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RDI Fixture
Karma: 11/0
656 Posts

Star Wars The Imperial March Q&A

So here is the Imperial March Q&A thread... I guess the main thing to say is the Campaign is 2 years after the clone wars, and Republic Tech is just starting to get fazed out.

Edit: here are a list of wounds and effects

Sergeant Cam:

Sellikus: -8 hp




Current medpacks: 7

Posted on 2012-10-02 at 01:50:29.
Edited on 2013-02-28 at 00:09:23 by SirSadaar

Salvator Navaar
Karma: 6/0
333 Posts

Can't wait

I am basically RPing my next character that I will create on SWCombine if my current one dies. lol

Posted on 2012-10-02 at 12:19:09.

Karma: 138/3
1049 Posts

I just want you guys to know

that I think it's AWESOME that this shows up as "SW IM" on the mini topic! Swimming swimming in a swimming pooooool!

Looking forward to the read! Have a grand spacey adventure!

Posted on 2012-10-03 at 03:51:41.

RDI Fixture
Karma: 11/0
656 Posts

Sellikus Carro

Player: Salvator Navaar
Race: Kiffar (near Human)

Height: 5'9" Weight: 160lbs Skin Color: Pale
Eye Color: hazel Hair Color/Style: Black, Cut very short
Athletic build, but hardly considered stacked.
Tattooes: Black and Green tribal across face and forearms.
Scars: Too may to count
Carries: Saber(Belt), Combat Knife(boot), and twin
Relby K-23s(Holstered on front of belt)
Wears all black clothes, including trench coat.
Level 2
Class scout 2

Strength 12 Modifier +1
Dexterity 18 modifier +4
Consitition 10 Modifier 0
Intellegence 10 Modifier 0
Wisdom 8 Modifier -1
Charisma 8 Modifier -1

Hp 32 Damage Threshold 13
Initiative +5 Perception +0 Base Attack +1
Force Points 6 Destiny Points 2
Defences: Fortitude 13 Reflex 18 Will 11

Attacks: Pistol Attack + 5, Damage 3D6+1 or
Pistols Attack +0/+0, 3D6+1/3D6+1
Scimitar Attack +5 1D8+2, Damage

Feats: Weapon Proficency Pistols,Weapon Proficency Rifles, and Weapon Proficency Simple Weapons, Weapon Finess, Skill focus stealth, Dual weapon mastery # 1

Talents improved stealth

Skills Stealth +15, Pilot +10, Survival +6 Swim +7, Mechanics +6

Languages Basic Kiffaran

Equipment: 2 Blaster Pistols
Scimitar (as spear with slashing)
6 power Packs (ammo)
2 Holsters
Short range comlink
10 days rations
Breath mask with two filters
5 medpacs
Strength stim
Binder cuffs 45 Meter syntherope
1 fragmentation grenade.
135 credits

Posted on 2012-10-06 at 19:50:20.
Edited on 2012-10-06 at 21:34:59 by SirSadaar

RDI Fixture
Karma: 11/0
656 Posts


R2-F8 (Fayt)
Player: Reralae
Race: R2-series Astromech Droid

Fayt is a standard model R2-series droid by appearance. Her* chassis follows the Imperial colour scheme, but is matte dark purple instead of black, with silver highlights.
*Feminine styled programming
Level 2
Non-heroic 2

Strength 9 Modifier -1
Dexterity 14 modifier +2
Consitition - Modifier 0
Intellegence 15 Modifier +2
Wisdom 10 Modifier 0
Charisma 7 Modifier -2

Hp 7 Damage Threshold 8
Initiative: +3 Senses: Darkvision; Perception +3
Base Attack +1; Grp -4
Defences: Fortitude 8 Reflex 13 Will 10

Attacks: Electroshock probe (melee) +0, 1d8 ion

Feats: Skill Focus (Mechanics, Use Computer), Skill Training (Perception), Toughness, Weapon Proficiency (simple)

Talents: None

Skills: Mechanics +13, Perception +3, Pilot +8, Stealth +6, Use Computer +13

Languages: Basic, Binary, 2 unprogrammed (open to game requirements).
Can only speak Binary due to lack of vocabulator

Systems: wheeled locomotion (6sq), walking locomotion (4sq), flying locomotion (limited, 9sq), magnetic feet, heuristic processor, 6 tools, 1 claw, diagnostics package, internal storage (2kg), improved sensor package, darkvision, backup battery

Possessions: astrogation buffer (storage device, 10 memory), circular saw, electroshock probe, fire extinguisher, electric arc welder, holorecorder, holoprojector, power recharger (4hr to recharge one power pack or cell)

Posted on 2012-10-07 at 23:27:45.

