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Icelanders! Roll Out
Karma: 102/11
1514 Posts

S:HR - Road to Glory Q&A

This is the Q&A thread for the first story of the Holy Roads campaign for Scion. As the current plan sounds like, there will be total of 12 short stories that will make up the complete campaign, which fits Hercules's quests to Godhood. In a similar way, the player of this game are starting their quest to become Gods.

As this is the Q&A thread for this game, it is meant to supply you with information about the game and the story. If you have any question regarding this game, I would much prefer that you asked them here rather than PMing me or asking me on MSN. The other players may want to know the answer as well

Any out of character chit-chat regarding the game should also be directed to this thread. I would like to have this thread a lively one, not one where I remind you about the upcoming update and then let you know about the update. Seriously, I've had that kind of a thread and it was really boring me out.

And now for the protagonists of this epic tale:
(Player: Character - Pantheon - Current Legend Points/Willpower Points - [Health left B/L/A/D] - Current XP)

NPC(/Tesseract): Jacob Costello - Dodekatheon - 9/6 - [7/7/7/4] - 11
Gerald Tarrant: Eztli Salvatella - Atzlánti - 9/7 - [7/7/7/3] - 12
Shounin: Makaze Arashi - Amatsukami - 9/6 - [5/7/7/4] - 14
Solon Lovelock: Guy Gavriel Kay - Aesir - 9/6 - [7/7/7/4] - 7
weekend: Sebastian Cage - Loa - 9/7 - [7/7/7/4] - 13

Posted on 2008-02-19 at 00:15:04.
Edited on 2008-04-18 at 15:04:21 by Skari-dono

Icelanders! Roll Out
Karma: 102/11
1514 Posts


Character Creation rules:

Characters are created normally except for as follows.
Relics – As per the rules, dots in the Relics Birthright can increase the stats of a weapon or an armor. Official rules say that each dot increases only either Bashing or Lethal soak of the armor. In this campaign, this has been changed so that each dot provides additional soak for both Bashing and Lethal. One dot of Relic can also give an armor the Bulletproof effect or a weapon the Piercing effect.
Once your Legend increases to 6 and beyond, you can increase the dots of any Relic you possess beyond the 5 dot limit. It may never exceed your Legend though, so you will need Legend 8 to have a Relic worth 8 dots. You should note that almost no Relic exists that is worth more than 5 dots, so a Relic 8 Katana sword is indeed a force by itself to be reckoned with.
Followers – As per the rules, each dot in addition to the minimum required for the desired followers increases their starting number by five. Followers 4 worth of Berserkers (normally a 2 dot Birthright) allows you to start with 15 Berserkers. If one of your followers is killed, he is lost to you forever (unless you quest to the Underworld to get him back).
Like Relics, Followers can be increased beyond the 5 dot limit if you have the Legend to support it. At Legend 12 (full Godhood) you could have Followers (Berserkers) 12, which is somewhere around 55 Berserkers in your employ.
Valkyries can not be taken as Followers. You can have one as a Guide though, but they are too powerful to be loyal to a single Scion.
Legend – Characters can start the first Road with the Legend maximum of 3. This is because I don’t want Demigods running around too early in the campaign. Other than that, Legend functions pretty much the same way as in the books.
Pantheons – You are not limited to the Pantheons mentioned in the Scion: Hero book. Any God of any Pantheon can become your parent God. Of course, some Pantheons may be off limit. I will not allow the Lovecraftian Pantheon of Cthulu and co. nor will I allow your father to be Moradin, even if you are short and stubborn like a dwarf.
You can find several fan-made Pantheons online, but I suggest that you avoid them and make up your God yourself with my cooperation and consent.
Knacks - You can have any Knack that you can systematically have at the character creation. What I mean by systematically is that in order to have a Stamina Knack from Demigod you must have Epic Stamina (or buy it seperately), and if the Knack has another as a prerequisite you must have that Knack as well.
You are allowed (of course) to create your own Knacks, but I must accept them before you can use them. Fan-made Knacks cost as much as any other Knack.
Because some core rules have been changed, several Knacks must change as well:
Opening Gambit - This Epic Wits Knack normally allows you to automatically act first when you roll Join Battle (Hero 136). Since we no longer have Join Battle (see below), this must change. You can now (by noting so in your post) spend the point of Legend to effectively act before others have, even if they post before you do. Killing an opponent someone else is attacking will not negate his/her attack. In such a case, the actual kill will belong to the one who posted first so that all things will be kept fair.
Eternal Vigilance - Also an Epic Wits Knack, this one allows you to Join Battle during a successful surprise attack against you (while normally you would act after it) (Demigod 66-67). This is obviously difficult to do in a play-by-post game, and so it has been slightly changed. If there is a successful surprise attack against a PC who has this Knack, I will PM the player and let him know about it. The player can then send me a PM back with his counter action which I will then edit into the Update with the surprise attack. If he does not answer back the next day after the Update, the character will attack directly with the primary weapon without any sort of Stunt Bonus.
Some Knacks are simply too powerful not to be changed. They may not look like it at first, but in the long run they become way more powerful than any other Knack in the list:
Untouchable Opponent - This Knack doubles the bonus you get to your Dodge Defense Value from your Epic Dexterity (Hero 128,). At Hero level this Knack only increases it to +8 instead of the normal +4, but at maximum God level that bonus becomes +92 instead of +46 (which by itself is pretty powerful). So this has been changed slightly. Instead of doubling the Epic Dex bonus, you gain additional bonus equal to your dots of Epic Dexterity. With Epic Dexterity 3 you gain +4 bonus from the Epic Dex, and with UO activated you gain additional +3 bonus which brings you up to a total of +7 bonus instead of +8. That is not much change before advancing to Demigod, but at Legend 12 your bonus from Epic Dex and UO can never exceed 57 (46 bonus + 11 dots). This bonus counts the Ultimate Dexterity at Epic Dex 11.

