This will be the official Q&A thread for my game, Paranoia: the Only Good Commie is a Dead Commie.
If you have qustions about your character, any secret societies you may be part of, any mutations that you may have, or any secret missions that you may be assigned... I suggest that you PM me. You may, of course, post questions about those things here, but doing so exposes your treason... and I wouldn't put it past other Troubleshooters to metagame information about treason.
Remember - youare part of a six pack of clones. If you die (you will die), your character will be quickly replaced by an identical duplicate.
You don't have to post novellas, but if you are boring, you run a drastically increased risk of death. So share your character's thoughts as appropriate, and be dramatic - fire that laser as you dive across a table and slide behind a trash can for cover. Don't draw out firing solutions, lest you die for being boring.
Speaking of laser pistols...
I'm sure that nobody will ask me about laser pistols, or why most of you have two laser barrels that match your security clearance. That is likely because you all know Paranoia very well, and don't need to ask.
Just in case, however, you should know that laser pistol barrels act very much like an ammo supply. Each barrel is good for six presumably safe shots (assuming you have no amusing malfunctions). Barrels have six rings on them, each of which change color to indicate a use (in case your troubleshooter has trouble with simple memory tasks).
You may fire more than six shots with a given barrel, but note that every shot above six results in an ever-increasing chance of (amusing/deadly) weapon malfunction.
Barrels coincide to the security clearance given to an owner (you guys have red barrels). Standard issue reflec armor protects against lasers, and is designed to protect againt lasers of up to that color's security clearance (Yellow armor, for instance, protects against yellow, orange, and red lasers, but not green or blue).
You may use any barrel you come across, but of course doing so of a higher color than you have clearance is treason.
Have a nice day.