So I got bored last night and started practicing my Elvish script. I know it isn't as pretty and flowy as the stuff from the LoTR movies but I'm doing the non-calligraphy style and I am doing it with a paint marker not a calligraphy pen... so... yeah. I am doing Innmates' names as I get to them so if your name isn't up here feel free to nudge me. I probably just haven't gotten around to it just yet.
Oh and I took some artistic liberties in removing numbers from your username if you have them or shortening it to what I usually call you.
My apologies for the quality of the pictures... my webcam is pretty crappy quality.
oh and I started out PMing these to the people but then I wanted to do them for a lot of people and got tired of sending PMs, especially since then I wanted to show them my favorite ones.
This is the first one I did. It translates to Thank You Odyson. He explained some stuff from AD&D that was just not clicking. So blame him he started it... >.>
Eol Fafelas: (OMG so many vowels)
t_catt: (wasn't sure how to do the underscore so I just put it in anyway
I'll put the rest in a separate post