Gameplay rules:

All rules function as by the books except as follows:
Ticks – There are no ticks in this play-by-post game, for the sake of simplicity. Unless stunted, you can’t attack more than twice every turn. As a houserule, and exception to this is when a weapon has a Speed rating of 3 or less. Any weapon with Speed 3 or less can be used to attack once more every turn with a full dice-pool. So your total number of attacks can’t be more than 3, and one of these attacks will have a -2 penalty or two will have a -1 penalty each.
Join Battle – Aka Initiative, this no longer exists either. You act in the order you post, or you act last if you don’t post at all. In the heat of a battle, posting becomes even more important.
Stunt Bonus – This will be based on the quality of your posts. The three dice stunt bonus will be based on my judgment only, but I will reward it when it is deserved.
Extras – There are extras in this game, mooks if you will. They are the faceless cultists, the nameless thugs, or the unfortunate bystander. Do not confuse them with the nameless giants, the faceless tengu, or your own Followers. As a rule of thumb, anything with a Legend rating is hardly ever an extra, your Followers are never extras (other's may be), and those who are fatebound are never extras. Extras are hard to recognize on sight, specially since some of them actually have names or faces or even fortunes. But extras are only part of the scenery; they are there to make you look cool and Fate makes sure that they are rarely successful against your actions.
Firearms - You may or may not have noticed that Firearms are kinda weak in the Scion system. Unlike melee weapons, you don't get to add any attribute to the base damage of the firearms which makes them considerably weaker. The only way to do any considerable damage is to have considerable amount of Dexterity and Epic Dexterity. At heroic level this is not so much of a problem, but as soon as you've reached Demigod level, and certainly God level, it is nearly impossible to deal any sort of damage to your enemies by using a gun. Therefor, the base damage of every Firearm (this does not count other ranged weapons) deals automatic damage instead of rolled damage. This also counts the standard +1 Dmg bonus to all successful attacks, but does not count the bonus dice gained from successes on accuracy. So a gun that deals +5L will deal automatic 6L damage on whatever it is fired at, but if the attacker got 2 successes above the target's DV he can roll those extra 2 dice to deal more damage. Soak still applies to this automatic damage, so even an Extra can survive an attack by a firearm. Because of this, each dot of Relic can only give you a +1 damage to firearms instead of the usual +2.
Bullets and clips don't really matter in number. It is automatically assumed that for some reason you have enough ammunition to last every story. The only time when they matter is when it is time to reload, or when it is dramatically appropriate (I may let you be out of ammunition on a Botched roll). It takes one action to reload a weapon to its maximum capacity. That means that you can't load and shoot a weapon in the same turn without a stunt.
Botch - It should be noted that even with Epic Attributes that give you automatic successes on a roll, you can still Botch. Why? The book notes that if you roll no successes, and one or more dice turn up as 1s, you Botch. Epic Attributes give you automatic successes, so it is natural to assume that you can't Botch with Attributes which you have Epics with. But that is wrong. Magical bonuses, including automatic successes from Epic Attributes or other sources, are applied after the roll and so you still can manage to Botch the roll. I just wanted you all to know that before we began.
Posting - Posting in this game is done pretty much the same way as in all games. You post a description of your action, I roll the dice and update. I will update once every week at the least, and since you don't need to write a full length post, I expect you all to post on time. If for any reason you can't post, it better be a good reason if you can't make it online the whole week for few minutes. It has already been pointed out that if you fail to post before I update, you are assumed to take the basic action in combat, or be picking your noses outside combat. I do not expect you to write a masterpiece every single week, but I do expect you to post at the very least something.

