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King Moonracer
Karma: 6/0
24 Posts

How to add pictures to posts?

I'm trying to embed pics from Imgur into my posts, but I'm failing at every attempt. Can someone explain how best to do this?

Posted on 2018-12-27 at 15:10:30.

Karma: 158/25
6327 Posts

This was posted by Eol.....

Posting images works pretty much the same as it always has only it's been "simplified" a bit. Here's how it works:

  • Just as in the past, you'll need to upload/save your images on your own hosting site (i.e. Photobucket, Freewebs, whatever).
  • Once your image is uploaded and you're ready to post it here, you simply start your post and, when you get to the point where you want your picture placed, you click on the "Insert/Edit image" button in the menu bar.
  • The url for your image's location goes in the "Source" field (instead of using the html tag [img src="http:blahblahblah"] tag as you did in the past... the code behind the "Source" field adds this tag for you so all you need is the url).
  • In the "Image Description" field, you enter a brief description of the image (i.e. Tann's Picture). This is purely optional, of course.
  • If you'd like to specify the dimensions of the image, you do so in the "Dimensions" field(s). This is also optional. Leaving this section blank will display your image at it's default size. 
  • Once you're done, you click "OK" and, BOOM, your pic is magically in your post!!!
  • Super-facelickity-groovalicious, right?

Aaaaaaaand that's all there is to it, Innmates! No muss, no fuss!


Now, if none of the above made sense to you, feel free to say so and I'll see what I can do about making the instructions simpler... and then make fun of you! (Contact Eol)

Posted on 2018-12-27 at 15:50:46.

Karma: 158/25
6327 Posts

I can load my photos to Google Photo. To add to the post I go to the photo album, open the picture I want, right click on it and choose “Copy Image Location”. Then in the post I move the curser (the blinking vertical line in the text area) where I want the picture like I was going to type text. I then move the curser/arrow to click on the "Insert/Edit image" button in the menu bar, paste the location into the “Source” field. Click ‘OK” and the picture will be inserted where the text curser was. Now I click on the picture to select it. For me this shows an outline around the picture and the four corners have a small square. I grab a square at a corner and drag the corner in or out to resize it as I want.

Hope this works for you.



Posted on 2018-12-27 at 16:01:52.
Edited on 2019-01-27 at 14:33:45 by Odyson

King Moonracer
Karma: 6/0
24 Posts

Thanks both! Neither of your instructions were working for me, but I figured out what the issue was: for Imgur pics, you need to copy the BBCode data, then paste in the Insert Data/Image prompt and delete the [img] and [/img] bracket info. Works like a charm now.

Posted on 2018-12-28 at 12:22:08.

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