Hello Adventurers I am Trilogy Master Tann'Talas and as the say in the military I am looking for 1 player to answer my call to take over the character listed below. If you decide to join the longest running game on record here at the Inn, going on 12 years in August. I can promise you a high lvl adventure full of intrigue, suspense and RP. Some of you may know me from the games I am currently in as a player and on the Inn here as a DM. However I have run this Campaign since it first started as a single table top adventure back in 1985 with many different table top groups and on the Inn since August of 2004.
The Adventure is set in a world I stated creating in late 1985 while in the military that I named Trilogy and is my version of the Lord of The Rings but is nothing like the books. Instead of the one ring the party must recover and destroy an Intelligent sword of great evil before it, like the ring, falls back into it's creators hands. I use AD&D 2nd Edition rules with a few house rules and rules learned on the Inn thrown in for easier game play.
Now a word about my world it consists of a main Continent and numerous Islands and Island chains. The main continent is of course called Trilogy while the biggest Island is called Cirith Ungole. I must warn all players interested that a lot of the names of places, towns, mountains and so on come from the many novels I have read over my 50 years and some are my own as Trilogy is a highly populated world of Humans, Elves, Dwarves and other creatures.
Every creature in AD&D has his place or a history somewhere in my world and I have a full scale map up on the first page of the game thread along with the world's history which is a must read for the hints and clues it gives towards what will happen in the game.
I really need a good gamer to take over the character as she is a big part of the party's magical resources and for the RP factor. Anybody out there want to play in a great long lasting AD&D game. I know its not table top but for you, the player, its mostly RP as I do most everything else. Give it a thought and let me know.
RACE: Half-Elf
GENDER: Female
HOMELAND: Greymark
WORLD: Trilogy.
AGE: 65
HAIR: honey blond kept pinned in a loose high bun her sides braided and pinned loose to the bun.
EYES: Jade Green
WEIGHT: 135pds
LEVEL: 11/12
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Good
XP: 839,500 / 839,500
NEXT LEVEL: 1,000,000/1,125,000
STR:15 Max Press:170 WGT:55 BB/LG:7% OPDRS:8
DEX:16 React Adj:+1 Missile Adj:+1 Defense Adj:-1
CON:16 HP Adj::+2 System Shock:95% Resurrection Survival:96%.
INT:18 #Langs:5 Spell Lvl:9th Learn Spell: 85% Mx Spells: all.
CHA:10 Max Henchmen:4
Para/Posion/Death Magic: 7
Petrifaction/Polymorph: 8
Rod/Wand/Staff: 9
Breath Weapon: 8
Spell: 10
Base THACO:10
Melee: 8 (sword) / 9 (Staff)
Missile: 9
Armor Worn: +3 Elvin Chain mail of Elemental Resistance
(Grants wearer 50% resistance to all elemental type attacks)
A permanently magically reduced male Janni Name: Xin AC: 2 (Chain mail) HP's: 35 #Atks: 1 Damage ATK: 1d4+1 (Miniature Scimitar) Movement: 28' (Flight) THACO: 15
(Xin a male janni is the weakest of the elemental humanoids known collectively as genies. Janni are formed out of all four elements and must therefore spend most of their time on the Prime Material plane. In addition to speaking Common and all the languages of genies, janni can speak with animals. Janni often wear chain mail armor (60% chance), giving them an effective AC of 2. They typically use great scimitars, in the case of Xin a miniature one which inflicts 1d4+1 damage to any creature attacked. Due to his size Xin does not have an exceptional Strength score. Xin can use one the following magical powers invisibility three times per day; create food and water once per day as a 7th-level priest; and etherealness (as the armor) once per day for a maximum of one hour. Xin performs at 12th-level ability, except as noted. Aliya has an empathic link with Xin and can issue him mental commands at a distance of up to 1 mile. If separated from the Aliya, even while inside the ring, Xin like all familiars loses 1 hit point each day, and dies if reduced to 0 hit points. While he is in physical contact with Aliya, he gains Aliya's saving throws against special attacks. If a special attack would normally cause damage, Xin suffers no damage if the saving throw is successful and half damage if the saving throw is failed. If Xin dies, Aliya must successfully roll an immediate system shock check or die. Even if she survives this check, Aliya will still lose 1 point from her Constitution if Xin dies or the ring, his home, is destroyed.
