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Hey, I'm SapientPearwood. I play roleplaying games, I make glasses for a living and have more ideas than people to help me realise them.
Which is why i'm here! I'm hoping that this magical internet thing will allow me to explore some of my so far unrealised plans, plots and ideas and see how well they do. I'm sure not all of them will be gold, but I hope at least I'll touch on some kind of diamond in the rough.
Like my first tester, I want to see if I can get a few of my fellow forum members here to play a World-Building game as the Gods, and become the Panthon inside of a more typical roleplaying game of some flavour of D&D.
The thought being that you're much more likely to be invested in saving, adventuring and having fun inside of a world of your own creation, working for deified personas of yourselves.
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