Wrote the first half as a joke in chat. Tell me what you think
Writer's Blood
Writer's blood is within my veins,
but is tainted by Pepsi and thoughtlessness...
and tv...
Oh, how fate has manifested as a nail
of pointlessness upon my brain,
and a spear through my heart
which pumps Pepsi into my veins.
Oh, if only Grugg and Sept would manifest
in my writing so that it won't be crapish,
but filled with their awesomeness and coolness (respectively).
Hark, my writing sucketh,
and my mind hath turned to mush.
Thou foul beast that calls yeeself critic,
you suck.
Let me be recognized,
as a writer's soul with writer's blood,
tainted though it may be (by Pepsi),
and let not Olan smite me
for not mentioning him in this poem earlier.