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Icelanders! Roll Out
Karma: 102/11
1514 Posts


Yes, the shield's back up. If it changes, I'll include it in the Initiative order. If you prefer, I can include Kate's SR at all times, even when fully charged.

Posted on 2009-03-30 at 19:25:14.

Icelanders! Roll Out
Karma: 102/11
1514 Posts


After downloading a very good mapping tool (don't worry, it's free!), learning how to use it and then doing some fun doodling, I can now present to you a partial map of the hangar. I did do a map of the whole hangar, but it was too big to fit completely on the screen so I couldn't take a screen shot of the whole thing. Or, at leas, I couldn't if I wanted you to be able to reasonably see what's on the map.

Anyway, here's the link:
You are on the left side of the map and it only shows what you see. The bad guys are on the right side. The blastdoor that needs opening is at the bottom of the map. Awvoors ship is at the top. I'm afraid I couldn't find a picture I liked for the ship, which is why I had to use a token instead. Arruna's speeder is represented by that red thingy. Again, I couldn't find a decent picture of a Y-shaped speeder so this will have to do for now.
Boxes and barrels provide partial cover, ships provide total cover.

Apparently, the blastdoor is only 70 ft. away and not 100. Who would have thunk it? I'll update the map at appropriate times

Posted on 2009-03-31 at 11:19:22.
Edited on 2009-03-31 at 12:58:27 by Skari-dono

RDI Fixture
Karma: 122/12
2025 Posts

Very nice!

Thanks, Skari!

Posted on 2009-03-31 at 15:52:58.

Icelanders! Roll Out
Karma: 102/11
1514 Posts

No prob

And to think I only did it to be sure if the blastdoor was 100 ft. away or not

I highly recommend the program, as it has many useful and easy-to-use features. Two that I will be using frequently, I guess, are the fog of war and the dinstance measuring thingy.

You can find this at as well as other tools they have. I also recommend you watch the tutorials.

Posted on 2009-03-31 at 17:00:16.

TRSG 2.0
Karma: 113/94
1606 Posts


very nice, and thanks

And also, what ships are in the hanger, if Arruna'dira can get out of this with her very own ship then she will. (But she would probably still stick with the others out of nothing better to do or curiosity)

Posted on 2009-03-31 at 17:09:58.
Edited on 2009-03-31 at 17:12:05 by Loki

Icelanders! Roll Out
Karma: 102/11
1514 Posts


Except for Awvoor's ship, there are no ships in the hangar that you do not see on the map I posted. Those would be private shuttles (I would have to look them up for name and stats) and a starfighter.

Under the circumstances, I would say that you could not steal one of those ships. First you would need to get into the shuttles. I'm not really sure how this would work. If they are locked as I assume they are, you would need a key (either card or code) or somehow hack yourself in. That takes time. You would then need to somehow start the engine. I don't think that would be so hard since it looks in the movies like you only need to flip some switches and push some buttons.

Seeing as this is currently a warzone (and to make sure that the group sticks together for the rest of the story) I would not recommend that you'd try to steal another ship until the area has been cleared and made safe (by which time I assume the rest of the group has left).
Additionally, unless you are truly selfish or stupid, I doubt you would intentionally steal a ship that might be used for others to get away. Even less likely if they appear in the hangar while you are trying to get in.

I'm not saying that you can't try because I'm a mean bastard of a GM, but it does annoy me to great extent when a player actively tries to seperate himself from the group. So I advice against it.

Posted on 2009-03-31 at 17:56:26.

Icelanders! Roll Out
Karma: 102/11
1514 Posts

Oooh, before I forget...

If you don't like your tokens, you can send me a picture/photo that you prefer and I can replace them. I only used these as a quick fix to represent you on the map.

Obviously, I won't be able to fit a big picture on a token without it all looking small and crappy, so keep in mind that I only need a face.

P.S.: Don't forget that tomorrow is update-day.

Posted on 2009-03-31 at 23:40:40.
Edited on 2009-03-31 at 23:42:06 by Skari-dono

RDI Fixture
Karma: 122/12
2025 Posts

Haha... I'm crazy!

Just so it doesn't seem like I'm too crazy, I'm hoping maybe, all y'all PCs will still be shooting a bit or something at them Droids and Mandalorians, hopefullly drawing their fire away from me.

Fighting the Sith alone will be trouble enough for Benjamin. Fighting the Sith along with his 4 goons will likely spell death for little Ben.

Oh... and a question for the DM: A Togorian is Large sized, yes? Meaning the freakin' Cat has a 10' reach too right? (Ben's so dead)

Posted on 2009-04-01 at 15:05:35.

I'm doing SCIENCE!
RDI Staff
Karma: 164/50
1836 Posts


Here's hoping this ship of mine has some good weapon systems on it

(I realize I should have specified that more now... lol)

Self-sacrifice is a tenant of the Order or something, right?

Posted on 2009-04-01 at 15:11:27.
Edited on 2009-04-01 at 15:11:45 by Admiral

Icelanders! Roll Out
Karma: 102/11
1514 Posts


Yes, a Togorian is Large with 10 ft. reach. That would be a problem if he remains out of your reach, but won't be such a problem once you're in 5 ft. range.

The update will be up a little later. Doing some homework for a change.

Posted on 2009-04-01 at 15:17:43.
Edited on 2009-04-01 at 15:28:44 by Skari-dono

RDI Fixture
Karma: 122/12
2025 Posts


Just wanted to say it again: I REALLY appreciated the hanger map. That was very helpful!

Posted on 2009-04-01 at 15:25:40.

Icelanders! Roll Out
Karma: 102/11
1514 Posts

It's not perfect though...

There is one more thing that I forgot to mention until now. Because I forgot how wide I said the hangar was, the map shows it as only 100 ft. Instead of fixing it as I should, I'm going to take the lazy rout out of this and say the hangar is only 100 ft. accross and not 120 ft. The enemy is also a little bit inside, which means they are only about 70 ft. away.

I know, it makes the whole scene a tad bit smaller, doesn't it?

I will be making more maps for use in encounters as well as when you ask for one nicely. I enjoyed making this one.

Posted on 2009-04-01 at 15:29:21.
Edited on 2009-04-01 at 15:30:34 by Skari-dono

TRSG 2.0
Karma: 113/94
1606 Posts


Wel you can be sure I'll be drawing a lot of fire, a twi'lek with a big gun, who won't be able to not look at that

Posted on 2009-04-01 at 16:05:47.

Icelanders! Roll Out
Karma: 102/11
1514 Posts


The update's in for round 1.

Reralae: I noticed you just before I posted the update so I gave you few more minutes before posting it. Unfortunately though, you can't draw, move and shoot in the same round unless you have the Quick Draw feat. I didn't see it on your charactersheet so I just had you stand and shoot. At the moment you have a good cover though because a big cat-creature-thingy is standing in their way

Try to make yourself be better and avoid the power of the sickness

You all get activity XP. I'll be happy to answer any questions you might have.

Posted on 2009-04-01 at 16:56:44.

TRSG 2.0
Karma: 113/94
1606 Posts


where's the last mandal/droid? I don't see him on the map

Posted on 2009-04-03 at 12:48:10.


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