Other rules:

These are rules that don’t really belong in the other groups.
Play nice – This game is about heroism, epic tales and, lets face it, unstopable Gods. Things may be said about your characters, bad things, perhaps even by other Players, but remember that it is all in good fun. Things that take place IC should not be made personal OOC, nor should personal feuds be resolved in the game.
Ask when in trouble – When you don’t know what to do, ask me. If you are going to ask about anything regarding the system or the game, I prefer that you ask in the Q&A thread. If it is something that the other Players can’t possibly find out about, PM me or ask on MSN.
Bend/Break the Rules – None of these rules are written in stone. Any rule, either houserule or official rule, can be challanged at any time during play. Of course, I still have the last word, but even my last word can be challenged again later in the game. Someone once said that some rules could be bent, others broken, and that is exactly what Scion is about.
As such, this list of houserules may expand or change during gameplay. Challenging the rules must be done in the Q&A thread. I will not accept challenges made through PM or MSN.
Don't play dumb - Don't play your character like you're 12 years old or less. Don't rip the heads off dead people just because you can and he died one round before you managed to rip the head off while he was alive. Play maturely, not like an idiotic child. We all want to have fun, so don't ruin it for the rest of us.

Posted on 2008-02-19 at 00:15:36.
Edited on 2008-05-10 at 14:25:42 by Skari-dono

Icelanders! Roll Out
Karma: 102/11
1514 Posts

NPC (currently NPCed by Tesseract):

Jacob Costello
Jacob’s attire is normally a leather trench coat long enough to cover the katana and any other weapons he may carry from sight. He tries to dress for the fight though so has been known to change attire if he needs to change weapons or to change his hindrances. He normally wears a pair of faded blue jeans and a cotton shirt though. His attire seems to be mostly chosen for being able to conceal weapons and comfort.

Jacob is rather tall (about 6’ 5”) with wide shoulders and a muscular build he looks to be clumsy but he isn’t. He carries himself with an “I don’t care about you” attitude. He hunts Titanspawn since he fought his first one since they are a better challenge. He views killing as a needful thing he doesn’t like to kill things but will if they get in the way of a challenge or just don’t know what they are getting into and challenge him. He tries to make killing a quick thing so he can get more done in a day if he needs to.

Player: NPCed by Tesseract
Calling: Hired Killer
Nature: Bravo
Pantheon: Dodekatheon
God: Ares

Strength ****
Dexterity ***
Stamina ****

Charisma ***
Manipulation **
Appearance **

Perception ***
Intelligence ***
Wits ***

Virtues: Expression *
Intellect **
Valor **
Vengeance ****

Academics *
Animal Ken
Athletics ***
Awareness ***
*Brawl ***
-Automobiles *
Empathy **
Fortitude ***
Integrity *
Larceny ***
*Marksmanship *
Medicine **
*Melee ***
Occult ***
*Thrown *

Supernatural Powers:
Epic Attributes:
Physical: Epic Strength 2 (2 automatic successes; +1,000 lbs base lifting)
Epic Dexterity 2 (2 automatic successes; +2 DV)
Epic Stamina 2 (2 automatic successes; wound penalties lowered by 2)
Social: Epic Charisma
Epic Manipulation
Epic Appearance
Mental: Epic Perception 1 (1 automatic success)
Epic Intelligence 2 (2 automatic successes)
Epic Wits
Knacks: Crushing Grip (H Str)
Holy Bound (H Str)
Cat’s Grace (H Dex)
Trick Shot (H Dex)
Self-Healing (H Sta)
Damage Conversion (H Sta)
Subliminal Warning (H Per)
Fast learner (H Int)
Star Pupil (D Int)
Speed Reader (G Int)
Boons: Assess Health (Health*)

