We're looking for an additional player to the D&D 3.5 game 'You Filthy Little Thief!!!'. You can find the thread here:
Filthy Thief.
It was supposed to be a relatively fast and short game, but it has slowed down so that it will be neither. Therefore we're looking for some fresh blood to quicken the pace again.
We're looking for:
- 1 or 2 posts a week
- 1 extra player
- a
new character, so you can decide what you want to be.
taken from the old recruitment thread:
- This first attempt at the concept will be played in Drannon, a human empire with its own turmoil.
- D&D Edition is 3.5
- You can play any standard race from the PHB
- You can play any class, but anything not from PHB has to be run by me for approval.
- Level is 4
- Stats are created by dividing 72 points over 6 abilities. Racial and level bonuses are added after division.
- Alignment is preferably Good.
- You start with the normal starting gold for 4th level characters, but you can only own 2 magical items, of which only one can be either weapon or armor.
I hope we'll get somebody who's interested. We've just finished up introductions and are ready to spring into the action!!