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Dragon Mistress
Not Brianna
Karma: 68/55
1764 Posts

Round One Culminations & Round 2 Prep

As other move into position, Xuor gets off a first shot the arrow flies straight and true striking a Drow(4)in the head.

Arrrrhhhh," he cries, as he staggers, but he does not drop the girl or fall himself (Xuor, if you have a second shot-Please post what you are doing. Also read back in the recent posts to see how I want the action posts done.)


Round 2 Xuor and Brianna have actions, The attention of some of the Drow are now on Brianna as a seen attacker, a couple of other are allerted to that fact that there is an enemy bowman nearby.

Posted on 2007-01-04 at 19:58:02.

Karma: 8/9
379 Posts

Kill them all!!!

When the target did not drop the female Xour shifted his location slightly in order to use whatever cover and concealment was available Satisfaction came from actually hitting the desired target, although Xour thought the female was probably also a drow and therefore would be of little loss. They would now be aware that there was someone with a bow around. It was after all a bit hard to miss an arrow stuck in a comrade’s head. With Brianna charging into battle Xour decided that he would next plant his two arrows into another foe. He would move again after firing. Scanning quickly for any possible spellcasters on the enemy side. (He was sure that spellcasters would not be drawing a weapon at this point). If noted those would be his main targets, otherwise any opponent near Brianna that was the clearest target would feel his sting.

Posted on 2007-01-05 at 07:33:54.
Edited on 2007-01-05 at 08:09:50 by greenleaf

Not Dragon Mistress
Karma: 105/32
2282 Posts

Into the Fray

Brianna has her intended targets in sight. One now had been clearly shot in the head by an arrow the other unwounded. Good shot she thinks as she plans her attack. Her first strike would be at the unwounded drow dragging the girl off and then her second strike with her off handed weapon would be the one that was wounded. Brianna strikes at their arms planning to cripple them and their ability to hold the girl. Lighning is in her right hand; Thunder in is her left.

Posted on 2007-01-05 at 14:28:33.

Dragon Mistress
Not Brianna
Karma: 68/55
1764 Posts

Round 2 Culmination / Round 3 Prep.

Crossbow bolt suddenly strikes the Drow female wielding the knife, in the upper left shoulder. She bites off a cry and continues to attack.

A number of other Drow are unable to attack at this time as they are moving into position.

Xuor: uses his last action to move to another position, this one only gives him sight on the Drow he has already hit. (Xuor (Longbow, composite +3, #1) hits (8+19) AC 27 for 6 HP of damage in the Upper arm Elf, Drow 4 has received 6 hp of P, magic, damage.) This Drow drops the Drow girl’s arm and starts to move to cover. Before he can get to behind a tree Xuor’s second shot (Xuor (Longbow, composite +3, #2) hits (12+14) AC 26 for 6 HP of damage, Elf, Drow 4 has received 6 hp of P, magic, damage in the head) strikes him and he falls limply7 to the forest floor.

Lorae, Who had circled round the fighting, dismounts MoonDancer and moves to a position where she can use her bow.

Brianna Stormrider having rushed forward catches a number of the Drow by surprise. She reaches the Drow holding the Girl she concentrates on the unwounded one.
(Brianna Stormrider (Longsword +3 (Keen, Shocking burst), #1) hits (4+23) AC 27 for 14 HP of damage. Elf, Drow 5 has received 14 hp of S, magic, damage.) The Drow male staggers back, releasing the girl and uses he long sword to parry, but a might sweep on Brianna’s second sword powere through his parry. (Brianna Stormrider (Longsword +3 (Defending, Keen, Thundering), #1) hits (4+19) AC 23 for 14 HP of damage Elf, Drow 5 has received 14 hp of S, magic, damage.) Before he can move his sword Brianna comes back with a second swing of her primary sword. (Brianna Stormrider (Longsword +3 (Keen, Shocking burst), #3) hits (3+13) AC 16 for 17 HP of damage. Elf, Drow 5 has received 17 hp of S, magic, in the chest.) Mortally wounded the Drow goes down

Logan finally reaches the battle arena in time to see a Drow felled by arrows and another slashed by Brianna.

