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RDI Fixture
Karma: 11/0
656 Posts

Star Wars Unknown Regions.

Alright, so here is the Q&A thread for the SW game(sorry about the delay). I'll have the characters up shortly, along with the NPC's and bit of background info. New players welcome, just PM me.

EDIT: So, I got the characters I currently have up. I will hopefully receive Kamina's tomorrow or Tuesday, and I will NPC the character until Kamina get's a new computer. I'm just doing the finishing touches on a couple of NPC's and some background info, then I'll post that. If all goes well, I'll have the game up by Saturday evening.

Posted on 2014-06-02 at 00:08:48.
Edited on 2014-06-02 at 00:13:21 by SirSadaar

RDI Fixture
Karma: 11/0
656 Posts

Salvator Navaar's Character.

Class Scoundrel 4
Name Drunik Saller
Age 22
Weight, 145 Height,5'10"
Species Quarren,
Level 4

Str: 8
Dex: 16 (+3)
Con: 10
Int: 10
Wis: 12 +1
Cha: 14 +2

HP 36
Fortitude 14 Reflex 17 Will 15
Initiative+10, Perception+8(Low Light Vision), Base Attack +3, Force Points +7, Destiny Points +4

BAB +3

Attacks: DL-18 Attack +6 Damage 3D6+2
x2 DL-18 Attack +1/+1 Damaged 3D6+2/3D6+2
DD6 Attack +6 Damage 3D8+2
Vibrodagger Attack +6 Damage 2D4+2

Special Actions: Knack, Point Blank Shot

Talents: Knack, Gambler
Feats: Point Blank Shot, Weapon Proficiency Simple+ Pistols, Skill Focus Persuasion, Skill Training (initiative), Weapon Focus Pistols, Dual Weapon Mastery I, Weapon Profiency, Advanced Melee

Skills Deception+9 Initiative +10 Perception+8 Persuasion+14 Pilot +10

Dark Side 0
Languages Basic, Quarren
Special Expert Swimmer, Breath Underwater

Equipment: Vibrodagger, x2 DL-18(Blaster Pistols), DD6 pistol Clothes(Heavy Blaster Pistol), Clothes, 2 hip holsters and 1 concealed holster, droid
Money 2,090

Ships: Pursuer Class Enforcement + hyperdrive

Level 2
Class Soldier 2
Gender (programming; can be ambiguous)

Str 12
Dex 17
Con -
Int 12
Wis 13
Cha 8

HP 20
Fort 12 Ref 18 Will 12
Initiative perception fp7 destiny points0
Bab +2

Ranged +5
Light Repeater +0 (+2 braced) 3d8 +1 2 square splash.
Melee +2

Feats Weapon Pro Simple, pistols, rifles, armour Pro Light and Medium, Skill focus Pilot, Skill Focus Mechanics
Talents: Armour Defense

Skills: Initiative +9, Pilot+14, Mechanic+12, Use Computer+7

Dark Side NA
Languages Basic, Binary, one other
Special: Ion Damage Vulnerability, Maintenance, Non-living, Repair, Shut-down
Internal Items: Heuristic Processor, vocabulator, Locked Access, darkvision
Equipment: Light Repeater, 4 power packs, tool kit,
Money NA

Posted on 2014-06-02 at 00:09:35.
Edited on 2014-09-13 at 16:27:42 by SirSadaar

RDI Fixture
Karma: 11/0
656 Posts

I-Binary's character

Name- Horachkt
Species- Trandoshan
Age- 34 standard years
Gender- Male
Skin- Orange
Height- 2.2 metres, or 7'2"

Level- 4
Class- Soldier
Player- I-Binary

Str- 16
Dex- 14
Con- 14
Int- 8
Wis- 10
Cha- 12

Fort- 22
Will- 14
Ref- 21
Dmg Thresh- 21
HP- 69
SR- 5

Speed- 6 (out of armour)
4 (armoured)
BAB- 4
Melee- 7
Ranged- 6
Force Points- 7
Destiny Points- 4

Endurance 7
Initiative 7
Perception 2

Toughness (species)
Armour Proficiency (light, medium, heavy)
Weapons Proficiency (pistols, rifles, simple weapons, advanced melee)
Power Attack

Armoured Defence

Dosh, Basic

Darkvision (total)
Limb Regeneration
Natural Armour

Light Repeater- 3d8 energy, autofire
Vibro-Ax- 2d10 slashing
Slugthrower Rifle- 2d8 piercing, autofire
Short Sword- 1d6 slashing, piercing (mostly used to carve up kill and steal bones)
Frag Grenades x3- 4d6 slashing

modified Krail 210 Personal Armour
-heavy armour
-upgraded: includes Shield generator 5, an internal generator, and armourplast

Helmet Package
Liquid Cable Dispenser
Vacuum seals (10 hours)
Ration Pack x4
Energy Cell x4
Power Pack x4
Slug Clip x4
Bandolier for all that ammo
Hip holster for Slugthrower rifle
Baldric for Vibro-Ax
All-Temp cloak
Water extractor
Fire Rod x3