RDI Fixture
Karma: 122/12
2025 Posts

A suggestion for Fayt...

Not sure if either of you have Scavenger's Guide to Droids, but they have a great system for creating droid hero characters by treating the "basic chassis" as a "race/species". Below is the astromech "chassis/specie":

Ability Modifiers: +2 INT, -2 CHA, no CON score
Size: Small; +1 size bonus to Reflex Defense and +5 size bonus to Stealth checks; 3/4 lifting and carrying limit
Speed:Wheeled locomotion 6 squares; walking locomotion 4 squares
Droid Traits: Second-degree droid that have all droid immunities and typical droid traits
Bonus Equipment: Wheeled locomotion, walking locomotion, magnetic feet, heuristic processor, 6 tool appendages, 1 claw appendage, astrogation buffer (5 memory units), diagnostics package, and internal storage (2 kg)
Hardwired Design (Mechanics): All astromech droids are trained in the Mechanics skill. This is a bonus trained skill.
Conditional Bonus Feat: An astromech droid with Mechanics or Use Computer as a trained skill can select Skill Focus (Mechcanics) or Skill Focus {Use Computer} as a bonus feat.
Automatic Languages: Basic (understand only) and Binary (full assess)

Now, all you do is add 2 levels of a class (I'd suggest Scoundrel). You can use the 5000 credits to buy additional gear to match R2-D2, or other things.

Additional Equipement:
Limited Flying Locomotion (9 squares) -- 360 credits
Improved Sensor Package -- 200 credits
Darkvision -- 150 credits

Still leaves you with 4000 creds to spend.

Posted on 2012-10-08 at 22:05:34.

Dreamer of Bladesong
Karma: 144/12
2523 Posts

Well, not up to me

I don't have that book, and as far as I know, the Empire was never one for ordering custom stock unless it was for high tier commanders, so doesn't make all that much sense for Fayt to have anything but a standard model as provided in the core book. That's my intuition on it anyhow. Saadar has final say.

Posted on 2012-10-09 at 19:25:06.

RDI Fixture
Karma: 11/0
656 Posts

Astromech droids

It's entirely up to you, which you'd rather be.

So, I have the first post ready, and will start the game shortly. I'll run Kamina's character until he gets his internet back.

Posted on 2012-10-09 at 22:26:30.

RDI Fixture
Karma: 122/12
2025 Posts

Well... here's a look at a completed Droid sheet

I took the sheet you posted above and made the minor changes of making Fayt using the rules from the Scavenger's Guide. It makes Fayt a bit tougher than the average R2 unit.

A couple notes:

Class - I went with the Scoundrel Class because it has the Luck, Outlaw Tech and Slicer talent trees. Jedi's no good, Noble and Soldier seemed not to fit, and Scout does give you the right trained skill list.

Ability Scores - Kept them the same as you had written.

Talents - I choose Gimmick (from the Slicer Talent Tree) but Fool's Luck would be a fine choice too

Skills - I imagine a R2 unit coming with Mechanics, Perception, Pilot and Use Computer as standard skills. That leaves you to choose 3 more. I went with Deception, Initiative and Stealth to give her some covert skills, but you could just as easily go for Gather Information and a couple Knowledge skills. Whatever your pleasure.

Feats - The Astromech "race" gives you Skill Focus [Mechanics]. The Scoundrel class gives you Point Blank Shot), and Weapon Proficiency [Simple Weapons, Pistols]. Your bonus feat is Improved Defenses and your Class feat is Skill Focus [Use Computer].