Languages Ancient(Norse)
Artistic Ability (drawing)
Riding Land Based
Detect secret doors - Because of their acute senses, half-elves are quick to spot concealed doors and hidden entranceways. Merely passing within 10' of a concealed door allows an elf a one-in-six chance (a 1 on 1d6) to notice it. If actively searching, an elf's chances improve to a two-in-six chance (1 or 2 on 1d6) to find secret doors, and a three-in-six (1, 2, or 3 on 1d6) to notice a concealed door.
Infravision - Infravision with a range of 60'.
Resistance - 30% resistance to sleep and charm spells.
Attracts Followers after a stronghold is built and level 9 is reached
Schools of Magic - Abjuration, Alteration, Conjuration/Summoning, Enchantment/Charm, Greater Divination, Illusion/Phantasm, Invocation/Evocation, Necromancy
1st LvL: 4 /
2nd LvL: 4 /
3rd LvL: 4 /
4th LvL: 4 /
5th LvL: 4 /
6th LvL: 1
1ST LvL: Alarm / Burning Hands / Charm person / Comprehend Languages / Dancing Lights / Detect Undead / Detect Magic / Feather Fall / Grease / Hold Portal / Identify / Jump / Light / Magic Missile /Phantasmal Force / Protection from Evil / Read Magic / Shield / Sleep / Spider Climb / Unseen Servant / Wall of Fog.
2ND LvL: Alter Self / Blur / Continual Light / Darkness 15' Radius / Deep Pockets / Detect Evil / Flaming Sphere / Fog Cloud / Improved Phantasmal Force / Knock / Levitate / Locate Object / Melf's Acid Arrow / Ray of Enfeeblement / Spectral Hand / Strength / Web / Wizard Lock
3RD LvL: Blink / Dispel Magic / Fireball / Flame Arrow / Hold Person / Hold Undead / Infravision / Leomund's Tiny Hut / Lightening Bolt / Melf's Minute Meteors / Phantom Stead / Protection from Evil 10' Radius / Protection from Normal Missiles / Water Breathing / Wind Wall
4TH LvL: Confusion / Detect Scrying / Dimension Door / Enchanted Weapon / Fear / Extension I / Fire Charm / Fire Shield / Fire Trap / Ice Storm / Improved Invisibility / Leomund's Secure Shelter / Massmorph / Minor Globe of Invulnerability / Polymorph Self / Polymorph Other / Remove Curse / Shadow Monsters / Stoneskin / Wall of Ice / Wall of Fire.
5TH LvL: Airy Water / Chaos / Cone of Cold / Conjure Elemental / Contact Other Plane / Dismissal / Fabricate / Hold Monster / Major Creation / Monster Summoning III / Shadow Magic / Summon Shadow / Teleport / Transmute Rock to Mud / Wall of Iron
6TH LvL: Antimagic Shell / Chain Lighting / Death Fog / Ensnarement / Glassee / Globe of Invulnerability / Monster Summoning IV / Permanent Illusion / Reincarnation / Stone to Flesh / Tensor's Transformation / Transmute Water to Dust
1st Lvl: Feather Fall / Detect Magic /Detect Undead / Wall of Fog
2nd Lvl: Ray of Enfeeblement / Flaming Sphere / Strength / Levitate
3rd Lvl: Fireball / Flame Arrow / Water Breathing / Lightning Bolt
4th Lvl: Stone Skin / Wall Of Ice / Wall of Fire / Dimension Door
5th Lvl: Teleport / Monster Summoning III / Conjure Elemental / Dismissal
6th Lvl: Reincarnation
+3 Vorpal Longsword SM/Med:1d8+4 LG:1d12+4 ATKS:3/2
+3 Dagger x2 Sm/Med: 1d4+3 / LG:1d3+3
2 Tunics
Pair Soft Boots
Embroidery Hoop and Cloth
2 Pairs hose
2 Breeches
Divided Skirt
**Clothes of Alteration
Cloak and hat can be magically customized to any known piece of clothing to match a city or country's latest rage in clothing. Has 32 charges and can be recharged)
10 Candles
2 Week's Dry Rations
2 Books (stories blank)
Writing Case (w/charcoal, ink and quill)
10 Sm Candles
Soap 1lb.
