I feel ya, Almerin. I'll admit that this game has felt a bit "draggy" at times. More so, as of late... I think ending it was a fine move. While we didn't get to do the climactic finish... the truth is, for me, the climax was when we figured out the old Lizard-man was the Wizard and when the Sea Druid revealed what was really up in the underwater city. Defeating the god would have been just icing on the cake.
Anyway...is it possible, Almerin, for you to write a wrap-up post for the game to tie up the loose ends? I'm not looking to add on a lot of work for you, but if you could, that would be cool!
Brianna and Dragon Mistress, thanks for seeing the game this far. Good times!
EDIT: Almerin, I've said this to you in private, but let me say it publicly too... thanks for another great game! (For real!) I always love your games for their puzzles and open-ended-ness. Very challenging and rewarding! Also, you come up with cool monsters and villians and NPCs. Thanks!