Birthrights: Relic **** (Ginsu Blade; 1-dot special power, +6 enhancement)
Relic ** (The Armor of Cycnus; +4 enhancement)
Relic *** (The Griffon’s Talons Bracers; Health purview, +4 modifier)

Join Battle: 6
Willpower: 6
Legend/points: 3/9 (7bp)
Soak: 6B/4L/2A
Armor: 3B/3L/4A
Total Soak: 9B/7L/6A
Health: -0/-0/-0/-0/-0/-2/Incap
Dodge DV: 7
XP current/total: 11/11

Attacks: Ginsu Blade: Acc 8, Dmg 13L, Def 6, Spd 5
Unarmed, Heavy: Acc 5, Dmg 7B, Def 4, Spd 5
Unarmed, Light: Acc 7, Dmg 4B, Def 6, Spd 4

Other: Jacob knows seven languages: English, Italian, Greek, Irish, Latin, Japanese, and Russian.
Notes: Ginsu Blade – Acc +2, Dmg +9L Def +2, Speed 5, Piercing quality.
This katana looks like almost every other katana for most part, only close inspection will show that this is not a traditional katana but something different. It isn’t normal though Ares had it made for his scion and it is red in color and seems to flow like it is constantly covered in blood. It was given to Jacob by Phobos his half-brother who was sent by Ares since Ares was a little busy with the whole titan thing at the time.

The Armor of Cycnus – Soak 3B/3L/4A
this is a bulletproof vest augmented with pieces of the weapons that Cycnus used to kill travelers to make his temples for Ares till he tried to do it to Heracles. It is permanently dyed red. This was also given to Jacob by Phobos but it was a gift from his half-brother in the hopes that it would strike fear and dread into the heart of those he faced.

The Griffon’s Talons Bracers - Health Purview, +2 Medicine, +2 Survival
These are bracers made to look like the talons of a griffon have gripped the wearer’s arms. They are a trinket that Ares had sitting around from some long forgotten hero in some long ago battle so he sent them also to his Scion.

Posted on 2008-02-19 at 00:15:54.
Edited on 2008-04-18 at 15:05:17 by Skari-dono

Icelanders! Roll Out
Karma: 102/11
1514 Posts

Gerald Tarrant's character:

Eztli Salvatella
Eztli’s attire of choice was a soft leather trench coat with a high collar, mostly dyed its dyed in black but it has some crimson areas to make the design more exotic, mainly the shoulders but it also has a flame design of pure red on the bottom that reaches up to his knees. Underneath that he wears black and to be honest, rather tight, although they get a bit wider down by the calves and ankles, jeans who also have the same flaming decoration. Aside from that he wears nothing, so that if he decides to leave his coat open, as he usually does you can see his naked perfectly sculpted and phenomenally hairless chest, covered by nothing but a small argent amulet in the shape of a Chinese dragon, its claws decorated with fine sapphires and its eye being a shiny diamond.

Eztli is rather tall, (About 192 cm) with the thin but muscular build of a martial artist or even a dancer and he carries himself with grace fitting for such a man. Personality wise he is a rather typical punk, although he is quite a bit smarter than your average punk. He is violent, unlawful, rude and takes a certain twisted pleasure from inspiring conflict just like his father and has caused quite a few of them himself, directly or indirectly.

Player: Gerald
Calling: Creator of conflict
Nature: Rogue
Pantheon: Atzlanti
Patron: Tezcatlipoca

Strength ***
Dexterity *****
Stamina ***

Charisma **
Manipulation **
Appearance ***

Perception **
Intelligence ***
Wits ****

Virtues: Conviction ****
Courage ***
Duty *
Loyalty *

Academics *
Animal Ken
*Athletics ***
Awareness ***
*Brawl ****
-Motorcycle *
*Fortitude ***
Integrity ***
Larceny ***
Medicine ***
Melee ***
*Occult *
*Stealth ***

