Hey guys!
Many of you know I'm new and I joined to work on my writing skills. I wanted to put a game up and see how it went.. If you don't like it feel free to bail at anytime
I am looking for 5-7 players.. the setting is a group of college students going on a ski/snow boarding trip. It is a thriller survival based on the choices you make. I call it Choices -The choices aren't so much of an impact on you as they are other players EX: your friend gets hurt and you don't treat the wound but instead pick them up and decide to keep moving- Later it leads to a flu, infection and possible death. Every choice you make changes it for another person.
You will need to search for items that could improve your abilities or be useful in times of need. You need to identify who your character is, background and what they study ( might help in dire situations). Finding items like books and manuals can also increase ability points.
I will handle all the rolls and character sheets. You just play it out!!
Like I said I'm still pretty new blood in here so if I step on some toes or its terrible feel free to tell me. XD
Let me know if you guys are interested.