Celeste Hippy-snapper! Karma: 138/3 1049 Posts
Celest Resurfaces, or What in Tarnation is that Disheveled Sprite Doing in Our Bar?
*slowly opens the door and peeks into the room*
Wowie! He-eeeeey! I remember this place!
I remember those faces too! Although there seems to be quite a few new ones. (Good gravy, I hope they've all been properly licked by a certain innmate of ours)
I've missed you guys. I've missed writing. I've longed for the worlds and adventures that we created together.
It's odd how life happens, and you have the best of intentions to continue on with everything like normal; but instead, all things come to a halt and get thrown in the backseat.
I will say this much. I intend to stalk the forums like I used to and read some of the fine material that our innmates have been producing since my (year long?) hiatus. I may even stretch my fingers a bit and update a few games that I have been generously allowed to stay in. Drop me a line if you want to catch up. I'd love to hear from you!
Posted on 2013-11-09 at 01:42:58.
Grugg Gregg RDI Staff Karma: 357/190 6192 Posts
Oh good.
I was looking for you.
Posted on 2013-11-09 at 01:48:09.
Celeste Hippy-snapper! Karma: 138/3 1049 Posts
Thank god for that. I'm always looking for you.
Posted on 2013-11-09 at 01:52:37.
Odyson PUN-dit Karma: 158/25 6327 Posts
To The Saver Of Ulthok.......
I've missed you, your knowledge of games and rules saved Ulthok by knowing he had the pendent of life protection. So I am greatful and look forward to gaming with you again.
I'd been looking for the RDInn Magic Cards and just found them yesterday. You did great work on those, thank you for the Ody card. My son has started playing Magic with some of his friend and I wanted to slip the card into his deck, teheheheh.....
BTW, I'll have youe Tankard placed back on the mantel in the Chat Room so you can enjoy some "Good Old Froth-n-Slosh".
Posted on 2013-11-09 at 02:41:11.
SirSadaar RDI Fixture Karma: 11/0 656 Posts
Welcome back!
Well, I just thought I'd drop by and welcome you back! It was kind of slow recently and is great to see people coming back!
Good to see you back and well!
Posted on 2013-11-09 at 03:34:24.
Celeste Hippy-snapper! Karma: 138/3 1049 Posts
Thanks you guys! I will look for you soon for some Froth 'n' Slosh, Ody! I happy to see Ulthok is still kicking in Tril!
Winter is coming, and I feel a need to nest under blankets, drink hot chocolate, and type until the wee hours of the morning. ^_^
Posted on 2013-11-09 at 04:43:58.
Tuned_Out Khash Munee Karma: 47/0 707 Posts
Welcome back!
Haven't seen you around in quite some time.
Hope all is well
Posted on 2013-11-09 at 04:52:16.
Celeste Hippy-snapper! Karma: 138/3 1049 Posts
this is a subject.
T_O! Ahhhhh, it's nice to see your face! This are SPECTACULAR on my end. How's it on yours?
PS ~ I've been rereading Smuggler's Moon. I'm feeling a powerful need to be piratey again. You in? Wot say ye, Khash-mate? Yer up fer a lil' collab thar on t' Moon?
Posted on 2013-11-10 at 17:19:22.
Edited on 2013-11-10 at 17:19:42 by Celeste
Tuned_Out Khash Munee Karma: 47/0 707 Posts
That'd be lovely,
Aye, ye be right Willow, t' Moon need sail again.
Things are busy here, but going swimmingly.
Posted on 2013-11-10 at 18:05:46.
t_catt11 Fun is Mandatory RDI Staff Karma: 378/54 7163 Posts
Welcome back!
Posted on 2013-11-10 at 18:49:13.
Celeste Hippy-snapper! Karma: 138/3 1049 Posts
Thanks, Boss! Nice to be back!
Posted on 2013-11-10 at 20:45:47.
TannTalas Trilogy Master RDI Staff Karma: 181/119 6817 Posts
Nice to see your return Celeste hope you'll be happy back home here at the Inn.
If your looking to join a game or two PM me, I may have a opening or two in Trilogy you might like. You can help Ody cope, as he is the defacto leader of that crazy bunch .
Posted on 2013-11-10 at 21:40:06.
Edited on 2013-11-10 at 21:42:37 by TannTalas
Celeste Hippy-snapper! Karma: 138/3 1049 Posts
Oh boy!
Thanks for the offer, Tann! I think I am just going to dedicate my time to Destiny and Roc for now. I don't want to spread myself out too far right when I get back into the swing of things. ^_^
Posted on 2013-11-11 at 19:27:46.
I-Binary Resident Karma: 10/0 251 Posts
Count me in~
I know of your lovely reputation on this site, and it is great to see you here. We're all welcoming you with arms outstretched, it's good to have you home^^
Posted on 2013-11-11 at 19:56:00.
Celeste Hippy-snapper! Karma: 138/3 1049 Posts
I didn't do it, I swear!
Wow! Thanks, I-B! I look forward to getting to know you, as yours is a brand new face for me!
Posted on 2013-11-12 at 15:31:49.