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Finn Mac Cuel
Regular Visitor
Karma: 11/1
66 Posts

Ad-Libbed Story Madness Tag Game!!!

Purpose: To create humorous ad-libbed tales to distract Innmates from their real life responsibilities.
1.Post must be 20 to 100 words.

2.Post must continue the story and pick up where the previous post left off.

3.Post about anything you can imagine, all possibilities exist!

4.Once you’ve posted get other storytellers involved by “Tagging” an Innmate. To tag an Innmate send them a PM with a link to this thread and challenge them to post to the thread in 48 hours.

5. You don't have to be tagged to post! Just jump in and join the fun!

Let’s see how long (and ridiculous) we can keep this going!

Posted on 2013-11-15 at 10:14:15.
Edited on 2013-11-15 at 10:16:26 by Finn Mac Cuel

Finn Mac Cuel
Regular Visitor
Karma: 11/1
66 Posts

Our Story Begins...

Once upon a time there was a marginally successful midlevel manager named Phillip Horatio Richards. He worked for a software development company that specialized in remote access troubleshooting and network communication solutions. In brief he had a dull job doing unremarkable white collar tasks and all his co-workers referred to him as Phillatio Dicks behind his back. Yes, Phillip had a sad little life that most predicted would end after a brief 10 story race to the pavement with gravity. Were that the case our story might have ended here, but as it happens…

Posted on 2013-11-15 at 10:18:41.

RDI Staff
Karma: 357/190
6192 Posts


...Phillip had been involved in a horrible industrial accident in his youth and secretly lived the life of a crime fighting superhero with the ability to turn poly-carbons of any sort into waffles. While his day life depressed the casual viewer, his night life was the stuff of legends. It was during one of his many nights patrolling Minneapolis that...

Posted on 2013-11-15 at 16:12:37.

Finn Mac Cuel
Regular Visitor
Karma: 11/1
66 Posts

What's that Mommy?

Phillip suddenly realized he might have avoided years of litigation had his chosen crime fighting uniform been less revealing. While the form fitting fabric allowed him to perform agile acts of waffling, it was the children who suffered when ever a wardrobe malfunction occurred. Phillip deduced that this offensive oversight could only be the work of his Arch Nemesis …

Posted on 2013-11-15 at 20:01:32.

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