Astrid RDI Fixture Karma: 31/3 600 Posts
intrest in a chat game?
hey i've noticed a influx of new people to the inn, and i was wondering if anyone would be interested in having a rp game in dragon chat in the late afternoon/evenings?
it would be every day or every other day pending interest and would be whom ever showed up for that day we'd have a guild/quest type senerioes.
Posted on 2014-03-07 at 15:29:18.
Takley RDI Fixture Karma: 25/34 607 Posts
I'd be game
that sounds like fun, wouldn't be there all the time but I'd go for it
Posted on 2014-03-07 at 20:18:07.
I-Binary Resident Karma: 10/0 251 Posts
You know, I would like to try that if I can remember it! I've never really had a conversation at all on DragonChat, and I know people definitely still use it.
Who knows- maybe it could kick off!
Posted on 2014-03-08 at 18:02:45.
Astrid RDI Fixture Karma: 31/3 600 Posts
could get involved?
i'm hoping for a few more signs of interest yet.
i'm thinking of using one of the floor plan maps from the guild hall in fairy tail (anime).
pending interest we might do a vote/competition to design the guild symbol.
Posted on 2014-03-08 at 20:32:03.
SirSadaar RDI Fixture Karma: 11/0 656 Posts
Need another?
I am certainly interested. I am beginning to get free times later in the days now, so I am highly interested in doing something.
Posted on 2014-03-08 at 20:49:59.
Astrid RDI Fixture Karma: 31/3 600 Posts
looking for a couple more people interested to get this going...
Posted on 2014-03-09 at 20:07:47.
SilentOne RDI Poet - 1.5 Innma Karma: 39/5 854 Posts
i'll join...
if you'll have me
Posted on 2014-03-09 at 20:16:11.
Astrid RDI Fixture Karma: 31/3 600 Posts
everyone is welcome
yep, its a open forum.
Posted on 2014-03-09 at 20:21:39.
SilentOne RDI Poet - 1.5 Innma Karma: 39/5 854 Posts
here i thought you'd be all...
YEAH!!! SILENTONE!!!! sadly.. I was mistaken
Posted on 2014-03-09 at 20:23:21.
Astrid RDI Fixture Karma: 31/3 600 Posts
ok so idk how to set up voting.
so do we have the game;
A) strictly dnd/adventure an classes
or do we have it
B) super powers/magic style ala fairy tail?
Posted on 2014-03-09 at 20:44:20.
Takley RDI Fixture Karma: 25/34 607 Posts
either is good
i would much prefer the DnD style but if it comes to it, powers are good too
Posted on 2014-03-09 at 21:41:43.
SirSadaar RDI Fixture Karma: 11/0 656 Posts
D&D is a bit more familiar to me, but it doesn't matter too much to me overall: both sound interesting and entertaining.
Posted on 2014-03-11 at 04:09:03.
Astrid RDI Fixture Karma: 31/3 600 Posts
we need a guild name
2 suggestions max per player
check the info in the QnA
we'll vote the beginning of next week so monday- ish and hopefully we're up an running by middle/end of next week....
crosses fingers
Posted on 2014-03-11 at 09:03:55.
Salvator Navaar Resident Karma: 6/0 333 Posts
well, ya see...
1. Though rarely active, I would drop in from time to time, and think it sounds like great fun. As for the vote, As the other 2 said, I know a good bit more of DnD rules ((Mainly 2ed)), but wouldn't dream of turning down extra bonus perks/powers, so I say either or. Cuz simply voting on one like you want us too is just too easy.
but ya, looks fun, love to see where you take it.
Posted on 2014-03-11 at 09:07:14.
Astrid RDI Fixture Karma: 31/3 600 Posts
open source for fun
but i'm asking because i want it to be fun for everyone.
i have open chars for ppl to "drop in " and they can pick up and play em.
or they can make original ones.
i'm going to try and have 3-4 "jobs" posted an those who are on can "vote" and we'll take which one has the most and play at it for the evening.
i'm looking at hopefully 2-4 hrs per night so exspect odd quests.
"find lady tabbithia's cat" or "whats for supper" as well as the lets kill the monsters/search the scarry ____ fill in the blank. as well as guild /inter guild quests.
with hijinks ect
Posted on 2014-03-11 at 09:18:43.
Edited on 2014-03-11 at 09:24:11 by Astrid