Salvator Navaar Resident Karma: 6/0 333 Posts
Midland Turmoil game Q&A
So, I decided, I should get around to making this, since we dont have one. true enough, we need a place OOC to hash out some of the less-than-clear issues.
So, I present, the Q&A thread.
First order of business, I will be posting my GM response once Brundle has been able to post his opening story. (Or ill post on the 5th. whichever comes first)
Second, and not really an issue... Takley, you caught me off guard. Gonna take me a bit, cuz honestly, i think you know more about whatever is going on with you than i do. I would just request that after this, if you have some sort of IC dramatic thing goin on, I need to be informed so we can discuss it.
So, luckily, until Brundle posts, i have some time to think on this whole 'mysterious note' dilemna.
Posted on 2012-12-02 at 18:03:45.
Takley RDI Fixture Karma: 25/34 607 Posts
i couldnt think of who kept them them, whether or not it was bait or just giving it back, so, its your call
Posted on 2012-12-02 at 22:52:55.