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Karma: 138/3
1049 Posts

Breaking the Fourth ~ It's finally happened. I'm out of material.

Alright guys. It’s finally happened. My group hasn’t played in so long, that I’ve got two semi-fillers left, and I’m out of stuff to draw! We’ve been trying to get our game back up and running, and hopefully this summer will be abundant with gaming goodness, but who knows if it’ll really happen.

This is a request for reverse filler. I’m looking for mini stories that has happened to you in your games that you wouldn’t mind seeing drawn up for Breaking the Fourth. I may take a little bit of artistic license (as I do with each one of mine ~ shorten down the situation so it’s readable is a good example), but I promise to stay true to the tale! Either let me know here, or send me a PM of your ideas!

Thanks so much!

Posted on 2012-04-25 at 14:19:23.

Eol Fefalas
Lord of the Possums
RDI Staff
Karma: 475/29
8864 Posts

Well, you know, melui...'re always free to use any of our goings on for creative fodder, aye?

In fact, I wouldn't mind seeing your BtF style take on some of those forays we've taken into the Rusty Hook...

If I come up with anything better, I'll let you know, of course.

Posted on 2012-04-25 at 14:22:33.

Karma: 138/3
1049 Posts

Rusty Hook?




But there is so much goodness that comes out of those sessions! How do you whittle it down?

I might'n be tempted tae scribble up summit tae bar fight tho....

Mayhaps a wee bit o' tae mumbly peg game?

Posted on 2012-04-25 at 14:31:55.
Edited on 2012-04-25 at 14:34:49 by Celeste

Eol Fefalas
Lord of the Possums
RDI Staff
Karma: 475/29
8864 Posts


Well... I seem to blearily recall a good number of daggers bein' tossed about, las' night, aye? An' more of 'em hit toes than hit th' board, dinnit?

We'd looooove to see your take on any and all of it, Celeste! You know that!

LMAO @ mumbledy-peg! That was hysterical, actually!

Posted on 2012-04-25 at 14:35:35.
Edited on 2012-04-25 at 14:36:18 by Eol Fefalas

Khash Munee
Karma: 47/0
707 Posts


strange luck last night.
ah, the endeavors of drunkeness

it would surely make for an interesting strip

Posted on 2012-04-25 at 14:56:03.

Trilogy Master
RDI Staff
Karma: 181/119
6817 Posts

Here's a real life incident

When I first started running my game the Trilogy War here in Texas I had one player playing a non-human fighter though I am unsure of his race but it was Half-Human half-something. Well during one of the many physical tests the party faced was a revolving circular tube type wall and a lone one person wide bridge crossing between doorways. As the party of 8 reached halfway spikes sprouted out of the wall and some started firing at the party, while most stayed in place. Well the Half-human player decided the best defense was a good offense and so jumped off the bridge and bit one of the spikes just as it was firing!

Needless to say the party had to waste one of their few Raise Dead spells to bring him back, they were not happy...........

Posted on 2012-04-25 at 17:13:10.

Of Shoulder Fame
Karma: 24/0
153 Posts

I think...

that it would be better if I gave you a character to play with? My first DM (and roommate) had an NPC that was more or less an epic level lich sorc Drow who needed to be drunk to work magic. His name was Drizzard.

Oh oh! In a recent oneshot, we had a half blink dog half Halfling tauric character. He was a giant rogue puppy person, and it was wonderful. He decided that a battle against a Dire Wolverine wasn't going well, so he stabbed the resident Were-Polar Bear (who gets enraged when attacked and changes form) of the party and then blinked behind the monster. By the time the Polar Bear had ripped through and killed the monster, the character was no longer enraged and calmed down enough to change back.

It was kind of hilarious.

And now Jing shall fade back into the mists - a land of homework and walmart.

Posted on 2012-04-25 at 17:37:59.

Kool Killer Kitty
Karma: 64/6
1685 Posts


'He was a giant rogue puppy person'. I want to play in that game!

Posted on 2012-04-25 at 19:42:57.

postima prolifica
Karma: 74/7
691 Posts


In one of my games my players found an old bottle of wine with a label in a language they couldn't read... and they were innocent enough to actually drink it...

Only one of them managed to get his Will save. The other three characters spent the next 24 hours trapped in an illusion where they believed they were dragons. One of them ate a raw unskinned rabbit and the other was protecting her "egg" which just happened to be another player's pack.

General hilariousness, and some lovely roleplaying I may add.

Posted on 2012-04-25 at 20:41:09.

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