Schnozzle Ma' Nozzle Karma: 38/0 668 Posts
I'm back, with apologies.
So I'm here once again, checking in after checking out with no notice. I feel I should apologize for that, so to Tann and the members of Trilogy, sorry. It looks like I didn't miss much with Fortunes Favored, but to Grugg and the rest, sorry for not being present. Truth is, I got pretty burnt out after the July 4th diedown. Felt as if I couldn't get started again and it looked like every story line was dead, which can be pretty disheartening. I'm returning here because of the people, and I intend to stay. My level of participation is going to be lower. Two stories at most.
Tann, if you will have me back I'll be happy to play. As for The Favored, I'm pretty sure I've got some peasants to train.
Posted on 2014-09-10 at 20:01:32.