There is a sudden scream as Flame darts in from of a crossbowman about ready to shoot, a gout of fire hits him in the face and jerking he fires into the air. (Flame (Breath, #1) hits (17+16) AC 33 for 9 HP of damage Elf, Drow 8 has received 9 hp of Fire damage in the Face)

A number of other Drow race forward to try and retake the girl, but they slow as the Drow dagger weilder reaches the girl and takes up a defensive stance, when Brianna charges in and carves up one of their comrades, and a hidden bowman peppers another of their band with arrows.

All Drow and PCs are in place for actions this round. Roscoe will arrive in round four.

Posted on 2007-01-09 at 00:46:08.
Edited on 2007-01-09 at 00:50:28 by Dragon Mistress

Karma: 8/9
379 Posts

One more time

Xour decides to strike at the foe one more time from this position before moving. He scans quickly looking for enemy spell casters, any foe with a range weapon, or simply any foe. That was his normal method of selecting targets.

Posted on 2007-01-09 at 10:42:08.

Regular Visitor
Karma: 3/3
99 Posts

Singing Swords

Once in positition and sure noone has noticed his approach, Logan readies his primary attack. The Sword he carries in his right hand is held spine against the arm. When he comes out from behind the Drow and makes his neck level swing at one of them, the speed at which the tip of the sword slices thru the air makes it sound almost like an arrow. Using his forearm to not only help guide his attack but also to add power to it as he has all his weight behind this. He knows if he misses, it will leave himself open, but if he hits, and hits where he is aiming, the neck, the Drows' head will fall to the ground.

His second attack is dictated by the first. If the attack goes as he hopes, he will atack the next nearest Drow with a slashing attack of the sword in his left hand. If the attack hits but not where he hopes, then he'll atack a second time(the same Drow) with the sword in his left hand. If he misses, he'll use it to parry as best he can any coutner attack.

Posted on 2007-01-09 at 12:58:58.

Not Dragon Mistress
Karma: 105/32
2282 Posts

Forward into the Fray

Brianna keeps the girl and her knife wielding protectress at her back while she clears out the nearest foes to her Again she uses her twins swords with a right left right attack this time. The extra length of her personal longswords give her an advantage with her tall stature and long arms.

Her targets are torso and head now--trying for more debilitating blows with the idea of putting them down fast and moving on. She exerts her power and if she is lucky enough to put one down in one blow she will continue to cleave into the next. With the dappled light that speckles the forest floor reflecting off her blades it makes them flash radomly with an eye-dizzing pattern of light and dark.

(Use Power attack, two weapons fightinig, improved two-weapon fighting, and two weapon defense.)

Posted on 2007-01-10 at 03:54:50.
Edited on 2007-01-11 at 17:03:28 by Brianna

Regular Visitor
Karma: 2/0
69 Posts

Into Position

Lorae jumps from Dancer and moved toward the fighting,the green wand in her hand transforms into an elegantly recurved Elven bow with a shimmering green string. She opens herself to detect Evil.

Before reaching the area of fighting she feels a strong Evil off the her right. Slowly she began to change directions cautiously advance on the Evil.

Posted on 2007-01-11 at 16:58:42.

Dragon Mistress
Not Brianna
Karma: 68/55
1764 Posts

Round 3 Culmination and Round 4 Prep

A Drow comes out from behind a tree and throws a short spear at Brianna, is goes whizzing by and then back again as it returns to its thrower, who ducks back behind the tree

The next missle attack is a crossbow bolt that strikes Brianna in the thigh
Elf, Drow 7 (Crossbow, repeating heavy, #1) hits (19+14) AC 33 for 6 HP of damage in the left thigh

Xuor takes his next shot on a new Drow (Longbow, composite +3, #1) hits (19+19) AC 38 for 9 HP of damage in the Manly Parts (69) And he doubles over in great pain screaming and falling to his knees
Elf, Drow 2 has received 9 hp of P, magic, damage.

Lorae dismounts and moves into bow range

As Brianna is the only visible opponent she draws all the fire and attacks. Two more Drow appear and move in on Brianna, hoping to retake the girl. Elf, Drow 3: Load: Medium
Elf, Drow 3 (Longsword +1, #1) hits (12+9) AC 21 for 5 HP of damage and misses
Elf, Drow 4 (Scimitar (Flaming burst, Keen, Mithral), #1) hits (19+15) AC 24 for 12 HP (7 S, Mithral + 5 fire) of damage on Brianna and misses.
Elf, Drow 6 (Shortbow, mighty (+2 Str) composite, #1) hits (19+15) AC 34 for 4 HP of damage Brianna in the right thigh.

