6 1685 Posts
Ok, it's pretty cool.
I don't, however, want work colleagues who are 'friends' of mine on Facebook to know that I'm a roleplayer (I'm afraid it'll be seen as a bit unprofessional). So I may create another account for rdinn.
Posted on 2012-04-01 at 07:30:30.
Takley RDI Fixture Karma: 25/34 607 Posts
requested joining
look for Takley in the name...kinda obvious
Posted on 2012-04-01 at 07:32:41.
Skari-dono Icelanders! Roll Out Karma: 102/11 1514 Posts
I must say that I support this decision. I haven't been very active at the Inn for maybe two years (or more) so with the integration into facebook I might become more active again. I spend a lot of time on facebook.
Posted on 2012-04-01 at 09:03:58.
Chessicfayth Cheshire Cad Karma: 107/3 1204 Posts
*fades in*
A sad, sad, day.
Would that I had discovered the Inn years ago.
Such a pity.
Posted on 2012-04-01 at 09:20:13.
TannTalas Trilogy Master RDI Staff Karma: 181/119 6817 Posts
Admiral WTF!
You weren't supposed to say anything, Olan wanted to break the news first.
Sometimes man you just don't get it.
Posted on 2012-04-01 at 09:27:07.
Edited on 2012-04-01 at 09:27:46 by TannTalas
Red Sector A Veteran Visitor Karma: 16/1 114 Posts
April Fools?
I too hope this is just a April Fool's Joke as I have only just found and joined this site and I would hate to leave it even before I get a chance to say hello.
Posted on 2012-04-01 at 11:07:25.
Eol Fefalas Lord of the Possums RDI Staff Karma: 475/28 8840 Posts
Tote that Barge! Lift that Bail!
All these old posts are heavy!
Who's up for rubbing my back?
Posted on 2012-04-01 at 11:46:04.
Kriea postima prolifica Karma: 74/7 691 Posts
Facebook ruins everything
but as much as I hate the vile cesspool of stupidity and stagnant recycled ideas, I may put up with it more frequently to stay in touch with you guys. In my short time here I feel like I've honestly made connections with people, made friends even and that's a luxury I haven't had in years. Not friends I feel like I can really talk to anyway. While I'm praying everyone's suspicions are right and this is all just a prank, I suppose if it isn't I'll miss being able to chat with everyone every day, but I won't be around as much.
Posted on 2012-04-01 at 14:15:46.
Hammer Extreme Exclaimator! Karma: 93/24 4361 Posts
Maybe this is the end for me and my association with the Inn ???
Somebody hacked my original FaceBook acct and I had to abandon it and I also deleted my Yahoo Email acct that is currently listed here at the Inn.
So I have a decision to make in the next few days as to whether or not to participate on this new horizon ?????
I support the move, but not sure if I will be moving there with the rest of my InnMate Friends ???
Posted on 2012-04-01 at 15:32:38.