Well what can I say about The Lone Ranger...Hmmm lets see ahh ok well the only thing I really liked about this movie was Johnny Depp. His somewhat comic portrayal of Tonto was good. For example in one scene Lone Ranger is in a tent with a few Indians from Tonto’s tribe discussing Tonto and why he is the way he is. Then when he reunites with him, Tonto asks in a humorous way if they mentioned him. I know it does not sound funny here but the scene itself is.
However those moments still couldn’t for me overcome the fact that for a Disney movie it was quite violent and way over done. Now I don’t mean to say, you the Innmate won’t like it as my friend who went with me thought it was very good. The ride home was interesting to say the least as we discussed why he thought it was good and why I did not
But again I’m glad I only spent $5 to get in though the money I spent on a burger and fries would have been better spent at Bikini’s. The scenery there would have been much better then the movie.
Well as the norm feel free to post your thoughts on the movie and without spoilers..........