Possessions and Systems have remained the same.

If you hate this, no worries. I'll come back and delete the post. If you love it, enjoy.



R2-F8 (Fayt)
Player: Reralae
Race: R2-series Astromech Droid

Fayt is a standard model R2-series droid by appearance. Her* chassis follows the Imperial colour scheme, but is matte dark purple instead of black, with silver highlights.
*Feminine styled programming
Level 2
Scoundrel 2

Strength 8 Modifier -1
Dexterity 14 modifier +2
Consitition -- Modifier 0
Intellegence15 Modifier +2
Wisdom 10 Modifier 0
Charisma 7 Modifier -2

Hp 21 Damage Threshold 11
Initiative: +8 Senses: Low-light vision, Darkvision; Perception +8
Base Attack +1; Grp -1
Defences: Fortitude 12 Reflex 18 (15 flat-footed) Will 12

Attacks: Electroshock probe (melee) +1, 1d8+1 ion

Feats: Improved Defenses, Point Blank Shot, Skill Focus [Mechanics, Use Computers], Weapon Proficiency [Simple, Pistols]

Talents: Gimmick (issue routine computer commands as a swift action)

Skills: Deception +4, Initiative +8, Mechanics +15, Pilot +8, Perception +8, Stealth +13, Use Computer +13

Languages: Basic, Binary, 2 unprogrammed (open to game requirements).
Can only speak Binary due to lack of vocabulator

Systems: wheeled locomotion (6sq), walking locomotion (4sq), flying locomotion (limited, 9sq), magnetic feet, heuristic processor, 6 tools, 1 claw, diagnostics package, internal storage (2kg), improved sensor package, darkvision, backup battery

Possessions: astrogation buffer (storage device, 10 memory), circular saw, electroshock probe, fire extinguisher, electric arc welder, holorecorder, holoprojector, power recharger (4hr to recharge one power pack or cell)

Posted on 2012-10-10 at 06:43:28.
Edited on 2012-10-10 at 07:39:22 by Ayrn

Dreamer of Bladesong
Karma: 144/12
2523 Posts


I think I like that setup for Fayt. The main thing that bugged me was that I'd be potentially getting 5000 credits for *bonus* subsystems and upgrades and such. I mean, there would doubtlessly be benefit to getting armour plating and a shield generator, but at the same time, it just felt kind of exploitive in a way.

Having just the class change from non-heroic to heroic makes a lot of sense to me though. Essentially makes the droid more on the same level as any of the other characters, without being held back by inconveniently inferior levels that I'm essentially penalized exp for.

Not to mention, 23 HP instead of 7. Means I'm not going to have to be totally scared of stray blaster fire

In short, I like this setup, and I think you pre-emptively posted what I was planning to do myself, Ayrn

Posted on 2012-10-10 at 07:26:01.

RDI Fixture
Karma: 122/12
2025 Posts

Exactly my thoughts

Stray blaster bolts stink on the best of days. Hopefully, this way, Fayt will be around for a while.

Hmm, all this SW thinking gets me interested in playing too. Sir, do you still have room for one more? I've got a Gran sniper or a Clone Commando in mind.

Posted on 2012-10-10 at 07:36:40.

RDI Fixture
Karma: 122/12
2025 Posts

HP for Fayt

Fayt hit points should actually be 21, not 23... originally I had the Toughness feat in there, but took it out in favour of Improved Defenses. I editted the sheet to note this.

Posted on 2012-10-10 at 07:39:01.

RDI Fixture
Karma: 11/0
656 Posts


Yes Ayrn, I do have more space for people intrested. Both those ideas sound great.

Posted on 2012-10-10 at 13:41:53.

RDI Fixture
Karma: 11/0
656 Posts


So, I'll have Kamina's character tomorrow. I'll start the game right after.

Posted on 2012-10-11 at 01:11:49.

Karma: 18/0
415 Posts


I'll try and keep up on posting, this internet thing is getting to me. Also I'm somewhat of a scout trooper/pilot guy. Dont mess with my ships D:<

Posted on 2012-10-11 at 03:08:00.

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