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The Untold Stories of Wyvern Inn

Greetings Innmates! This is a collab with Astrid, myself and anyone who would like to join in. This is part of a chat room RP that Astrid and I have been doing for a few days now. This forum thread will be of what the characters (In my case Alyeria and Sentrica) do when they are not at the Wyvern Inn winding down from the day (The chat room is where the winding down and conversing with others would mainly be). If you want to join, then simply post to your hearts content. We will turn no innmate away.

This is One of many untold adventures Sentrica will have Please Enjoy and I hope we have more innmates interested in Wyvern Inn
Sentrica – a spunky teen with short spiked black hair with vivid green tips.

The Untold Stories of Wyvern Inn

Sentrica snuck out of the house trying not to alert her guardian as she made her way outside. She could just see the sun peeking out ready to awaken everyone as she made her way down the path. Aethrid had too much to drink and had sent her to check the trap lines.

Getting there she sighed heavily, “Aethrid will not be happy with this..” she said softly as she moved towards the broken traps. Glaring down at the metal she had to move quickly to get her plan in motion as the man who normally did this would be getting ready to check his own trap lines. Smirking slightly she set off for her quest.

Reaching the others bear traps she whistled to herself as she picked them up and walked them to the lake tossing one in at a time, “Teaches him not to mess with Aethrid’s traps again” Nodding in satisfaction Sentrica turns and walks back home to tell Aehtrid the results of his traps.

Posted on 2013-04-21 at 03:45:29.

RDI Fixture
Karma: 31/3
600 Posts

message in a bottle... an ale bottle.

we'll here is a start on two characters i've fleshed out in the last couple of days rp'ing on the chat. join if u feel the urge or just watch as it all spirals out of control.

Aethrid sat taking stock of the pelts and furs he had procured over the last two seasons. he'd gotten word sent from the trade guild in Carthridge that the druid would be returning on the spring tides. though he did own the ship technically, he left the sailing and crew up to another. his percentage often went to cover the port taxes and fees though he knew if ever he needed funds the gold would be their. two seasons worth of pelts had all but filled the little cabin and storage shed, many ermine and fox pelts would fetch a fair price on the local markets in the next town but he knew that they would a crew much more on the trade ports in return for gold, silver and spices that he in return could bring back and make a ransom in coin. he had decided earlier this spring to take the local farm boy Rolland with him, the lad was making a go of the family farmstead but had make clear his heart was still set on raiding and a-Viking. which he had got the taste for last season coming home to the news of his late father’s passing. Aethrid sighed thinking of his own fathers passing several years before and what that had entailed for him and his sister Astrid. He sighed thinking quite proudly at how well Astrid had learned to traverse the courts and nobility. A world his temper had made sure he would never traverse with the silken ease she now graced. His thoughts turned to Sen, he smiled. she had begged him to take her a-Viking two years ago, he had only managed to argue her down to accompanying him to Taulbuilk to get supplies. She was to young, to hot headed and he reluctantly admitted to himself to sheltered to the world. here in the little town, though they fought and argued she was safe and their little life was stable. he doubted that once he announced his plans that it would stay that way for very long. Aethrid looked forward to the evenings spent drinking ale next the fire at the wyvern inn, he knew he often to drink to deeply of his cups and had a crewed quite the reputation for the local gruff drunk hermit. But he enjoyed the solitude it allowed him, and in turn Sen.
Astrid had been traveling from the northern court in Dun Farthing by request of her lord and close friend. She had sent word to Aethrid that he was to accompany her as well. but didn’t expect a response, Aethrid never wrote. He detested the world she revelled in. She had learned quickly after their father’s death that if she were to have any power perceived or not she would have to make an name for herself in the courts of the nobility. She missed her oaf of a brother and accepted and even yearned a little for the simplicity of life he chose to live. She pulled her traveling cloak about her in the carriage tucking and straightening her thick woollen and heavily embroidered traveling skirt. it looked almost drab compared to her gowns and dresses from court but they would never due to travel in. Astrid had packed ridding pants and several heavy sweaters for herself and tucked a couple in for Aethrid’s foster girl Sentrica. she figured that Sen would be more averse to wearing gowns then pants having lived most of the last few years with Aethrid but new clothes were always appreciated. Aethrid had no mind for dresses and carriages so Astrid surmised they would most likely be traveling to Carthridge on horse. she sighed relishing the relative comfort of the carriage, not that she detested ridding she could out ride most of the gentry but a week a horse would make anyone cringe. Astrid closed her eyes as the carriage lurched roughly down the furrow roadways trying to nap between bone jarring ruts, it would be dark by the time she finally reached the lovely comfort of the Wyvern inn.

Posted on 2013-04-22 at 01:40:25.
Edited on 2013-04-22 at 01:41:44 by Astrid

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