Good Cloak
Wool and Knitting Needles
Sewing Kit
Wineskins x2
Oil of Fiery Burning
Potion of Flying x2
**Wrapped within the Clothes of Alteration.
Pin Of Protection :
Grants user an AC of 0 when worn without any other armor and a +1 when armor is worn.)
Tome of The Planes
Tome of Golems
+3 Elvin Chain mail of Elemental Resistance
Eye Glasses of Charming
Ring Of Djinni Summoning (Summons Xin her familiar)
Girdle of Many Pouches
Belt pouch sm x2 (right hip)(containing spell components)
Lg Belt Pouch
Potion of Dragon Sight
Potion Extra Healing x2
Potion of Elemental Form
(Air/Fire)( Drinker may change into either a lower tier Air or Fire Elemental and back to normal form as long as the potion lasts. Each change of form takes 1 rd and though no special immunities are gained the special attack of said Elemental are usable. User's AC and HP do not change. Duration is 1 full turn 10rds)
Stone w/Continual Light permanently grafted
750 Gold Pieces
300 Silver Pieces
Light Warhorse
Her mother was her world till she was three then, that world was shattered when her mother passed suddenly. Her father never got over her mothers death. Leaving her to be raised by her mother's parents. Her grandfather was gruff but the knowledge he possessed drew her near him. She learned her mage spells at his side, always intoned with the degradation of the fighter over the mage. "Only those who lack the power that knowledge brings balk at its power" as her grandfather favorite saying. A pacifist at heart he drew her to the pursuit of the ancient knowledge. her Grandmother helped keep them both balanced, and fed. Pulling them from musty tomes and separating them when discussion degraded to argument and hurt feelings. Mending the conflicts with loving words and brazen tactics of a diplomat. The stability of that little life was once again shattered when her grandmother passed when she was ten winters old, the grief of her death made her grandfather turn his back on the world. Sending her to live with her father a ruff drunkard mercenary he hated magic and trained her abusively to fight. Fore sight fostered by her grandmother helped her cope allowing her to quickly surpass her fathers skill and eat up the battle tactics but excelled more as a trader. Ever chance her father got he drunkenly reminded her that magic couldn't save her mother. " It costs more to live soft then hard, coin gets you far, steel gets you farther." her grandfather is her hero upon a pedestal, news of his death hit her hard making her rethink her life. Is she really a fighter or a mage can she truly be both?
Xin (Magical Familiar)
A permanently magically reduced male Janni AC: 2 (Chain mail) HP's: 35 #Atks: 1 Damage ATK: 1d4+1 (Miniature Scimitar) Movement: 28' (Flight) THACO: 15 (Xin a male janni is the weakest of the elemental humanoids known collectively as genies. Janni are formed out of all four elements and must therefore spend most of their time on the Prime Material plane. In addition to speaking Common and all the languages of genies, janni can speak with animals. Janni often wear chain mail armor (60% chance), giving them an effective AC of 2. They typically use great scimitars, in the case of Xin a miniature one which inflicts 1d4+1 damage to any creature attacked. Due to his size Xin does not have an exceptional Strength score. Xin can use one the following magical powers invisibility three times per day; create food and water once per day as a 7th-level priest; and etherealness (as the armor) once per day for a maximum of one hour. Xin performs at 12th-level ability, except as noted. Aliya has an empathic link with Xin and can issue him mental commands at a distance of up to 1 mile. If separated from Aliya, even while inside the ring, Xin like all familiars loses 1 hit point each day, and dies if reduced to 0 hit points. While he is in physical contact with Aliya, he gains Aliya's saving throws against special attacks. If a special attack would normally cause damage, Xin suffers no damage if the saving throw is successful and half damage if the saving throw is failed. If Xin dies, Aliya must successfully roll an immediate system shock check or die. Even if she survives this check, Aliya will still lose 1 point from her Constitution if Xin dies or the ring, his home, is destroyed.