Brianna ignores the hits and continues her attacks (Longsword +3 (Keen, Shocking burst), #1) hits (19+23) AC 42 for 38 HP of damage (14 S x 2=28, magic + 10 shock) of damage in the left side ribs.
----> Critical threat to AC 23 , total damage 16 HP
Right behind Lightning come thunder and Brianna swings her off handed longsword. Brianna Stormrider (Longsword +3 (Defending, Keen, Thundering), #1) hits (16+19) AC 35 for 12 HP of damage
Elf, Drow 4 has received 12 hp of S, magic, damage.
This is immediately followed by Lightning cleaving into the hapless Drow staggering under the damage alresdy done by Brianna.
Brianna Stormrider (Longsword +3 (Keen, Shocking burst), #2) hits (16+18 ) AC 34 for 12 HP of damage
Elf, Drow 4 has received 12 hp of S, magic, shock damage.
Elf, Drow 4 has died.

Logan finds a Drow just about ready to move from cover and attack Brianna. The Drow is so intent on the battle that he does not heard Logan advance on him
Logan (Sword, bastard +2, #1) hits (11+16) AC 27 for 7 HP of damage
Elf, Drow 6 has received 7 hp of S, damage.
Logan (Sword, short, #1) hits (4+12) AC 16 for 10 HP of damage
Elf, Drow 6 is not hit (AC 18 ).

Flame swoops in for another attack this time it is physical.
Flame: . Last Attacked: Elf, Drow 8
Flame (Bite) hits (17+9) AC 26 for 2 HP of damage
Elf, Drow 8 has received 2 hp of damage.
Flame (claws, #1) hits (2+4) AC 6 for 2 HP of damage
Elf, Drow 8 is not hit (AC 18 ).
Flame (claws, #1) hits (18+4) AC 22 for 1 HP of damage
Elf, Drow 8 has received 1 hp of damage.

Roscoe Strakeln continues to move sneakily into the area. He will come upon a Drow with a crossbow hiding behind a tree
The Drow attacked by Flame swings his crossbow like a club and knocks Flame a good 20 feet.

Posted on 2007-01-13 at 21:06:42.
Edited on 2007-01-13 at 21:44:06 by Dragon Mistress

Karma: 8/9
379 Posts

Move and fire

Xour having fired again. Decides to find another spot to fire on the foe. Hopefully, the condusion of battle will cause the enemy to think that there are more on the opposing side than really existed. A new spot with cover and concealment would be used for an carefully aimed arrow. He moved and then picked a target.

Posted on 2007-01-14 at 01:06:13.

Not Dragon Mistress
Karma: 105/32
2282 Posts

Ground Zero

Brianna moves around where the girl is, basically staying to protect the her and her knife wielding protectress from any attackers. However Brianna is too experience a warrior to stay in exactly one spot. She so she around so that she does not offer herself as a standing target for tose same attackers.

Brianna keeps her twin swords weaving to heep the Drow away. Her attacks are again left, right, left at any Drow who closes into her range of her reach

Posted on 2007-01-15 at 00:06:56.
Edited on 2007-01-17 at 01:40:28 by Brianna

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Karma: 3/3
99 Posts

Pressing the attack

Having hit twice but only once connecting for damage. He continues his attack at the drow he had just suprised. Again attacking with his Bastard sword.

Posted on 2007-01-16 at 16:04:29.

Regular Visitor
Karma: 2/0
69 Posts


Lorae continues to move toward the Evil that draws her.

Posted on 2007-01-18 at 03:59:38.

Dragon Mistress
Not Brianna
Karma: 68/55
1764 Posts

Culmination of Round 4 and Prep For Round 5

An crossbowbolt hits Brianna in the ankle for 2 points

Xuor continues to shoot at the Drow with a crossbow. (Longbow, composite +3, #1) hits (18+19) AC 37 for 5 HP of damage Elf, Drow 2 has received 5 hp of P, magic, damage on the ankle which staggers him. Xuor’s second shot at the same Drow (Longbow, composite +3, #2) hits (15+14) AC 29 for 5 HP of damage. Elf, Drow 2 has received 5 hp of P, magic, damage in the thigh and that sends the man reeling as he staggers for cover.

