Alacrity The Tired RDI Staff Karma: 291/33 6348 Posts
Sorry dudes
I don't include Finland, Holland, Utah, Maryland and Texas on my list of wish to visit because I fully intending on getting there some day.
The others are merely dreams that may never happen.
Sheesh. The guilt involved.
Posted on 2006-11-26 at 20:17:27.
Raven Resident Finn RDI Staff Karma: 77/3 1131 Posts
I had to mention it, Al. Just had to.
Posted on 2006-11-27 at 02:05:12.
Avrielle RDI Fixture Karma: 21/16 877 Posts
Wow, good choices of switches.
Posted on 2006-11-27 at 04:51:07.
Lyskhala Kohai Karma: 80/28 3600 Posts
Interesting answers all
I've actually thought about trading spots with someone before but had trouble coming up with an answer.
This may sound very egotistical but truly it's not meant that way, I can't think of anyone I'd trade places with...
at least not permanently. I'll hafta think on this for a spell. Good question Av.
Posted on 2006-11-27 at 06:44:14.
ThePope Veteran Visitor Karma: 6/1 138 Posts
the great switcheroo
If we were talking about switching I'd like to switch with smithy the smithy's apprentince. Mainly because I'd like to learn how to work metals to make sword replicas.
I'm suprised nobody mentioned Gouda cheese. It's Gouda!!!
Or a US marine armorer stationed at Quantico my stepdad was stationed there in the navy.
Posted on 2006-11-27 at 08:24:07.
Edited on 2006-11-27 at 08:25:13 by ThePope
Avrielle RDI Fixture Karma: 21/16 877 Posts
What do you like to do in your spare time?
Posted on 2006-11-27 at 18:07:41.
Rystefn K'ryll Original Palassassin Karma: 66/191 544 Posts
I have spare time again now that RenFest is over (last weekend was a holiday and doesn't count as free time)...
Well, I guess for a while, my free time will be dedicated to neglected upkeep on my weapons (I'm a bit of a weapons collector). Also, I run Shadowrun weekly, I'm starting an AD&D game soon, and I'm running IronMan D&D at OwlCon (come down and play, the more, the merrier), so I need to get that playtested.
Upon further reflection, I don't have any spare time. LoL
Posted on 2006-11-27 at 19:37:06.
Lyskhala Kohai Karma: 80/28 3600 Posts
trading places
I guess I'd have to say one of the first astronauts to step onto the surface of the moon.
As for what I do in my spare time...
posting at the Inn and lazing and grazing in front of my 65 inch tv How DID I ever see anything on that 21 inch screen??
Posted on 2006-11-28 at 06:39:09.
Drasia Regular Visitor Karma: 7/1 63 Posts
Fourwheeling! YEE HA for the snow and mud season!!!!! Let's see if I can make it without breaking an axle this year!!!
Posted on 2006-11-28 at 14:52:27.
Lyskhala Kohai Karma: 80/28 3600 Posts
Thanks for posting on my thread. You have acquired an applaud.
Posted on 2006-11-28 at 14:54:50.
Drasia Regular Visitor Karma: 7/1 63 Posts
I'm honoured Lady Lyskhala.. *Smiles all polite and pretty....... runs off to pop a cork on some celebration champagne!* I got an applaud.. nanner nanner naaaner
Posted on 2006-11-28 at 14:58:53.
Drasia Regular Visitor Karma: 7/1 63 Posts
*Gasp... sniffle... pout* BAH! Fine then you horrible smiteness! I'll sing a song of Ireland whose days are lost to meeee When praise and joy were bountiful and no where Smite could be!!! Ha ha! *Makes sure the cork pops him on the toe* So there!
Great to see ye again Death Master Sir Lordy! *Smiles* Keep up on the poetry... And I've always wanted to know, what does one with your eccentric title do in his spare time????
Posted on 2006-11-28 at 15:43:51.
Avrielle RDI Fixture Karma: 21/16 877 Posts
I am giving random smites today and even newbies are possible targets. However, I must say, Welcome D- and nice avatar.
Posted on 2006-11-28 at 16:27:31.
Drasia Regular Visitor Karma: 7/1 63 Posts
Back! *Swats at the red sniper's dot* Back you devil! Back I say!! How dare you smudge my wonderfulness! I'll hang ye by yer ears ye onesy!
Thanks for the welcome and the sane for your avatar Avrielle.. I think it's beautiful! And I'll get ye back for that smite one day when ye least expect it! Mwahaha! *Sets her sights and steadies a shot*
Posted on 2006-11-28 at 16:50:56.
Grugg Gregg RDI Staff Karma: 357/190 6192 Posts
Random Smites...
Did I possibly recieve a random smite? I've gone up 3 smites in 1 day.
Posted on 2006-11-28 at 19:21:08.