Supernatural Powers: Epic Attributes: Physical: Epic Strength 2 (2 automatic successes; +1,000 lbs lifting)
Epic Dexterity 2 (2 automatic successes; +2 DV)
Epic Stamina 1 (1 automatic success; reduced wound penalty by 1; +1B/1L/1A soak)
Social: Epic Charisma
Epic Manipulation
Epic Appearance
Mental: Epic Perception
Epic Intelligence 2 (2 automatic successes)
Epic Wits 2 (2 automatic successes)
Knacks: Crushing Grip (H Str)
Divine Wrath (D Str)
Cat’s Grace (H Dex)
Untouchable Opponent (H Dex)
Self-Healing (H Sta)
Opening Gambit (H Wits)
Fast learner (H Int)
Star Pupil (D Int)
Monkey in the Middle (D Wits)
Boons: Eye of the Storm (Chaos 1)

Birthrights: Relic ***** (Ashen Brawlers – +6 modifier; 2x 1-dot powers)
Relic *** (The Seven Shadows - one 3-dots power)
Relic ** (Dragon Amulet – 1 purview; +2 to Stealth)

Join Battle: 9
Willpower/points: 7/7
Legend/points: 3/9
Soak: 4B/3L/1A
Armor: 2B/2L/2A
Total Soak: 6B/5L/3A
Health: -0/-0/-0/-1/-1/-3/Incap
Dodge DV: 8 (12 with armor. 14 with Armor and Untouchable opponent)
XP current/total: 12/12

Attacks: Ashen Brawlers, Heavy: Acc 8, Dmg 12L, Def 4
Ashen Brawlers, Light: Acc 10, Dmg 9L, Def 5
Unarmed, Heavy: Acc 8, Dmg 6L, Def 4
Unarmed, Light: Acc 10, Dmg 3L, Def 5

Other: Eztli knows seven languages total. Spanish is his primary language, but he also knows and speaks clearly and well English, French, Russian, Mandarin, Nahuatl (Aztec) and Japanese. His primary source of money is from the streets. When he needs it, he takes it from those who deserve the beating. To travel around, Eztli has one motorcycle.
Notes: The Ashen Brawlers look like rather ordinary gloves and boots, colored white and black. However, they make Eztli a formidable foe in a fist fight. The Brawlers give him a +6 damage bonus when in hand-to-hand fighting, both kicking and punching, but do not affect his clinches. Additionally, the Brawlers have the piercing feature as well as negating the bulletproof feature of any armor that has one.
Eztli’s armor appears to be a normal bulletproof vest underneath his jacket. However, the Seven Shadow armor can be activated with but a thought, in which case it makes Eztli appear shadowy and harder to hit. Systematically, it adds a +4 bonus to his Dodge Defense Value. It is assumed to be always on unless its power is subdued.
The Dragon Amulet is a necklace sporting a Coatl dragon. It gives Eztli access to the Chaos Purview and gives him a +2 bonus to Stealth rolls.

Posted on 2008-02-19 at 00:16:06.
Edited on 2008-04-11 at 10:54:29 by Skari-dono

Icelanders! Roll Out
Karma: 102/11
1514 Posts

Shounin's character:

Makaze Arashi
Arashi is like an incarnation of the ocean itself. When calm, he is like the still waters at sunset but when angered he wreaks havoc like a raging hurricane. His mood-swings are probably his greatest enemy and yet his greatest asset. Arashi is a free spirit and, like his father, he is always looking for the ultimate rush. He is a lover of extreme sports and martial arts and always takes on the odds. If you see a surfer heading towards the biggest wave you've ever seen or a calm-faced, rather small japanese guy about to take on a group of bikers, you're probably about to see Arashi in action. It's not about actually succeeding, it's all about the rush of the moment.

As before stated, Arashi isn't the biggest guy around. He's just below 170 cm tall and weighs around 68 kilogrammes. He tends to be dressed rather nicely, the armor given to him by his father hidden underneath. His blade is actually a huge tattoo of a dragon, starting on his chest and reaching down to cover most of his arm. When he summons the blade, the dragon exits through his palm, becoming a cloud of ink. The ink hardens to become a blade as black as night.

