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RDI Fixture
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884 Posts

Freeform Campaign Loosely Based on Corwyn

Hey, guys.
I'm thinking of attempting my own freeform campaign very loosely based on Corwyn. If you haven't heard of it, information can be found on this link:

The rough history is:
In the ancient past, the evil Chromatic Dragons sought to dominate the other races and very nearly succeeded, but the surface elves (good elves) allied themselves with the Metallic Dragons and together they drove the Chromatic Dragons into remote, secluded lands. There, the Chromatic Dragons lived and bided their time, waiting for an opportunity to attempt an uprising.

That time has now come. In an unlikely turn of events, the Chromatic Dragons have joined forced with the Drow (Dark-Elves). However, all this is merely rumour as of yet as the Chromatic Dragons and Drow have yet to publicly reveal their presence and alliance. That will come later. But there are signs that the realm has entered a period of unrest: orcs, goblins and other fiendish beasts have become bolder, sensing a dark power rising. They have taken to pillaging and killing more often than before. Wyverlings (my own made up creature. I'll give info on it later) and cockatrices have been seen flocking and rading settlements in greater numbers. The millitaries of the various sentient races have been called to counter these threats that are becoming all too common.

And it is this that draws the players' party together (of course, you may write your characters' own personal reasons for coming to the city in the first place, but ultimately the ruler of the city hires you all for the job). A basilisk has bitten the ruler's daughter and infected her with its deadly poison. Her father has entrusted you with the task of procuring the antidote which can be found in an orcs' stronghold in the nearby mountain range. This is your first quest. The ruler's trusted mage has cast a ward upon his daughter to slow down the progression of the poison, but even he cannot eradicate it entirely.

So, this is the basics. Of course, we'll flesh it out as we go along. This thread is to discuss the campaign (ask any questions, express your interest and whatnot) before the campaign starts.

So, who's interested?

Posted on 2022-05-03 at 15:50:27.

Extreme Exclaimator!
Karma: 93/24
4361 Posts

Sounds Interesting

I Just Do Not Have The Time

Posted on 2022-05-03 at 20:27:45.

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 3/0
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I am time itself!

Posted on 2022-05-05 at 04:39:49.

Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
3141 Posts

Hunting orcs and evil dragons? Sure!

I am certainly up for giving this a try.

Posted on 2022-05-05 at 19:03:56.

RDI Fixture
Karma: 16/1
884 Posts


Cool! I still need to worldbuild and stuff. This is my first attempt at a RP this big, so any advice/tips would be appreciated! How did you come up with the places for Blacktooth?

Posted on 2022-05-06 at 09:42:31.

Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
3141 Posts


Well, the Blacktooth Ridge is actually based on a module.  At first it was an off-shoot company, but about little over a year ago Wizards of the Coast actually picked it up and published it as a book with some other stuff.  I don't have the book, but I have some of the older materials.  But that just gave me the setting and the original quest - so the Twins and the Vargolg, for example.  Boris was in it as a little side thing but nothing much was mentioned about him.  That seemed like a waste to me. 90% of what you have encountered is just me elaborating on what was a very broad base.  But I did have something to start with.  Plus, as characters always do, you quickly went off script with a full frontal assault on the Vargolg and I had to figure out how a battle would play out.  

As a more general statement I would suggest a few things:

1.  Don't be afraid of published modules.  They are a great way to start out and a lot of experienced DMs use them.  They make life a lot easier. Plus, there are still tons of places where you can put in your own embelishments like Boris. 

2.  If you want to do something on your own I would suggest thinking of a character or a location you like - then see if that inspires anything.  I'm a teacher and once a week I run an after-school game for staff members and right now they are on a side adventure that is based around a chracter I first developed on this site.  Zebulonicazarius Zickerthorn is a gnome alchemist of extremely high level (ok, on this site, he was just second or third but he's had a successful career in my head) who runs a magic emporium not unlike Weasley's Wizard Wheezes that needs to employ some people to acquire things.  Zick is awesome.  And a great way to send a group of characters into a nest of hags. Half the times I just think up places or things that would be fun and then go from there.  

3.  Don't be afraid to get help.  This could be asking others such as myself.  Or steal maps off line.  Or google "Cool Pirate magic items D&D" when looking for something.  

