Here's some interesting details.
Grugg and the mutant were in melee. This means a few things - you take a -20 to shoot into a melee (though I didn't penalize Tazi and Dag because they couldn't see Arcturious) and if you miss by 20 or fewer, you hit your friend.
Tazi actually hit, but because of range penalties (she was shooting at about 25-30 meters and her pistol only goes a max of 20) she narrowly missed. Kaelyn got a half-range bonus, because he was shooting well within half of his max range.
Ghustal full ran, clearing 18 meters, more than enough to line up a charge next round. Too bad it didn't last that long.
Mkoll made his perception check to see the uniform, and grossly missed his shot. Probably a good thing in this case though. Though the rule in Warhammer is usually shoot first and ask questions later, this was a curveball.
Arcturious rolled maximum damage on his attack - when that happens you get "Emperor's righteous fury" and may make a second attack. He made this second attack and thus could add another damage roll on top of his original. This is huge because your armor and toughness bonus "soak" damage from each bullet. So if you are hit by four bullets, and have 3 armor and 30-something toughness, you soak 6 damage from each shot. The crit lets you tack on extra damage to a single hit, and thus going through armor. His total damage was 19 - almost enough to kill it outright.
When you reach 0 wounds you go into critical damage. Each time you take a hit in critical damage, I roll on the critical chart and something happens, from stunning to fatigue to losing limbs to outright death. Penalties get the worse the more into critical damage you go. Daggerfall's shot did moderate damage, but after the earlier hit it drove him into critical. But I won't tell you what he rolled