Player: Shounin
Calling: Daredevil
Nature: Bravo
Pantheon: Amatsukami
Patron: Susano-o

Strenght ***
Dexterity ****
Stamina ****

Charisma **
Manipulation **
Appearance ***

Perception ***
Intelligence **
Wits ****

Virtues: Duty *
Endurance ***
Intellect **
Valor ***

Animal Ken
Athletics ***
*Awareness ***
*Brawl **
Command **
*Fortitude ***
Integrity ***
Larceny ***
Medicine ***
*Melee ***
Occult **
Survival ***

Supernatural Powers: Epic Attributes: Physical: Epic Strength 2 (2 automatic successes; +1,000 lbs base lifting)
Epic Dexterity 2 (2 automatic successes; +2 DV)
Epic Stamina 2 (2 automatic successes; Wound penalties lowered by 2; +2B/2L/2A soak)
Social: Epic Charisma
Epic Manipulation
Epic Appearance
Mental: Epic Perception
Epic Intelligence
Epic Wits 2 (2 automatic successes)
Knacks: Making it Look Easy (D Str)
Uplifting Might (H Str)
Cat’s Grace (H Dex)
Untouchable Opponent (H Dex)
Damage Conversion (H Sta)
Self-Healing (H Sta)
Monkey in the Middle (D Wits)
Cobra Reflexes (D Wits)
Boons: Wind’s Freedom (Sky 2)

Birthrights: Relic ***** (Kage no Ken - Katana; 3x 1-dot unique powers, 2–dot power)
Relic * (Japanese Sparrowhawk's feather on a leather cord; Sky Purview)
Relic **** (Shippuu no Chisoku - Armor; one 3-dot power, one 1-dot power)

Join Battle: 9
Willpower/points: 6/6
Legend/points: 3/9
Soak: 6B/4L/2A
Armor: 2B/2L/2A, B.
Total Soak: 8B/6L/4A
Dodge DV: 7 (11 with armor. 13 with Armor and Untouchable Opponent)
Health Levels: -0/-0/-0/-0/-0/-2/Incap
XP current/total earned: 14/14

Attacks: Kage no Ken – Acc 8, Dmg 8L, Def 8
Unarmed, Heavy - Acc 5, Dmg 6B, Def 6
Unarmed, Light - Acc 7, Dmg 3B, Def 7

Other: Arashi can speak both Japanese and English. His mother, the ambassador, rarely speaks with him but does give him enough money to get by. Arashi has met couple of Japanese politicians through his mother, and several famous extreme-sportists through their common interest.
Notes: The blade is in reality a tattoo that changes shape into a Katana as an instant action when a point of Legend is spent. The blade can also attack up to Legendx5 yards as if attacking in melee. Once per day, Arashi can spend one legend and one willpower point to make himself into a intangible shadow for a short period, effectively allowing him to dodge any single attack regardless of size or power. The blade is also piercing and ignores the Bulletproof capability. Normal stats for the Kage no Ken is Acc +1, Dmg +5L, Def +1, Spd 5
The Shippuu no Chisoku armor is a bulletproof vest that makes the wearer move like the wind, becoming nearly intangible in the process. It has the normal stats for a bulletproof vest but adds a +4 bonus to the wearer’s Dodge Defense Value. It also enhances the power of Damage Conversion, allowing Arashi to spend 2 points of Legend to convert Aggravated damage to Lethal in the same way as DC converts Lethal to Bashing.

ST notes: The Kage no Ken's power of perfect dodging can be applied after I have updated in which case the effects of a single attack will be negated completely.

Posted on 2008-02-19 at 00:16:21.
Edited on 2008-04-18 at 11:30:45 by Skari-dono

Icelanders! Roll Out
Karma: 102/11
1514 Posts

Solon Lovelock's character:

Guy Gavriel Kay
Player: Solon Lovelock
Calling: Lost in the battlefield of opposite extremes ... I see the beauty and chaos of fate and destiny.
Nature: Visionary
Pantheon: Aesir
Patron: Thor

Strength *****
Dexterity **
Stamina ****

Charisma ***
Manipulation **
Appearance **

Perception ***
Intelligence ***
Wits ***

Virtues: Courage ***
Endurance **
Expression *
Intellect ***

Academics ***
Animal Ken
*Athletics ****
Awareness *
*Brawl ***
-Cars *
-Motorcycles *
Fortitude ***
Integrity **
Investigation *
Marksmanship ***
*Melee *****
Occult *
*Presence *
Survival **
*Thrown ****