4.  Characters will do there thing - roll with it.  There was nothing in this module about a pyre.  But there needed to be some aftermath to the battle.  So I just considered what the monsters would likely do.  Monsters aren't dumb.  They will deal with their dead, but they will also have guards.  They will set traps.  Much of what happens is the DM going, "Well, that wasn't what I expected . . . so . . .this happens!"  I make crap up.  

I'd be happy to help in any way I can.  

Posted on 2022-05-06 at 22:48:05.

RDI Fixture
Karma: 16/1
884 Posts


Is this what you mean by a module?

Oh, and can I use my own character in the campaign? I really want to use my dragonborn drake warden. Or can't I use a character (besides NPCs) if I'm the DM?

Posted on 2022-05-07 at 14:27:25.
Edited on 2022-05-07 at 15:42:26 by dragon-soul92

Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
3141 Posts


This is much more basic than a module.  Module or books are thing syou would likeluy buy in a store or online.  They will have maps outlining the dungeon and often are very specific.  For example, it will have a room by room map of a dungeon.  It will tell you what monsters are in each room as well as the treasure, traps or other things of interest.  It often includes a description you can read to any characters.  It is essentially the whole thing written out. 

This is a super simple one.  https/

(Except this site always turns the colon backslash in to that stupid face)

Follow the link and you will see a one-page dungeon.  The one for the Vargolg is more detailed and about 25 pages.  10 pages on the Vargolg and the rest on the surrounding environment.


You don't usually play in a game you are running - it is hard to be playing and running it at the same time since your character would know everything.  If the party needs more people to survive you run a NPC - non-player character.  Think of them as a hired hand.  They aren't dumb and payers shouldb't be able to make them go first through every doorway, but the players and not the NPC make the decisions.  Just remember that EVERYONE in the entire world that isn't a player character is your character.  


Posted on 2022-05-07 at 21:37:41.

RDI Fixture
Karma: 16/1
884 Posts

So I have 2 interested players so far. Grateful to you, but it's a bit small for a party. Unless I throw a few NPCs into the party?

Posted on 2022-05-08 at 07:58:48.

Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
3141 Posts

Two players

Two players is pretty small.  I might wait and see if anyone else is intersted.  This site, sadly, doesn't get a ton of traffic anymore.  

If you wanted to go for it and Tom, the other person who spoke up, was willing to gvie a small group ago itis possible. If you did that I would suggest one of two things:

1.  Sily make an adventure suitable for 2 people.  Not an easy task for a new DM but doable.

2.  Still keep it small,but maybe add at most one very basic fighter to add some bulk as an NPC that travels with us.  

And ask Tom if he has a preference.  

It isn't ideal but it would give you a chance to give it a go.  

Posted on 2022-05-09 at 21:19:32.

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 3/0
172 Posts

Preference on what? I'm into girls. Autumn. Anything pasta. Coffee with milk.

Posted on 2022-05-12 at 13:21:42.

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Karma: 3/0
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Would be interested in givin this a go but have no idea where to start or anything.

Posted on 2022-06-06 at 03:15:25.

RDI Fixture
Karma: 16/1
884 Posts

Q&A Is Now Up!

Hey, guys!

I've made an official Q&A thread for the campaign called 'Fire & Shadow Q&A'.

@Alvester: As of now, everything's still getting set up. Whatever questions you have, shoot them to me in the Q&A thread, or DM.

To everyone: If you could send me your character ideas (either in the Q&A or DM) so I can look them over, that'll be great thank you. Btw, let's start at a low-ish level. How does level 6 sound?

@Nomad: Btw, how would levelling up work in a freeform, no-rules campaign?

Posted on 2022-06-06 at 06:53:51.

Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
3141 Posts


FYI - Level 6 is not high level, but by that time characters can do some pretty significant things - like throw fireballs around.  (In limited quntities, but they can.)

Leveling up in such a campaign happens however you want it to.  In Blacktooth Ridge I have been using the "milestone" concept.  Essentially whenever it seems like the characters have finished an adventure or accomplished enough they might level up.  But it is sort of at my discretion.  Fore example, if you finish clearing out the Vargolg you will likely level up.  

It might take a few days, but I will work up something for a character.  

Posted on 2022-06-06 at 08:28:25.

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 3/0
172 Posts

Yes I'll write up a character for this too when I have the brain capacity. I just spent the evening noobing in SoT with some friends and the saltwatarr got into me brain.

Posted on 2022-06-06 at 15:51:15.

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