Total Weight Carried (includes armour)
56 kg

Posted on 2014-06-02 at 00:10:26.
Edited on 2014-06-25 at 20:40:20 by SirSadaar

RDI Fixture
Karma: 11/0
656 Posts

Kamina's character

Name: ?
Class Jedi 4
Species Kel Dor
Age: ?
Gender: ?
Level 4

Strength 10
Dexterity 16
Con 10
Int 12
Wis 16
Cha 14

Hp60 Damage Threshold 30
Fort 15
Ref 18
Will 18
Initiative +5 Perception +10 (lowlight vision)


Lightsabre Attack +8 Damage 2d8+2
Martial Arts +7 Attack 1d6 Damage

Special Actions Lightsabre defense

Talents: Lightsabre Defense, Weapon Specialization Lightsabres
Feats: Force Sensitivity, Weapon Proficiency, Simple, Weapon Focus Lightsabre,Weapon Finesse, Skill Focus Use the force, Martial arts I
Skills: Acrobatics +10, Perception +10, Use the Force +14

Special Keen force Sense, Low Light vision

Gear Lightsabre
Credits 30,000
Languages Kel Dor, Basic, High Galactic.

Posted on 2014-06-02 at 00:10:48.
Edited on 2014-06-25 at 20:43:34 by SirSadaar

RDI Fixture
Karma: 11/0
656 Posts


A place-holder for later info...

Posted on 2014-08-26 at 01:34:28.

RDI Fixture
Karma: 11/0
656 Posts


Okay, so before we start, I'm wondering what ship you would like to have. I have narrowed it down to a few ships that would work in this setting. The 'Nav' at the end of ships names means the ship has a navicomputer, without one needing to be added in. It's not a requirement, but it would make your pilot checks much easier!
-Clone Wars
Pg 76 Barloz
Pg 78 GS-100 Salvage Ship
Pg 79 KR-TB Doomtreader
PG 80 Pursuer Class Enforcement Ship
-Scum And Villainy
PG 64 YT 1250 Nav
PG 65 YT 1930 Nav
Core Rulebook
Pg 182 YT-3000 Nav
-Star Ships of The Galaxy
PG 70 Citadel Class Cuiser Nav
PG 80 Dynamic Class Freighter Nav
PG 88 Ghtroc 720 Freighter Nav
PG 155 YT-2400 Nav

Also, if everyone wanted, the ship you chose could be a ship that belonged to Salvator's character. It would not be charged on his starting credits, since a ship is required for this setting.

Posted on 2014-08-26 at 01:39:22.

Salvator Navaar
Karma: 6/0
333 Posts

Ships Ships Ships

PG 80 Pursuer Class Enforcement Ship is my favoritest. But if owned by me, chances are closer to the YT-1300

Posted on 2014-08-26 at 01:52:24.

RDI Fixture
Karma: 11/0
656 Posts


Well, the pursuer doesn't have to be in good condition. There is a worn out/ used condition that could be applied.

Sorry for the delay on starting post. Orientation week is just insane right now.

Posted on 2014-09-03 at 23:09:14.

Salvator Navaar
Karma: 6/0
333 Posts

tempting me?

no prob, man, i hear ya. aint even started on my droid specs yet. lol

Posted on 2014-09-03 at 23:39:40.

Salvator Navaar
Karma: 6/0
333 Posts


alright, ill have a post up by the end of the day.

Posted on 2014-09-10 at 12:55:10.

Karma: 10/0
251 Posts


All RIGHT, Sal! This is gonna be a lot of fun.

(Also! Sorry bout the long post, guys, but I had WAY too much to say! )

Posted on 2014-09-10 at 15:21:50.
Edited on 2014-09-10 at 15:22:23 by I-Binary

Salvator Navaar
Karma: 6/0
333 Posts


1st posts especially should be long. give the reader that initial sense of who your character is

Posted on 2014-09-10 at 16:21:35.

Karma: 10/0
251 Posts

Meat Shield?!

Who you callin' a meat shield?! Gad, I adore trandos, and that line nearly had me in stitches. We are going to be an... interesting group.

Posted on 2014-09-10 at 23:37:24.
Edited on 2014-09-10 at 23:37:40 by I-Binary

Salvator Navaar
Karma: 6/0
333 Posts


Indeed. The way I have built Drunik is thesame personality as Druin Navaar, my 1st quarren. The loveable scamp that fits with any group because you cant HELP but adore him (Its a Charisma thang)

I like the Dosh way of life, the religion... but far as lizards go, Barabels are beast.

Posted on 2014-09-11 at 02:32:39.

RDI Fixture
Karma: 11/0
656 Posts

Good posts!

Good starting posts! As the Jedi is Kamina's character, I have pm'd him stuff to figure out how to write his next post. He will reveal part of the initial plot too, to help speed things up and get him in the game.

As for ships, at the moment it looks like the pursuer is going to be the ship in game, unless anyone wants to change it. I think I'll have it work in orderly condition, for now. Just keep in mind, the lack of a navcomputer makes hyperspace jumps difficult. If it is a stock ship, you have one unused emplacement point, and could buy a nav computer (20,00 credits and 1 emplacement point), or a limited nav computer for 2000, and no emplacement points.

Posted on 2014-09-11 at 02:41:05.

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