Supernatural Powers:
Epic Attributes:
Physical: Epic Strength 2 (2 automatic successes; base lifting increased by 1,000 lbs)
Epic Dexterity 1 (1 automatic success; +1 DV)
Epic Stamina 2 (2 automatic successes; wound penalties reduced by 2; +2B/2L/2A soak)
Social: Epic Charisma
Epic Manipulation
Epic Appearance
Mental: Epic Perception 1 (1 automatic success)
Epic Intelligence 1 (1 automatic success)
Epic Wits
Knacks: Hurl to the horizon (H Str)
Crushing Grip (H Str)
Cat's grace (H Dex)
Self healing (H Sta)
Solipsistic well–being (H Sta)
Refined palate (H Per)
Know–It–All (H Int)
Boons: Eye of the Storm (Chaos 1)
Night Eyes (Darkness 1)
Fire Immunity (Fire 1)

Birthrights: Relic ** (weapon; Chaos Purview, +2 enhancement)
Relic **** (armor; Fire and Darkness Purviews, +2 enhancement, 1-dot special power)
Relic * (gloves; 1-dot special power)

Join Battle: 4
Willpower/points: 6/6
Legend/points: 3/9
Soak: 6B/4L/2A
Armor: 8B/5L/5A
Total Soak: 14B/9L/7A
Health: -0/-0/-0/-0/-0/-2/Incap
Dodge DV: 6
XP current/total: 7/7

Attacks: -Poleaxe: Acc 8, Dmg 11L, Def 5, P
-Poleaxe (thrown): Acc 7, Dmg 11L, Rng 120, P
-Unarmed, Heavy: Acc 4, Dmg 8B, Def 3
-Unarmed, Light: Acc 6, Dmg 5B, Def 4

Other: Guy knows English, French, German, Spanish, Cantonese, Mandarin, Russian and Arabian. Guy works as a history teacher; a big lug teaching history to youngsters and sharing his love for The Sound of Music. His skin is a mix with that of an African-American. Aparently, Thor has a thing for that sort of things.
Notes: [weapon] is a poleaxe of great quality. It allows Gyu to channel his Chaos Purview. The weapon has the following stats: Acc +1, Dmg +6L, Def +1, Spd 5
Guy’s gloves make it possible to lift his [weapon] at all. Without the gloves no man less of a God or a Titan can lift it.
[armor] is a great armor that allows Guy to move freely while wearing it, as well as dress anything over it. While dressed in anything over the armor, Guy appears to be wearing nothing under his clothes. It also allows him to channel his Darkness and Fire Purviews. Systematically, the armor has the same stats as Riot Gear, but it has no Mobility Penalty.

Posted on 2008-02-19 at 00:16:42.
Edited on 2008-03-21 at 13:51:22 by Skari-dono

Icelanders! Roll Out
Karma: 102/11
1514 Posts

weekend's character:

Sebastian Cage
Player: weekend
Calling: live life alive
Nature: Libertine
Pantheon: The Loa
God: Baron Samedi

Strenght ****
Dexterity ***
Stamina ****

Charisma ***
Manipulation ***
Appearance ***

Perception **
Intelligence **
Wits ***

Virtues: Harmony *
Order ***
Piety *
Vengeance ****

Animal Ken
-Music ***
Athletics ***
Awareness ***
Brawl ***
*Fortitude **
*Integrity **
Larceny ***
Marksmanship ***
*Occult **
*Presence ***
Survival ***

Supernatural Powers:
Epic Attributes:
Physical: Epic Strenght 1 (1 automatic success; +500 lbs base lift)
Epic Dexterity 2 (2 automatic successes; +2 DV)
Epic Stamina 2 (2 automatic successes; wound penalties reduced by 2)
Social: Epic Charisma
Epic Manipulation 1 (1 automatic success)
Epic Appearance
Mental: Epic Perception
Epic Intelligence
Epic Wits 1 (1 automatic success)
Knacks: Uplifting Might (H Str)
Trick Shooter (H Dex)
Untouchable Opponent (H Dex)
Solipsisting Well-Being (H Sta)
Self Healing (H Sta)
God’s Honest (H Man)
Rabbit Reflexes (H Wit)
Boons: Night Eyes (Darkness 1)
Shadow Mask (Darkness 2)

Birthrights: Relic ***** (Johnny Boy; 1-dot special power, 2-dot special power, +2 enhancement, +1 damage)
Relic *** (Flask; Darkness Purview, two 1-dot special powers)
Relic *** (Creeping Death; +2 enhancement, 1-dot special power)

Join Battle: 7
Willpower/points: 7/7
Legend/points: 3/9
Soak: 6B/4L/2A
Armor: Heavy Clothing +1B/0L
Total Soak: 7B/4L/2A
Health: -0/-0/-0/-0/-0/-2/Incap
Dodge DV: 7 (9 with Untouchable Opponent)
XP current/total: 13/13

