Wait what was that about short skirts and me? I do not wear short skirts! *looks shifty* Oh you said I'd like to see Meri in a short skirt.
Somebodies starting misinformed rumors I think. Actually I just like seeing Meri. Seeing Meri=Fun posting. I don't care what she's wearing I'm too busy staring at her lips.
I just noticed the awesomeness of the eyes on this smiley
I bet if they were like as big as my screen I could watch them and hypnotize myself.
You know Eol seasoning sounds really good. Especially with bacon and fajitas. *Takes a snip out of Eol's hair* In fact it sounds so good I'm going to make Eol Fajitas.
Pancakes are my favorite breakfast. So I empathize with you Meri. I wish I had pancakes. Blueberry pancakes with blackberry syrup and Eol seasoned bacon. Mmmm now I'm hungry.
I think I have now beaten Meri with the longest post and to verify this I will now proceed with explaining how much I pwn.
I just Pwn!
Everybody tap dance with me! *Taps on the bar* I think Eol seasoning is slightly alcoholic. *hic*
Yay for Alcoholic