Lorae, sees the source of the Evil, a tall, powerful Drow male who has raised a wicked looking hand crossbow and has it aimed at Brianna. Her first shot hits the Drow in the lower abdomen causing him to flinch and lose his aim. (Shortbow, mighty (+2 Str) composite +2 (Holy, Distance), #1) hits (13+1 AC 31 for 18 HP (9 P, magic + 9 Holy) of damage. Lorae’s second shot (Shortbow, mighty (+2 Str) composite +2 (Holy, Distance), #2) hits (13+13) AC 26 for 18 HP (9 P, magic + 9 Holy) of damage in the lower left leg.

The Drow with the flaming longsword sweeps again at Brianna but he misses terribly with a overhand swing and buries his sword in the ground

The Drow facing Logan swings with incredible speed, his first strike hitting Logan in the lower left leg Elf, Drow 9 (Longsword +3 (Mighty cleaving, Speed), #1) hits (12+20) AC 32 for 6 HP of damage. The Drow immediately reverses his stroke and comes back with a second attack. Elf, Drow 9 (Longsword +3 (Mighty cleaving, Speed), #2) hits (19+15) AC 34 for ----> Critical threat to AC 30 , total damage 18 HP
The Drow’s next 2 attacks miss.

Two bolts go whiszzing by Brianna, standing guard over the 2 Drow females.

Brianna Stormrider puts the finishing blow on the Drow that had been one of those dragging the girl off. Brianna Stormrider (Longsword +3 (Keen, Shocking burst), #1) hits (19+23) AC 42 for 14 HP (12 S, magic + 2 shock) of damage ----> Critical threat to AC 32 , total damage 27 HP (S, magic)
Elf, Drow 4 has received 27 hp of S, magic, shock damage (critical hit) in the back side ribs crunching through bone and vitals. Brianna Stormrider (Longsword +3 (Defending, Keen, Thundering), #2) hits (15+14) AC 29 for 18 HP (12 S, magic + 6) of damage Elf, Drow 4 has received 18 hp of S, magic, damage and drops limply to the forest floor.

Brianna Stormrider using Cleave changes her last attack to the other Drow who had been dragging the girl. (Longsword +3 (Keen, Shocking burst), #3) hits (11+13) AC 24 for 19 HP (16 S, magic + 3 shock) of damage Elf, Drow 5 has received 19 hp of S, magic, shock damage. As Brianna gives him a nose job, driving her blade into her face.

The Drow with the Hand Crossbow turns on his attacker and gets off shots 2 and 3 Elf, Drow 1 (Crossbow, hand +3(Speed, Unholy), #1) hits (10+23) AC 33 for 2 HP of damage hit Lorae in the front ribs side, but his second shot goes wide as the living leaf armor flares bright green as the bolt draws blood.

Logan swings his bastard sword on the Drow he was engaged with the great blade arcs across the plane of the face cutting into the nose of the Drow and into the bones of the face, doubling the base damage. Logan (Sword, bastard +2, #1) hits (5+16) AC 21 for 13 HP of damage. X2 Base Sword Dmg) Elf, Drow 6 has received 18 hp of S, damage. Logan then swings with his short sword cutting across the Drow’s lower abdomen. (Sword, short, #2) hits (15+7) AC 22 for 7 HP of damage, Elf, Drow 6 has received 7 hp of P, damage.

Flame, angered by being clubbed by the crossbow, hovers out of reach of the Drow Flame (Breath, #2) hits (13+16) AC 29 for 8 HP of damage. Elf, Drow 8 has received 8 hp of Fire damage in the back of the head. His hair catches fire and he screams as it burns quickly. He drops his crossbow and tries to beat out the flames.

Posted on 2007-01-20 at 20:21:07.
Edited on 2007-01-20 at 21:13:22 by Dragon Mistress

Karma: 8/9
379 Posts


Calling to Draug to come into a guard position, Xour decides to relocate to a better position and scan for possible spellcasters or anyone with range weapons on the other side after his move. Time to check around his area to ensure that he is not being hunted,

Posted on 2007-01-21 at 06:32:07.
Edited on 2007-01-21 at 07:19:38 by greenleaf


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