Attacks: -Johnny Boy: Acc 8, Dmg +7L, Rng 20, Clp 8, Spd 5
-Creeping Death: Acc 7, Dmg 6L, Def 5, Spd 4
-Unarmed, Heavy: Acc 5, Dmg 7B, Def 4, Spd 5
-Unarmed, Light: Acc 7, Dmg 4B, Def 6, Spd 4

Other: Born in New Orleans, Sebastian speaks both English and Spanish. Sebastian is also a musician, which is his number one income.
Notes: Johnny Boy is a sawn-off shotgun. Unlike other shotguns, this masterpiece never needs to be reloaded. Additionally, it is amazingly accurate and damaging to the target. Johnny Boy never needs to be reloaded. It eliminates the Bulletproof quality of any armor having it and it has the following stats: Acc +2, Dmg +7L, Rng 20, Clp 8, Spd 5
Creeping Death appears only to be finely made leather gloves, but when Sebastian spends a point of Legend, three knives extend from each glove (imagine Wolverine from X-Men). As a weapon, Creeping Death has the same stats as a Hadseax except it has the piercing quality and a +2 bonus to damage. Additionally, Sebastian can use either Brawl or Melee when using this weapon.
Sebastian’s Flask allows him to channel the Darkness Purview. The flask is never empty of alchohol, and Sebastian can use it to summon his Johnny Boy from anywhere in the world as an instant action by spending a point of Legend.

Posted on 2008-02-19 at 00:16:58.
Edited on 2008-04-15 at 17:07:26 by Skari-dono

Icelanders! Roll Out
Karma: 102/11
1514 Posts

Reserved for Player


Posted on 2008-02-19 at 00:17:13.

Occasional Visitor
Karma: 5/2
44 Posts

The third relic

Arashi's third relic is a feather from a Japanese Sparrowhawk on a leather cord, giving him access to the sky Purview.

'Twould be nice if you could add it in

Posted on 2008-02-19 at 03:06:48.

Gerald Tarrant
Regular Visitor
Karma: 6/3
92 Posts


For those of you who lack the imagination and didn't see in the Recruitment thread this is what Eztli looks like..

Posted on 2008-02-21 at 19:22:02.

Icelanders! Roll Out
Karma: 102/11
1514 Posts


I would really like to start this game next weekend, and so if you haven't already sent in your characters I would really like to get them by Wednesday so that I can go over them and make corrections if they are needed.

In order for us to start this coming weekend, I need all the characters. This is not a game where I will be introducing new PCs in the middle of the 'adventure', so if you haven't sent in your character before the weekend we won't start then.

This also means that if you like to make any last minute changes to your characters, this is your last chance to do so. You will not be able to make any changes to your characters after the game has started. If there is anything you aren't sure about, like if you are not sure if a certain bonus you have applies to something that has not been mentioned before, this is the time to ask in case you'd like to change it if you don't like the answer.

Posted on 2008-02-25 at 16:51:27.
Edited on 2008-02-25 at 16:58:20 by Skari-dono

Icelanders! Roll Out
Karma: 102/11
1514 Posts


So I've got 60% of the characters pretty much ready and here on the forums. That means that 40% (or two characters) are still being worked on, but I believe they are pretty much ready as well. So, yay.

Posted on 2008-02-28 at 10:09:58.

Icelanders! Roll Out
Karma: 102/11
1514 Posts


4 out of 5 characters are as good as ready. As soon as the last character is in, we can start.

Posted on 2008-02-29 at 15:09:05.

Icelanders! Roll Out
Karma: 102/11
1514 Posts


So now we got all the characters pretty much ready. That means that as soon as all the characters have been finalized and stuff like that (note that I have no idea what I just said), we can start this little hootenanny. That being said, any last minute changes should be made now, or forever hold your peace (until this story is finished and we start the next one).

Posted on 2008-03-03 at 23:50:26.

Occasional Visitor
Karma: 5/2
44 Posts

A new title!

I declare you, Skari-dono of Cookieville, a noodle. You are allowed to use your new title in conjunction with your name. Henceforth, you shall be known as Noodle Skari-dono of Cookieville.

But on a side note:
Yay, can't wait! Hooo!

Posted on 2008-03-04 at 13:54:36.

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