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Bringing back the dead.

So, this is going to be a bit of a strange story but I would like some opinions from fellow roleplayers. This is regarding my long running character(s) and how I've been playing. For around a year, I played a character in a campaign called Illiavara Que'nos. She was the daughter of a Cleric of Lolth and a Dark Paladin of Lolth. She herself was pushed away from her heritage, not due to a sense of honor or disgust at Lolth or her practices, but more a very... pubescent rebellion. This was how she started, and in one year of gaming she saved a city and the world from a shadowy takeover, stopped a steampunk cult uprising, lost an eye to have an implant added in order to steer her companions to safety on an airship and died in protection of the party in my last session with her. Naturally I was upset at her passing but this got me to thinking. Illiavara Que'nos had a family. All of age, and all viable characters. So, from her I made a 5 member family, all with her surname and all who shared common elements of backstory. From then on i've been using them in campaigns, none of which have really been long enough to gain much from their use but all have been fun to roleplay. In the family there are;

Triana Que'Nos - Mother, Cleric, Neutral Evil
Davna Que'Nos - Father, Paladin, Chaotic Neutral
Illiavara Que'Nos - Daughter #1, Ranger (Archer), Neutral good (In the end) (Currently dead, may return as a vampire in the near future due to the revivial of a setting)
Malagaar Que'nos - Son, Ranger (Two-weapon), True Neutral
Silana Que'nos - Daughter # 2, Wizard, Chaotic Good.

I was wondering people's thoughts on this little... thing... I have going on. Philosopher will recognise Malagaar, as I'm bringing him over to the pathfinder game to see how that plays out. I was wondering what you thought of me bringing back Illiavara as a Vampire or a Revenant and also just anything similar you have had any experience with, whether it works in your opinion or just anything you have to say regarding it. I'm mainly looking for anything that could in the end help with my roleplay and the enjoyment of others, constructive criticism is wanted as well.

Posted on 2012-10-22 at 20:51:18.

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